Would he have been successful in 90's All Japan?

Would he have been successful in 90's All Japan?

How about present day New Japan?

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no, every time he got dropped on his head or accidentally stiffed by Ishii in a strike exchange he'd bitch about the workers being unsafe

>How about present day New Japan?
style wouldnt really work with all the stiff strong style shit, plus he's doesnt have a over the top character so wouldnt get over

Based Hart exposing Japlets as the shitters that they are

His methodical style of wrestling is literally built for Japan

Of course, he could actually get over by not killing himself or his opponent like the rest of these no talent gook shitters

he has no moves
can you imagine waiting 35 mins to see him pull out a fucking Russian leg sweep

Yes, because All Japan was all about movez

What a silly thing to say
He had a ton of moves, just used the same 5 when he was trying to finish the match
Dumb movesfag

Stiff =/= unsafe

Bret respected stiff workers as long as they didn't hurt him

>Tiger Driver 91
>Saito Suplex
>Burning Hammer
>Orange Crush
>Emerald Frosion
it was, brainlet

most over moves in the company are a clothesline and dropkick

Literally ever single boring move you can name Bret had in his moveset....every single one of them

he's such a pussy that if he accidentally got his lip bloodied (like literally happens all the time in New Japan) he'd bitch about them being unsafe

I honestly think he would get over really well in New Japan. I think the more sports-like presentation would really compliment his weaknesses.

Bret would fucking shine in a G1 sort of scenario too, just watch all his King of the Ring matches.

And Bret was always over in Japan when they went there

>most over moves in the company
That would be a running knee slap

Would he have gotten over in 90's All Japan?

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yes, they would've taught him how to work

Was Hulk Hogan over in Japan? I know he wrestled there but did any of them give a fuck about him at the time?

Of course he was, they loved him

No. He’s a pussy who can’t handle stiff wrestling.

He had a match with Misawa(as Tiger Mask) and apparently it was underwhelming

In his DVD he bitched about Tiger Mask II working too stiff. And their match was a few weeks before Misawa unmasked and wrestled Jumbo so he was working light

>Would he have been successful in 90's All Japan?
Watch his matches with Misawa and decide for yourself.

Imagine someone with Rock's Charisma who beats the shit out of people like Japs