*goes over clean*

*goes over clean*

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*squashes your bingo hall board*

*drinks bleach mojitos an disappears*

>worked Yea Forums
>worked the mods into a DING-DONG DIDDLY shoot
>worked the original aspies threads
>went over the skate, airsoft, sumo and hema generals CLEAN
>raped /woo/ in the based spring of '19
who can ding-dong diddly stop us?

Anyone without autism

jajajaja they can drink a bleach mojito that wil do theem in

that finish isn't gonna work for me brother. i'm need ya to donate to my patreon : [email protected]


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Unironically seething

Gets BTFO by /x/
Gets BTFO by Yea Forums
Gets BTFO by /pol/

/pol/ettey jobbed to every board on this site before jobbin' to grannies and high school kids from r/thedonald

/x/ got its receipt
/pol/ goes over everyone
Yea Forums ..... I have no recollection of this at all.

Gets carried by /pol/
Lowest rated board on 4channel
Never draws
No one but 200 autists no this board even exists

Compared to /wooo/ which gets all the traffic on their site.


It was after the /x/ raid, Yea Forums tried and failed to do a run in on Yea Forums. then Yea Forums came here and blew the board up.

I forgot /ck/ also btfo of this board. why does Yea Forums always lose?

JJ Williams went over Yea Forums clean.

we are /int/'s /int/'s /int/

we’re a solid upper midcard board now

also /woo/ can’t draw flies to shit they’re begging for gibs now

Yea Forums went over /biz/ not long ago

>Compared to /wooo/ which gets all the traffic on their site.
/wooo/ is literally beggin' for dimes cos their contract is about to expire and it ain't gettin' renewed heh

So little people left on this board

if you guys were wwe superstars, you would be hornswoggle and /wooo/ would be kane

>/woo/ would be kane
more like perry saturn cus y’all about to be homeless

I vaguely remember the /ck/ one.
What did Yea Forums even do? Just post shitty music?



Ya damn right we went over

I dont remember, just came to Yea Forums and shitposted everywhere after Yea Forums started it lmao

we lost to /qa/ once too. i think that was the first run in

/x/ didn't do anything but reply with porn threads. It was actually hard to tell if it was /x/ or the usual Yea Forums posting. Don't recall Yea Forums or /pol/. Plus it's hard to call /pol/ raids as raids, just about everyone is from there in one way or another. Yea Forums has gone over each time.


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We had 5-7 threads on Yea Forums about the honky tonk man. It was pretty embarrassing desu.

>Takes pride in deafeating a comedy jobber

puttin over the bigger draws because we aren't marks, mark

Was it worth it? Now they all are here.

Don't forget
/k/ no sold us
/biz/ Jannies BTFO us

>everything I don’t like is /pol/

Have sex


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/k/ also utterly squashed us

>the biggest draw on the site jobs out everytime amirite guize???
Hate them all you want but /pol/ goes over everyone. They just went over the entire mainstream media making them think the OK sign is a Nazi salute.


/pol/ is just a much smaller /r/donald, they have zero impact on the real world

>knowing the size of a reddit board
Go back.