Lmao r*ddit on meltdown over Grahams advice for Kofi to hop on the gas

Lmao r*ddit on meltdown over Grahams advice for Kofi to hop on the gas.

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What's new ya fkn simp?! Why dont you crawl up out of your basement, wash your underarms, shave your filthy neckbeard and take a walk outside in the sunlight. You think this is any kind of way to live? Sitting smashing your chubby cheeto stained fingers in to your epic RazR clicky keyboard, starting threads about your cucking fantasies, joshis feet and hurrr reddit fags huhhhhrrr at least im not them.

You're a god damned Kevin Nash is what you are. A big man with little man syndrome, mad at the world, the African American phallus fucking you in the ass summer of 92 style, a metaphor for your perceived sense that the world is somehow keeping you down and it's the coloured man's fault that you're a virgin incel basement dwelling memester.

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wouldn't help kofi much with his concave chest, he'd look ridiculous. he simply shouldn't be in the main event scene xavier and big e are both better suited for it

Honestly though "JUST TAKE STERIODS BRO" was the worst thing he could've advised in this day and age. Also it probably would've made his chest deformity more prominent since I'm sure he wouldn't pack muscle there the same way a regular person would

Kofi really just needs to wear a shirt. Fuck his ND gimmick is that hes a merch factory, why the fuck DOESNT he wear shirts every match whether his chest was fucked or not.

Grams advise is absolutly retarded

I'm on mobile fuckhead

>concave chest
He'd just look like a black Steiner

Never drew a dime. Prove me wrong Yea Forums

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He literally has a fucking noodle arms homie. Even if he wore a shirt his arms doesn't look big. Steroids can be done responsible and they help you recover quicker etc.

Here is Hardcore Holly on very moderate doses of steroids according to his book.

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What is it about the type of people on reddit that makes them so prone to being melodramatic and freaking out about every little thing? Who really cares about any of this shit, it's just funny. I don't get the hysterics.

>Imagine getting so worked up over what an old coot said.
Go back?

The irony of this is that the only ones being hysterical are on Yea Forums. Everyday about every little thing there will be a thread about it complaining, and no one talks about Reddit more than fucking Yea Forums.

>literal who that was never anything other than a territories worker taking shots at the man holding the main title during the most financially successfully company period in wrestling history

And that financial succes wouldnt be possible without that sweet Saudi money. Doesnt reflect to their tv program quality at all.

They're closeted gays, or had no strong masculine role model in their lives, so they talk like the gays. Notice, the next post is "the irony of this is." This is a very passive aggressive way of saying "no u," as he projects his own cattiness.

I'm not worked up at all but saying "you just gotta use steroids boy" is absolutely dumb especially now when WWE is trying to get away from that shit to begin with.

fuck reddit and all the hugbox faggots that browse it

We draw more dimes than Yea Forums ever will


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But he's right. Just look at Kofi a decade ago in pic related the only other time they tried making him a main eventer and he looked acceptable for the underdog spot.

Now it's 2019 and he's built like a former athlete who got hooked on crack/meth and is a malnourished shell of his former self.

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Yeah but when your friends with guys who don't bother with the looks aspect of the business like Punk & KO and you see them make it further than you... why continue trying?

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>Honestly though "JUST TAKE STERIODS BRO" was the worst thing he could've advised in this day and age
how do you figure? i don't understand where you're coming from. most men have a deficiency in testosterone after a certain age. you can get test prescribed and have your blood work and levels monitored by doctors. steroids are relatively safe when compared to most other drugs, even some over the counter stuff.

He looks like Cody lmaooooooooo

Yeah if Steiner had noodle arms smaller than the smarks in the crowd.

Stealth tourist 92'd by user's verbal judo.

How do you go from this...

...to this?

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This is your WWE World Heavyweight Champion. He looks like a fucking Cruiserweight.