We need to talk about AEW

Hey look, a tranny is one thing, but this gay dude is a little bit too much for me. I mean, damn, look at this video here: youtube.com/watch?v=nE83nukQeIo

He literally has booty shorts. You can literally see his fucking bubble butt. I'm not with that shit. It's fucking Hard Gay except it's unironic. Anyone else starting to seriously get turned off of AEW due to this shit? I'm a /pol/ack so maybe it's because my tolerance of this shit has gotten much lower but goddamn I can't really take this level of gayness in my wrestling.

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American wrestling is for sjws now.

This is the gayest thing I've ever seen. This immediately makes me hate AEW.

AEW has been a virtue signaling pile of shit since their press conference with the fag and tranny.

who is we

I was slightly interested in AEW until this and the tranny. I wanted good American wrestling again, which barely exists other than CZW. Guess I'll have to stick to that and Japan

I’m not watching that link are you kidding me

ZSJ and Finn Balor are about as gay as I can reasonably tolerate wrestlers to be

This is disappointing. I was open minded towards AEW but it's clear this is going to flop now.

State of your fragile masculinity

based. goldust of our era.

This faggot killed Lucha Underground

AEW all the way baby

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>good American wrestling
Oh, no. It's retarded

>8.7k subscribers on their main YouTube channel
Is this supposed to be a serious wrestling company? Even backyard feds have a bigger following.

Wow this thread is full of triggered people whose heterosexuality is hanging on by a thread. I can't imagine what you'd be saying if Goldust debuted today

You're slow, this shit has been mocked nonstop since the press conference and rightfully so

Not surprising. Spics really hate fags.

Goldust was a heel and we all know they won’t boo this guy the way they booed Goldust.

CZW is horribly irrelevant and they had the worst show over Mania weekend. They're a shell of their former selves and have all but been taken over by GCW.

At least when Goldust was wrestling, he was wrestling in a full body suit. This dude on the otherhand is wrestling with his big ass twerking everywhere in some short short shorts. It's legit at the point where you could probably see the sides of his asshole if you cared to look hard enough.

Imagine being gay and this is what you have to see.

Whatever happened to the Rock Hudsons of the world?

Just don't watch the nigger. Giving it attention just raises its profile.

I have legit watched gay porn and this is too far for me

I miss when AIDS was making faggots drop left and right in the 80s, but you have a point. I hate this flamboyant queers

Based Sonny triggering Yea Forums before he has even wrestled a day in AEW

wrestling has incorporated lgbqt+ since forever. you babies don't even know history and are so triggered over everything for nothing. you have such fragile egos.

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"We need to talk about [X]" is the biggest reddit OP there is
Go the fuck back and stay back

It's Cody's channel, not AEW.

Goldust was a second generation 260+ pound scary fuck in the fuck. This is a skinny manlet nigger who looks she'd break down crying if you slapped her. And we're going to subjected to endless marxist faggotry with this literal faggot nigger and we're going to watch men who would kill this nigger faggot in reality sell and treat this thing like an equal.

We get enough of this faggotry in WWE. I thought AEW was trying to be an alternative? Fucking pandering bullshit from people devoid of any real creativity or ideas.

>He literally has booty shorts. You can literally see his fucking bubble butt.

Men in WWE have been wrestling in little colorful panties with their names written on them for 50 years.

Ill take your word that whatever in that video is as gay as you say. I have interest in this or how gay certain indy promotions are getting.

Hey wrestling fans!




You're welcome.

Those shorts are fucking riding up his ass. Stop acting dumb.


>triggered "men" scared of queers
/pol/luters everyone

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Don't act like butt cheek and wedgies haven't been a staple of man grapple since forever.

If you want a real alternative watch Josh Barnett's Bloodsport

Worked out of never giving this company money.

I think you got the carny math backwards, faggot.

This, I only come to these threads to laugh at incels desu

Is it gay if he works my dick in to a shoot?

The psychology of this is hilarious. Hey wrestling fans, instead of bringing you another excellent talented young prospect, we gave a contract to this guy on the basis that he sucks dick. Literally put infront of us and pushed because he's a raging faggot over any sort of talent. Can't to see the months and months of storylines we'll be subjected to. Viva the Wrestling Revolution!

>watch an event that happens once a year
What did the shit for brains mean by this?

Imagine being a homophobe in 2019. Grow up.

Hahaha, even WWE isn't this far gone that they're pushing guys solely on literal cocksucking.

AEW is going to be a disaster.

It means watch an event that happens once per year, ya illiterate simp.

What's Jericho going to do once this goes tits up?

>looking for an alternative to a weekly promotion
>watch an event that happens once a year
No, really. What did the shit for brains mean by this?

So what's your faggot marketing firm going to do once AEW disappears?

Go back to NJPW or WWE. He's shit on WWE loads of times but still gets invited back because Vince likes him.

I think I have appropriate response to your concerns, OP.

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i blame those obese wrestesplania chicks

Sasha Banks without the wig.


there's a difference between a gay man and a faggot, ya boomer

All good i dont like gay shit in wrestling


unironically why is this guy wrestling and not doing porno?

>a literal flaming faggot

Even the most tolerant of people view this type as nothing but jokes no matter what current year memes people try to drop.

doesn't wanna get AIDs instantly

Because he is pretty good at the technical aspect of the wrestling. He is just a flaming fagot.
But when the gimmick is challenging their view of the world, oooooh, now their feefees are hurt.
Poor snowflakes.

But he isn't a true character or gimmick. He's a boring two named wrestler that happens to be gay.

He is true character, if you watched him on indies, you'd know.
How many of his matches or his promos have you watched? Just asking. Because we do not know what he realy is in AEW, because they have not yet run a show.

I watched him in LU and he seemed like the typical one note flamboyant exotico gay act that's there to make people laugh. Is it different for American indies not based around lucha?



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here's your (you), but you have to be fucking blind to not see this. the company is turning into everything Yea Forums hates, somehow even worse than WWE. it's so desperate and pretentious that I doubt anyone but the most brainwashed plebbitor could think it's cool.

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Don't do it, Nash!

You just know it loves to serve white dick whilst being called a nigger.

I guess since there was no reply to this that's all the depth this character has had everywhere.

I quickly lost faith in AEW when I saw that nigger-faggot. They need to be ECW 3.0 rather than a roided version of current WWE if they want even a remote chance to be an actual competitor.
You have the two Rhodes, who will be the McMahons and if you have them feud with each other, it'll be something everyone has seen already.
Jericho and Omega can have so many matches before they become stale.
Young Bucks are fucking insufferable and the rest of the roster are literal whos.
I really don't see them lasting in the long term, unless Omega manages to carry some of the whos to 5 stars performances and Jericho puts them over.

There is nothing they could have done to not be criticised by you.

I literally praised Jericho and Omega and put the two Rhodes on a hold hoping they will not fuck it up. I criticised the faggotry and the Bucks being pricks.
The gamble comes to making stars out of the whos, since it's obvious that they want to go toe to toe with WWE and they need strong characters to do that.

>I criticised the faggotry and the Bucks being pricks.
We have not seen anything, just them harvesting good PR from leftists. That's everything we have seen, all their leadership is hard right, I wouldn't worry, if I was you.
Yes, trying to make stars out of nobodies is better play than trying to get WWE rejects.

>Yes, trying to make stars out of nobodies is better play than trying to get WWE rejects.
As long as the rejects are not well established in WWE I think they can do it, I mean, many of them got better once they got out of it, the ultimate fuck you would be to use their wasted potential against them.