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Kirt and his slut wife are done aren’t they?

>works /wew/ into a crippling bankruptcy

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>wanting the echo chamber to explode

Let the SJW crowd have their safe space. Keep them and the squared circle crowd contained.

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nice try, celt.


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The ones that’d bother coming here are already here anyway, might as well kill there shitty site for the lulz

jesus christ when was this taken

Reminder that /woo/ is gay as fuck

Attached: FB5808C6-93AB-4058-8430-91327769368C.jpg (750x397, 46K)

lol imagine being gay and open about it. Gay as fuck man

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absolutely based user

Ya seethe bitch?

I hate blatant newfag redditors like you, at least all the other ones here try to hide it.

we hater u too drink a bleach mojito

>bleach mojito

based thread

>we hater u too drink a bleach mojito

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well it’s not like you can afford to pay any more rent anyways lmao

You stole my OC and made it shitty, go back to /wew/. I support it for it for a reason, to keep you trannies and faggots contained.

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Fucking degenerates

Really ? someone liked / kept that RIP picture ? I made it while wasted . Out of all the shit I posted that one keeps coming up . Thanks BASED user ding-dong diddly . keep posting it . Makes me ding-dong diddly proud Yea Forumsburger.

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>people giving money to le maruijana board
God druggies are so fucking pathetic
Actually ding-dong diddly get a life you wewtist fags instead of doing le drugs and watching shitty wrestling.
Unironically crinfe and sad. Your wedding is supposed to be special if you can't not smoke weed on that day you seriously have an addiction problem.
>jenkems board
Some wewtists unironically sniff old shit to get high

Attached: Kai.png (600x722, 338K)

will send money if Kirtard renames it /Benoit/

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say the wewtard who comes on Yea Forums and bitches about Yea Forums, faggot

Based Oddball

/woo/ is so obsessed with Yea Forums that they talk about us all day in their gay little chatroom and lock threads because of us

I also saved it but im gonna delete it now after seeing how much of a backpatting fraggle you are

>Lowers the thread count on the front page to "encourage people to check the other pages"
>Doesn't just add a catalog or infiniscroll
>Replaces the standard clicking the reply button to enter the thread with a "view thread" button
>Acts like a victim because he "has to" plaster ads all over the page whilst also begging people to disable adblock
If he's trying to save the website he's got a funny way of doing it.

I guess kirt and his merry band of idiots (this is a worksafe board! on the drug website with people posting chynas clitdick and divas with dildos shopped on them) are finally dying out. cannot wait for the turds like rmd to resurface.

not to mention their little obsession with kross his tube that barely anybody knows of.

/wooo/ is literally the saddest bunch of people gathered into one space, and this is coming from Yea Forums on Yea Forums.

Fuck off ding-dong diddly nigger jew
That one was horrible .
Of all the crap I shit post that pic was liked ?
You M'lady are a fucking negro .

Attached: 1488'92.png (472x641, 237K)

Their patreon has gone nowhere all day

not him but now I'm definitely deleting it now ya simp

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>triggered by pol
lol is this InCelt or Cuck Higgy?

What's happening?

I unironically smoke too and even I cringed hard at this

Speak english lil guy.

Lmao imagine dedicating your life to an image board when you could of been doing something worth your time then crying about it when it inevitably blows up in ya face


ya fume?

ya dilating?

The only thing dilating are my pupils reading your cringeola posts simp.

>admitting you're seething

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Friendly reminder you fags are all worked up over Kirt because he actually has sex and Spardot is actually decent looking. Jealousy is hilarious here.

when will i find my wife?

spardot and kirt are both sitting on their asses right now playing world of warcraft, instead of trying to bail themselves out of the shitter

This nigga sad he don't have a qt to play vidya with.

That's a yikes from me lads.

I'm pretty sure if Yea Forums pooled their neetbucks together on my behalf they could get me laid too

Actually why the fuck aren't you ding-dong diddly faggots doing this what ding-dong diddly good are you

>spardot is actually decent looking
gain taste

Spardot is a 6/10 in looks, and a -3/10 in personality. Kirt is a fucking idiot for wifing that.

Ya both lifelong virgins who will never know the touch of a woman

I've had more sex with Sparto then Kirt has had, inCelt.

And you're the idiot defending a moron on the internet.

Ya lyin
Ya fumin

Sure thing m8. Probably best not to tell that poor simp Kirt his wife had been around the block long before she met him. You can see she misses it too """joking""" about her Tinder account.

>Spardot is actually decent looking
Alright then Kirt show us your wife's most flattering photo and we'll be the judge of that.

Go clean ya jizz rags before ya slut mother finds it ya filthy virgins

I wank in the toilet ya simp it's cleaner than way.

Kirt is getting blowjobs from this and finishing on het face while you seething virgins sit here crying into your jizz rags, ya lyin if you say u aint envious and yoy will NEVER have ya dick in a woman.

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>seething so hard he makes the same reply twice
lol Kirt isn't the only one getting blowjobs from his wife.

>wanting to live with a crack whore
based and redpilled

> whiteknighting for fucking kirt and spardot

Ya never even touched a titty LMAO

Like I already said Kirt I've had my cock up between your wifes bitty little titties.

poster here hope you know i was being ironic ya ding ding doodly simpola

Based user making sure Kirt knows he was being insulted.

Neither has Kirt judging by Spadot.

Have ya just plain given up on sex ya seething virgins?

no, giving up on sex would be allowing yourself to be chastity locked by a cancer stricken aryan

Imagine being this seething. Kirt I fucked your wife lmao.

Ya stink, work on that ya might get a kiss from ya mom VIRGIN

lmfao this nigger fuming.

ya seethe whitoid?

yin and yang


Aquire soap

acquire a dictionary


Na Kirt Spardot loves it dirty but I doubt you'd know.

oh no no NO NO NO



Bunch of unemployed virgins4life think they're funny lmao, seek jobs.

Jesus Christ ref stop the fight

if this broad were a shoe, she'd be a Hush Puppy
looks like a homely dud

Bix, why are you posting on Yea Forums of all places? Shouldn't you be reseething for your next article on Russo? You could at least ask the staff from Deadspin if they could lend some hosting to stoner chan, then maybe Spardot and/or Kirtaner would give you a friendly handjob.

Attached: bixeneww.jpg (720x960, 64K)

Also Kevin Nash was raped in the summer of 92 by a black man.

Attached: summerof92.jpg (1280x2560, 733K)

At least he had sex unlike you virgins, i can smell ya from here

>Mentally incapable of coming up with any kind of comeback that isn't "you're a virgin"
Hi Spardot. Jumping ship early I see.

You guys have reported their gay little patreon, right? Make sure those crack addicts never get a cent lmao


You realise Patreon won't act on your reports, right? You likely haven't followed the appropriate channels to make a copyright infringement claim, and even if you had, you'd have to provide real, explicit evidence linking /wooo/ to taima, and then taima to copyright infringement, again giving meaningful, specific details of what copyright has been infringed, how and what evidence you have of such. I doubt you've done anything like this, so the people who see your report won't care. They'll realise you're not WWE or USA Network, or a lawyer, and they won't care.

>being this afraid
People have been linking real evidence every time chud, it is not that hard to connect /woo/ and taima when it is literally all the same fucking people no matter how hard Kirt wants to play it off

You can realistically take them down for promotion of illegal internet streaming or their promotion of the use of drugs lol

Nah, thats the blisspedos over at their general you're smelling.

also people have been reporting them to WWE Corporate and HBO, so...

Wooo now like shooooo

Wooo more like booo


And what's happened? Page looks up to me, bud. No one cares.

lol fucking fatality kirt even stopped posting

I literally did do this, with accompanying screenshots of all the evidence you and your idiotic mods posted all over the site and on taima before realising your hubris.

I sent the same evidence to WWE, ROH, NJPW and Patreon. I then replied to the confirmation email and CC'd in everybody. So, yeah. Good luck.

Probably cus more people will need to report it in order to make some noise for them to notice

>he’s whiteknighting a pedophile and a drug addict whore because he won’t be able to watch his backyard feds anymore

I'm trying to figure what good will do on eliminating /wooo/. I mean what's the benefit of ruining a worthless site?

It’ll be funny. Why not?

wewtist detected now git before I whoop ya

To watch wewtists cry

At the end of the day it's smashing and taking over a base for those fans who are now destroying this sport.

Kirt deserves this

We have enough weebs stinking out the place already. Do we really want dude weed incels aswell?

The ones who’d bother to come here are already lurking joshi threads/meltzer threads/outlel shit.

Go to support.patreon.com/hc/en-us and go to "Send us a note" near the bottom. Fill out the form, link them to the 420chan Patreon patreon.com/420chan/overview and then inform them of taima.tv, and tell them of all the content taima hosts, such as pirated streams from major content creators like WWE, UFC, Viacom, and Comcast. Make sure to let them know that 420chan owns and operates taima.tv and that money from Patreon is being used to fund these illegal activities.

Patreon doesn't fuck around when it comes to this stuff, because they could be held liable.

Reminder that Kirtaner is a piece of shit pedophile and he ruined /wooo/ years ago by being a SJW cuck who appointed nazi mods and slowly driving users away from the site. Now it's time to make sure he can't weasel out of this.

I saved it too but now it's fickonf cringe

You know what would be cool? If all of /wooo/ comes here and just take over this board.

You guys will just get drowned out by Yea Forumsie autism lol

>all five posters show up
>one resides entirely in a joshi thread
>the other leaves after the phrases E-Chad and bingo hall give him PTSD
>celt leaves immediately in tears because he saw the word nigger
>kirt is worked into a seething shoot daily by the phrase DUDE WEED until he eventually has a brain aneurysm
>spardot becomes curious from the bbc memes and gets knocked up by jamal

the 10 dude weed incels that still browse it? who gives a ding-dong diddly shit

Wew looks dead to me. Pretty sure most people left due to the heavy-handed modding and either came here or SC. People just use taima for the streams.

Spardolt's already taking it on the side.