>multi time WWE champion
>headlined multiple Manias
Why the fuck are people so excited for Kofi winning again?
Multi time WWE champion
It's the same emotion you had on Friday when Walter won.
Nah, he right. Sorry zoomer.
Copying and pasting from another thread:
People just wanted to see a "full black" man win the WWE's crown jewel belt.
Yes, The Rock was WWE champ but he was half-Samoan and he seems to rep his Samoan roots more in real life than his black side, so black wrestling fans only barely count him as a "black WWE champion"
And no, the World Heavyweight Big Gold belt doesn't count. They already know Booker T and Mark Henry won that. They wanted a black man to hold the same belt that was held by the top wrestling stars of the 80s and 90s. WWE's Big Gold belt only came out on the 2000s and has since been retired so it's not nearly as prestigious in terms of lineage
That's why this Kofi thing was such a big deal to some people. Not so much for Kofi himself (even though people like him enough to want to see him win the belt whether he deserved it or not)
>the rock claims his one heritage more than others
gee it's almost like you got worked.
His quest was endearing and people just wanted to see Kofi win.
Also Kofi can't turn his black off and on like the Rock so him winning it holds more weight when taking race into consideration.
Kofi winning just changed The Rock's official race. Somebody go on Twitter and tell Dwayne Johnson he's no longer black.
Rock is Samoan you fucking dumbass. hes half Samoan and half black. he is not full on black. he doesnt even acknowledge his black herritage. keep seething /pol/ fag.
The quest itself was fine. Making it about race is an effort to say some people aren't black enough to be considered black, and totally counter productive to ease the racial tensions that have reached a fever pitch in today's world. It can even be argued the rock's mixed race heritage carries a heavier burden because he's not white, but a mix of two underrepresented ethnic groups. Thus his achievement meant far more.
The Rock isn't considered a "real" black man since he's lighter & racially ambiguous to a lot of people who aren't wrestling fans that are aware his black dad knocked up his Samoan mom
If Naomi ever wins the Raw Women's title, for certain fans it would be made into a bigger deal from a racial perspective than all the times that Sasha won it. It's a skin tone thing
As seen with retards like Black people seem to think that you need to be Racially "pure" and 100%Ghetto to be considered black otherwise you are an uncle tom
>he doesn't acknowledge his heritage
yeah, ever wonder why his wrestling name is rock? Or are you a fucking retard?
hes as black as Barack Hussein you fucking retard
Dwaynetty behaves too civilized and smart for him to be considered a black man.
Let's not play dumb here
Yes he used his black dad's name but we're talking about The Rock directly acknowledging his black side in real life on the regular. He doesn't, at least not nearly as much as his Samoan side
He has that huge Samoan tattoo and did a whole Disney movie about some girl on a Polynesian island or some shit. He turned himself into Samoan Elvis, and everyone knows how much those islanders love Elvis
He's an island boy first and foremost. There's literally no argument against this
And don't bring up Nation of Domination because fucking Owen Hart was in that, and that was a kayfabe stable centered around Faarooq anyway
black people are going full ethnic cleanse among their own. They're pushing lighter skinned blacks off of the victim plank. Only FULL blacks have truly been oppressed. More delicious social justice credit.
How’s about you fuckin do it ya self ya lil bitch
lol niggers are racist asf
No one is playing pretend but you. You're saying the rock isn't black enough by your standards. And news flash, movies are movies. Unless you want to say that he's also middle eastern because he played the scorpian king. Wasn't planning to bring up the nation, but since you did, if the rock was so out of place, why did trips use black face to portray him instead of not wearing makeup at all like they did with owen?
Like many of you, I've been watching wrestling most of my life. I still remember seeing Kofi in his Jamaican gimmick. He would perform memorable spots or entertain the crowd with a couple of gimmicks. He never realistically had a shot at winning those matches, he was a fun underdog. I guess finally seeing him win is see him get his due. Sort of like Zack Ryder, expect hes white and no one started a racist shit fit over it.
only ones starting a racist shit fit over kofi are the blacks
I remember reading some story about how the Rock's all black half brother said the Rock took part in black jokes with wrestlers in the 90's and when they asked why he was ok with that Dwayne claimed his mom had cheated on his dad and that he wasn't actually black.