Stop supporting meme wrestlers

Stop supporting meme wrestlers.

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and HH every day brother

>Paper white

Make me

Is that shopped?

Is he on roids now?

*buries euronymous*

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still trying to act tough after killing his gay lover all those years ago

if you listen to black metal or make it youre a closeted homosexual


Shoo blackies this is a DeathChad board


Nah faggot he avenged his lover Dead when he stabbed that vanilla midget euronymous to death (in self-defense).

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Stop posting meme youtubers

How can you avenge someone who killed themself?????

>believing he killed himself
yes it was just a (((coincidence))) that Euronymous found him first

holy kek

Support buff wrestlers and only buff wrestlers.

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dennis hopper's corpse looking thick, solid, tight

>sells RPG games
>roleplays as a viking
>writes the most inaccurate books about paganism