ITT : Matches that never happened for some reason

ITT : Matches that never happened for some reason

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why the FUCK would that match ever happen?

They could have recreated Jim Duggan vs Goldberg in 2000 for this desu, would have made a good episode of RAM

I feel like I’ve seen them in the ring at the same time before. Might’ve been a drag partners though.

Hogan vs Rikishi vs Kane in a Hell in a Cell match

Batista v Goldberg
Hulk Hogan v Dusty Rhodes
Shawn Michaels v The Rock

>drag partners
Way to go phoneposter.

Hogan vs Rikishi & Hogan vs Kane never happened in general

I swear these happened in 2001/02

Fucking underage faggot, Rhyno used to be cool. He was also on the same roster as Lesnar at the time. Makes no sense they never fought.

Hogan vs Dusty never happened?

Hogan and Kane tag teamed but thats about it.

Rhyno is just memorable lower carder.
he was always a jabroni

Rosters never exceeded 35+ people, right? It just doesnt make sense not to diversify your matchcards every week having everyone fight eachother at least once. They were on the same roster for 2 years god damn

>Batista v Goldberg
Didn't they feud over the heavyweight title in 2003?

maybe next year with the puppet as the special guest referee

Attached: WM35 Main Event.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

>tfw Otis and Rhyno have nearly identical builds
>both 5'10
>295 vs 310
>as wide as they are tall

Attached: basedotis.jpg (1080x1192, 124K)

Did Batista v Lesnar ever happen ?

They've had a tag match against Cena and Benoit at some point. I think there were more guys on Lesnar and Rhyno's team, not sure though.

It happened in OVW

So not really then

Release Tucker
Keep Slater as a single guy
Put Otis and Rhyno together with a "master/student" relationship
Give them the strap brother