Last thread 404'd. Let's keep the heat on these insufferable cunts.

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Other urls found in this thread:

yuki.la/search.html?boards=asp&startdate=2008-02-02&enddate=2019-04-08&sort=descending&postext=based retard#page=1

jsut give up you pathetic piles of shit stop tryin to ruin their lives. ruin your own lives fuck fagging cozytube sucking assholes


that takes me back ahh

The Patreon:

How to report it:

Proof Kirtaner is a pedophile:
(ctrl+f Kirtaner)

Attached: 21234-ripper2.jpg (320x240, 80K)

Cry more faggot

Attached: 1546215852500.jpg (960x540, 106K)

threads like these truly show who's a visitor and needs to fuck back to where ever they came


If this thread goes down and I'm banned, plz continue to fight to bring 420chan down. This our big chance to take down /wooo/ forever.


Attached: boomer.jpg (633x640, 51K)

all those qt scene girls, i loved chatting with women the same age as me but also very cute.

Didn't know it was a competition?


Go to support.patreon.com/hc/en-us and go to "Send us a note" near the bottom. Fill out the form, link them to the 420chan Patreon patreon.com/420chan/overview and then inform them of taima.tv, and tell them of all the content taima hosts, such as pirated streams from major content creators like WWE, UFC, Viacom, and Comcast. Make sure to let them know that 420chan owns and operates taima.tv and that money from Patreon is being used to fund these illegal activities.

Patreon doesn't fuck around when it comes to this stuff, because they could be held liable.

Attached: how to report wooo patreon.jpg (967x266, 43K)

Imagine the smellola.

>the entire point of Yea Forums is to work people
>this retard keeps giving us exactly what we want
based generous retard

cytube isnt a host brainlet!

>not mention of cytube
go back dipshit

Attached: 1516356285383.png (537x817, 130K)

taima is a cytube clone dipshit

But Kirtaner is making money from Taima.tv with this Patreon. We are taking down the Patreon not Cytube dipshit. God just for your fucking retardation I am reporting Cytube to the WWE corporate website

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BASED ill report cytube to Big Dick Meltz

you really have no clue what you're talking about but go on with your retardation!

Someone want to fill me in?

to the person getting wew’s patreon reported, you should make these threads daily

a bunch of sperging autists try their best to ruin a mans life and his wrestling image board for no other reason but for drama.

The whole reason we are reporting his Patreon is because he is asking for money to do illegal streams. If you are too buttfucking retarded to understand why that will get his Patreon banned you must be some 3rd world nigger shitskin

Attached: wolfcuck nigger retarded.png (671x497, 276K)

Cytube itself is an open source code to design your own website for sharing videos, like the actual cytube itself. Taima.TV uses an old code from Cytube from 2012 or so that doesn't have all the features of cytube and is incredibly slow. He also adds his own code into the old code, to allow himself to mine people, and redirect people to 420chan so he can mine them so more while begging to donate to patron.

It's like saying the browser Brave did something awful and since it uses chromium you are going to blame Google, when it's not Google at all, Chromium is just an open source program anyone can use to develop a web browser. So who would you blame? You blame Brave, or in this case, you blame 420chan/Kirtaner.

>no reason but for drama
I'm just having fun, Maggle

>The whole reason we are reporting his Patreon is because he is asking for money to do illegal streams
why the fuck do you carte and also who the fuck is "we" ya ding-dong diddly simp?

We is the multiple people are Yea Forums reporting his Patreon you fucking wewtist retard

I'm personally trying to ruin his life because he is a pedophile

But he doesn't do illegal streams they are embedding streams that are hosted off site.
The patreon is for 420chan not taimatv as far as i can tell.


Attached: kirtaner BTFO.jpg (1504x1156, 92K)

>But he doesn't do illegal streams they are embedding streams that are hosted off site
That loophole has never worked for any site

>I'm personally trying to ruin his life because he is a pedophile
no you're not. you're doing it because you have nothing better to do on a saturday night

Bruh Kirt literally used to illegally stream himself all the time and now his moderation staff does it.

the streams they use literally have the "TAIMA.TV" logo in the corner of the streams.

try again fag

I'm an Aussie and it's 16:40 on Sunday so you are just exposing yourself as having nothing better to do than cry about a pedo getting dealt with. Why don't you have anything better to do on Saturday night poor little incel?

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anyone can add a watermark lmao

Think about how pathetic a person has to be to give a flying fuck about something so ridiculous. You're one of these faggots that cries about women in video games and movies as if they're something important. Get a fucking life.

and because it's taima.tv which is ran by Kirt he is gonna get buttfucked for it lmao

bruh this amerifat nigger literally admitting he browses Yea Forums all night on saturdays

As much as I'd like 420chan to die, their mods will pony up the money to keep it running for a while longer at least.

This has happened before several times, and each time their most dog loyal of IRC ops have raided their accounts to keep the site online while Kirtaner and Spardot shave money off the donations to pay for weed and fucking Nintendo games.

this is some advanced seething right here

This time Kirt is saying he needs it to pay his rent because his job isn't paying him and I guess his crackwhore wife can't get a job either. The Patreon literally says he needs $1500 a month bare minimum for rent and server costs

Attached: spardot smoking away wewtists donations.jpg (2048x1536, 373K)

>the state of seething wewtists

Attached: wewtist pissed on.jpg (620x801, 148K)

>proof Kirtaner is a pedophile
>literally nothing

If i thought this was going to be successful I'd say so but I really think you've got no ground to stand on and are wasting your own time. If he streamed shows at one time means he can never have a patreon for other projects? The patreon hes created is for 420 Chan, 420 Chan doesn't stream anything.

>literally nothing
lol he got banned from fucking Something Awful for it which takes a god damn lot.

Stay mad faggot. Your safe space will be gone forever soon

The main taima.tv tube is called /wooo/tube. Kirt literally hosts taima.tv with the money he is asking for. Also it took literally 3 minutes to make the report you having been whiteknighting in this thread 10 times a long so don't talk about wasting time lol

Spardot is literally unemployable. I was a faggy /wooo/ tripcode user about 10 years ago and even then she sat in IRC 16 hours a day ruling over her subjects.

She's done nothing but leech for over a decade, an absolutely useless woman.

it advertises drugs and sexual content which is against Patron rules.

ahahaha ya ok there lil' guy? ya seethe?

Based anons knowing the Patreon guidelines

I can get why some of you are eager to see that place burn, but don't you think they're just gonna come here and shit the place up if that happens?

So people that donate are LITERALLY paying for Spardot to be a NEET and smoke weed? This is hilarious lads

/wooo/ is so fucking dead that if every last one of them came here it would barely be a drop in the bucket and most would leave because it isn't politically correct here

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poltards have already ruined this place so STFU

they can go to 8ch wooo

I'm not white knighting anything just talking about the subject of the thread.
What kind of illegal drugs are advertised on that site? I think cbd and hemp products are legal in that country

Pls come shitpost with us Yea Forums Chads in Yea Forums

There are porn boards too. Patreon is not going to let someone profit off a porn site.

You can always to back to wew if this place is so ruined....oh wait not for long lol

>p-please stop!
Lmao Kirt! No! Nice try though.

Yeah all 12 of them


I can see many things that 420chan and kirt are at fault for.


>As a creator, you may not post content that infringes on others' intellectual property rights and you must own the content published on Patreon.

That includes LINKING illegal streams on your website to your ILLEGAL streaming website.

Doesn't matter if the streams aren't hosted on 420chan or not.

The fact of the matter is, they provide ways to get illegal content which is against the guidelines of Patreon

>support taima and 420chan

Attached: taima patreon.jpg (1474x1027, 135K)

Someone should bleed you out slowly


Attached: '92'd and revenge feels.jpg (1819x880, 175K)

>seething this hard
Wasn't gonna bother with reporting the Patreon but I can't resist after faggots like you try to act like internet though guys

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wait, if he was broke and had just got married, wouldn't the sensible thing be to NOT go on the honeymoon and postpone it until you could afford to go again?

if he postponed spardots trip to the crackden she would leave him

99% of this is happening because spardot is a psychopath

They're degenerate stoners who smoked away what little braincells they had to begin with. Common sense, planning and critical thinking are out of the question.

because he's beta and lets spardot control every aspect of his life

bump for awareness of this post

>thinks honeymoons aren't payed for mostly in advance
this is why nobody here will ever have sex

>projecting incel dipshit didn't read what Kirt literally said about being broke

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why do wooofags think Yea Forums has anything to do with cozytube?

The reason it got to be such a cringe shithole was the moderators silencing anyone not being PC or pro-tranny. The mods aren't on their side here and they'll either assimilate or get triggered and stop coming here.

someone post celt's twitter username.

You added another report kek


what ya gonna do?

wooofags think a lot of things that are wrong.

Just catching up on all this drama... as far as I can tell, what you guys are really pissed about is that people are using free streams instead of paying for the product like a good little little e-drone (you). It has nothing to do with that other site.

Everyone laughs at you chumps for giving Vince over 2 grand a year (cable + internet + network) and all you do is bitch about the product. Every ppv, I remind you of this and send you into a straight seethe (that comment always mines me about a half dozen yous, so I know it makes ya boil).

Congrats. You just made me side with the other team. 20 bucks to their patreon is totally worth all the years of laughter at your expense and sense of superiority over you free streams have given me. Ooooh what a rush!!!

Attached: E-Drones Give Vince All The 'DIMES' He Needs.png (500x375, 274K)

How come you trolls never screencap your donations? You might actually make someone mad but since you don't you are just letting everyone know you are a LARPing poorfag

>Patreon didn't go up

Kek, what a bitch. This isn't an WWE v. Outlaw thing, cuck. I get you're desperate for donations because 75% of crowdfunding donations come from the first 48 hours but this is pathetic. Outlawfags aren't going to donate because of this post.

Imagine being a faggot and actually trying to hurt a person/site that streams free wrestling. I don't understand what the point of this thread is

Nigga I often wonder if you're shoot autistic or just a great troll. At least you stopped posting retarded kids.

>giving money to a Patreon that is going to be banned
Let's see it go up $20 bro. Your tiny limpdick donation isn't even gonna get him close to what he needs but we all know you ain't giving shit lol

Attached: kirt poorfaggot.jpg (502x1198, 55K)

Kirt is a literal pedophile and his mods are cancer. If you can't find other free streams you are a massive retard

>Free wrestling
It's not free. Piracy is not a victimless crime.

>tfw asptards ain't gonna do shit

all they do is run their mouths like some pussies, just ignore them, they'll simply give up like always

Attached: nobody'safraidofyou.jpg (1200x1073, 201K)

have a read of it is what. and bookmark it to read his pending meltdown.

So you're same fagging your gay thread because they banned you from their site? Neck yourself

Unironically BASED

>STILL at $542

lol LARPING samefaggot utterly BTFO...we are literally reporting it and getting it banned while all you can pretend to do is give $20 and not do it

Attached: state of your life.jpg (192x222, 14K)

You're really dumb.

>because I'm banned
lol faggot are big of a dipshit are you to not be able to avoid an IP ban

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Lol burger btfo

hey bro it's still at $542 you can stop samefagging

thanks for convincing me to report

Based fucking Yea Forums
Paedos will burn
Day of the rope for wew and kirtanal

still at $542 can you not afford $20 poorfag?

Yea Forums going for the pin on these jabronies

>that comment always mines me about a half dozen yous, so I know it makes ya boill

Sure enough, you sent this thread into a seething rage kek.
I'd say you're on to something, change ur name to "You-God"

Attached: 1130-u-god-wu-tang-tmz-4.jpg (718x559, 28K)

All it did was expose you as being too poor to give $20 though bruh and half the (you)s are you samefagging you dipshit wigger

Attached: laughing whore.gif (422x240, 718K)

>the entire point of Yea Forums is to work people
>is literally EPIC TROLL LOL XD-ing while being an unironical fan of fake fighting mandrama

gonna be a yikes, a cringe, and an oof from me all at once desu senpai

going over clean in a squash brother

based retard thinking he is superior while seething at an hours old post and using the exact same lingo fans of fake fighting mandrama have forced into his tiny little peabrain like we're his literal daddy

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>dipshit wigger

Attached: kubica.jpg (1069x1201, 92K)

i just got here mate and im not staying long but you've obviously been refreshing it desperately for hours lmfao

i got better shit to do fag sorry about your life

Based reddit spacing retard doesn't knows what timestamps are and thinks you have to in the thread when a post was made to know how old it is

Attached: shit for brains.png (900x729, 129K)

lmao maybe thats how 420chan works. i know they dont even have a catalog haha

>only 1/3 of the way there and wew has so few users almost all of them have seen it and donated
kek why are wewtists so poor?

fuck off /woo/tists

Based retard thinking he knows things but being incorrect like a typical mong

It's actually some life lessons. Nobody is going to give a shit about this in 2 years, and if you're not embarrassed at being such a tiny dicked crybaby faggot BY TOMORROW then you need to go outside. I'd tell you to grow a chin, but you don't need a fucking 3rd one do you user?

go back lads

I don't even know what woo is. All I do know is this is 1999 level of feud faggotry and if you're older than 14 you should kill yourself. If this other board dies tomorrow nobody will care, your life will still be shit, and well...that's it.

played like a damn fiddle. now go back.

Nobody is going to give a 2 shit two weeks because /wooo/ won't exist you seething autist

Based retard getting BTFO then backtracking like a motherfucking pussy

Attached: ya mad.gif (400x368, 3.14M)

I've never been there, and never heard of it. I'm just reminding a bunch of unfuckable hate nerds how sad they are that they give a fuck about this kind of shit. Imagine thinking a fucking image board is a "safe space." Yea Forums is literally famous for being the biggest cesspool on the internet filled with the dumbest, poorest, most bitter whiny faggots who ever lived.

LOL. This is your safe-space. Think about that.

>two reddit spacing seethe posts replying to old as fuck posts
dude who hurt you and what went wrong with your life to make you this mad on the internet

>116 replies, most of them starting ‘based retard’

Please can you go fuck off back to wherever you came from

state of this slapdick following my booking plans to a t

Are you literally going to go through this thread and seethe at every single post?

Attached: 1464850605978.jpg (375x375, 40K)

State of this based retard still using faggy mandrama lingo while claiming to hate it

based retard is an Yea Forums meme ya seething slapdick

state of this clueless dicksplash getting worked by his own storyline

This wewtist mad af lol
DOTR is coming

Attached: 1477090363584.gif (200x100, 1.7M)

>le epic raid
What year did I wake up in?

Based retard still using the faggiest mandrama terms his incel brain can think of

state of this mustard cutter doing the job to his own lingo

Why is 'based retard' all wewtists know how to say?

I don't go on /wew/ because I'm not a queer, but to my understanding based on this thread their admins are fags and have presented an opportunity to ruin themselves. Is this correct Yea Forums?

Their shills are here begging us for money while insulting us lmao

Based retard turning into such as seething faggot he has to samefag and expose himself as never going on Yea Forums

yuki.la/search.html?boards=asp&startdate=2008-02-02&enddate=2019-04-08&sort=descending&postext=based retard#page=1

Attached: insane.jpg (368x385, 28K)

I have no idea what this is about or why I should care

The owner is a shoot pedo

state of this geek trying to kayfabe himself out of a burial

So basically like most Yea Forums and Yea Forums posters

State of this based actually admitting he's a retard

Except he's famous on the internet for it but way to expose yourself as being a pedo

state of this ham and egger botching his own burial

>based retard can't read between the lines
based retard confirmed for ESL from 3rd world shithole

Seething pedo

Dude I don't think most people on Yea Forums are pedos. You do and you post on Yea Forums so that's why you exposed yourself as a pedo you creepy faggot

Nothing can compete with Yea Forums.


Ya boilin'?

come to the 420chan iirc lets chat bud

>going to an irc ran by a literal pedophile
lol the state of how many watchlists you are on

/woooo/ used to be fun back in the day. You would only get wrestling threads on Yea Forums when it was on TV so lots of people browsed /woooo/. How come people don't like it anymore?

>Yea Forums

On Yea Forums I mean

They learnt who really draws the house and came to be with all the Yea Forumschads.


The President of the United States is too. It's all the rage.

Attached: OH NONONONONONOO.png (1350x1013, 1.99M)

rent free

Attached: tranny seethe.jpg (960x961, 165K)

Art even Mozart would be proud of

I hope you hid behind 7 proxies when you posted that because I would not want to piss Kirt off if he really stops giving a fuck.

>Everyone laughs at you chumps for giving Vince over 2 grand a year (cable + internet + network)

Attached: pqafkb6d9ba01[1].jpg (645x729, 57K)

Whats he gonna do, rape user's kids?

Yeah everybody is so scared of the impotent, 18K in debt retard begging mandrama fans for pitybux. That faggot is on so many watchlists for his drug website and cp history he couldn't risk doing shit anyway

>it's STILL at $542

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