WrestleMania in a few hours

>WrestleMania in a few hours
>0 (ZERO) hype on this board

What went so wrong?

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kino already happened

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Shitty card
Women in the main event
Won’t be nearly as good as Takeover and G1

I’m a wagecuck now so I won’t be watching it.

yeah yeah yeah, but when it starts all other threads will be silent

>A few hours

It's 8 in the morning

i don't even know when it starts, whats the ETA?

In a few hours? I thought it was like 12 hours from now. Fucking timezones mess with my confused e-drone brain.

It starts at 2pm. That’s soon enough

What is everyone eating while watching Wrestlemania?

what timezone? im an auschad

The pre show starts at 2pm EST and the main card starts at 4pm EST

That's Pacific time. I'm on the East coast and the main show starts at 7.

>the main card starts at 4pm EST
are you fucking serious?
who the fuck can just spend their late afternoon and all of their evening watching this shit?

is Zack's match on the pre show by any chance? that's all i want to watch
MAYBE ray vs Joe if it's first

grilled porkchops, sauteed green beans with spicy seasonings, roasted brussel sprouts with a little bit of parmesan cheese. got some mocha almond ice cream for dessert.

fuck the diet its Mania day

You underestimate the cult of E Drones

Apart from Dash, is there even anything worth watching?

>everyone got 3 day suspensions on the build up to mania
Overbooked to shit as is usual

I am getting drunk high and making pasta sauce while mania is on

It's not even 9am yet on a Sunday. Americans sleep in

>0 (ZERO) hype on this board
What is there to get hyped about? There's over a dozen matches on the card and I don't give a fuck about a single one of them.

Wrong. That’s PST ya pinhead

Card is shit
Bloodsport, KBB, and G1 Supercard (ignore the ROH matches) already happened and were much better shows
As far as I'm concerned, mania weekend is already over as Wrestlemania itself will be the worst show of the weekend.

I'll eat a pizza outside with my parents, because I refuse to watch that shit this year.

My weekend peaked at the stardom show. Everything else is just hooey

yeah thats right there is some kind of jobber tourney on tonight filled with darkmatches cannot wait to share the experience with my based friends

chads don't call themselves chads


I am at work for 4 hours past that so it will be illegally streaming on muh tablet while my feet sit astride my desk