Now that the dust has cleared, where does he seriously rank among the greats?
Now that the dust has cleared, where does he seriously rank among the greats?
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Top 25 for sure
This, Hogan, Rock and Austin are the only guys 100% ahead of BMJ.
Easy top 5 WWE top guys ever.
Somewhere in the top 150 all time
top 5 for sure if you're not counting anyone pre-hogan
this motherfucker is the only legit star of the 00's. it's hogan, austin, rock and him as the highest tiers ever in rasslin
this thread and its replies is the biggest evidence I've seen to date of the reddit/woooification of Yea Forums and the imageboard IWC. And I've seen some big ones
Exactly #4
1. Hogan
2. Austin
3. Rock
4. Michaels
5. Cena
top 10
I say way above Bret Hart, but slightly below HBK.
He it's only below Hogan and Rock in America
if he had an honest heel run and dropped the stupid gimmick he'd be among rock and austin
Top 20.
Yes he has been significant. But his repetoir is as pathetic as Hogans, if not worse. Can't apply pressure to his STF, making everyone look like a jackass. He is repetitive and the most predictable. Has the availability of Brock Lesnar. The only reason he was popular was because of the edgy hiphop boom of the early 2000's with a buzzcut aesthetic post 9/11
He's on par with Ultimate Warrior, meaning while he was popular at the time everything about him was awful under scrutiny. This goofy dipshit will not be missed.
He isn’t an all time great. He had a multi-million dollar company booking him over every talent on the roster, and still failed to stop a ratings decline that WWE has never recovered from. He benefited enormously from Lesnar leaving the business, and then again from Batista and Lashley leaving also.
No, you dorks were the ones always crying because John Cena always won and beat the guys you thought were great. You are the same ones who thought CM Punk and the likes were the best, yet changed your tune when it became evident how wrong you were.
He's far and away had a better match catalogue and diversity of feuds than any other top guy. Outside of Japan there hasn't been a guy with as many good rivals or matches with different people, IMO. In terms of predictability he switches it up more than anyone outside of Bret or Shawn as far as 'top guys'. He was popular because he delivered in every aspect.
I fail to see the correlation between how rich the company is and the booking seeing as how WWE has much more money now and the booking is some of the worst ever. Ratings decline would arguably be more about many other stars leaving, wrestling becoming even less cool with PG, booking getting even worse, etc. etc... He kept arenas full and stopped ratings from completely going off a cliff, and was always bigger than Batista and Lashley in drawing. The era of tarps started when he went PT. And even then drawing is not always equated with greatness as WWE will forever honor plenty of guys who drew much less than Cena, or drew nothing at all as one of the all time greats.
>1. big poppa pump
>everyone else
he had some great matches (HBK, Daniel Bryan, Batista) but on average he didn't really have good matches. if you mean as a star then i dont give a fuck, im a work rate smark
Where does Tom Brady rank amongst QBs? He's the GOAT.
Rock is behind Cena in wrestling draw power.
>im a work rate smark
Triple H
The Umaga match is one of the all-time great WWE matches and performances.
No he's not.
I really think ranking wrestlers is rather pointless.
Styles change every decade or so, and you really can’t compare western wrestling, Japanese wrestling and Mexican wrestling. They are all completely different.
You can’t compare Ric Flair to AJ Styles, Misawa to Austin, Harley Race to The Rock etc. There’s too much of a generational gap and they are all so different.
I’d say Cena ranks as one of the best of his generation. Possibly the overall best behind the likes of Punk, Bryan and maybe Samoa Joe. He’s most likely the best ever at the WWE style, and you can decide yourself whether or not that’s a good thing. Say what you want about Cena but he works a crowd better than almost anyone in the history of the business.
In terms of what? Draw rate, good matches, good promos?
HHH > cena
As an overall performer, talent, star, entertainer, draw. The whole thing.
Bret Hart method:
>in-ring: 8/10
He has his faults but he also has an excellent category of matches so an 8/10 is very fair.
>look: 8/10
Self explanatory really.
>promo: 9/10
Maybe a 10/10 on his best day, but he phoned it in a lot.
>overall: 25/30
Pretty good.
Bret Hart method doesn't work for ranking though. A lot of guys would have higher scores than Hogan but aren't above him. I'd say your rankings are very fair though.
Pick one. Man's a fucking midget and obsessed with photoshop to the point it is strange.
yeah that is one of the best for sure. i forgot about it
>Possibly the overall best behind the likes of Punk, Bryan and maybe Samoa Joe
>in-ring 8/10
>look 10/10
>promo 10/10
>in-ring 9/10
>look 8/10
>promo 10/10
>in-ring 6/10
>look 10/10
>promo 10/10
>in-ring 10/10
>look 9/10
>promo 8/10
Bret Hart
>in-ring 10/10
>look 8/10
>promo 8/10
Cena is probably the last star WWE will actually "make" for a long time. No significant indy career, went from OVW to the main roster and stayed there. He did the PR stuff, kissing babies, helping crippled children, movies, talkshow appearances, etc etc. I personally hated him during his mega push but comparing the attendance from that era to now I guess it was a necessary evil.
I would put him in the top 5 for WWE guys for sure, maybe top 10 overall depending on how you want to judge the list. He was absolutely the face of the company and carried that without any kind of personal controversy. He never refused to do a job, had to leave because he was fucked up on drugs or actually got injured at all that I can remember besides Mr. Kennedy botching an arm drag.
Cena was responsible for ratings consistently falling over his shitty run. Dictionary definition of antidraw
1. Stone Cold
2. The Rock
3. Hogan
4. Goldberg
5. Sting
6. Bork
I can keep going, and Cena isn't close. The guy is Top 25 at best.
I would argue against that despite being one of the "Cena wins we riot" guys from back in the day.
Much like Roman there was a point where Cena was over as fuck and getting cheered. It took the company overpushing him and commiting to shitty storylines and the turn to a PG era to screw that. Cena became the poster child for post boom period mediocrity that came about because of a combination of old beloved stars leaving, being replaced by Trips/Steph favorites, competition and thus incentive to excel evaporating , and a softer style of show after Benoit
Cena is going both overrated by the company because they can't admit the decline in the product during his heyday and underrated because the blame will placed on him for that declined as of it was his idea to push the Great Khali or bury anyone that got over without Vinces permission
Ratings started to decline when the rock and vince quit appearing regularly, also proving that simp autism wasnt a draw - when he wasnt carried he couldnt improve ratings. Wrestling boom died and everybody knows it cant be revived, but at least Cena carried the company and filled arenas. Cena and Lesnar are the only ones who put butts in the seats these days
ratings =/= drawing money you simp retard
He's right, Cena is the definition of Anti Draw, you didn't see people hating on Austin and Hogan during their face runs like they dis for Cena, because he simply sucked. He was pushed like a star when he was not and was the reason why ratings started to drop.
He's not Hogan, he's the Lex Luger of his generation.
>you didn't see people hating on Austin and Hogan
Smarks hated them just like they hated Cena, but with the casual audience leaving after the fad was over the smarks were a majority of the audience
As his feud with the Rock proved, only little kids and some women liked Cena. No actual men liked the shitter, ever. He was booed out of the building every single time even in Boston. That shit never happened with the all time greats.
1. Hogan
2. Macho-Man
3. Rock
4. Austin
5. Cena
my pol
smark is not a word faggots, but keep being out of touch LOL
Every male in the audience is a smark these days, there were actual marks in the audience back when the goats wrestled
Only in terms of longevity. Peak Rock was absolutely above peak Cena.
Top 50.
I really lost respect for this board after reading comments here. He is the poster boy for boring big name wrestlers.
>I really lost respect for this board
Get a load of this faggot
Hey Meltz! Welcome to Yea Forums!
>I really lost respect for this board
Everyone LOL @ this simp for having respect for this board in the first place
top 10. prolly no. 10. but still up there with the austins, funks, hansens, okadas etc
Thank you. Peope on this board just shop at walmart and think Cena is good because of all the tshirts of him sold there
>blames smarks saying they hated the Rock and Austin
>they cheer for Rock and Austin
>boo Cena
Yeah I don't think the smarks are the problem here Cenafag.
The definition of a company guy.
The smarks weren't, there were just as many people back then saying that Rock and Austin were terrible and repetitive and that ECW and Japan were the only places for good wrestling. The difference being back then they were drowned out by the mass audience of casuals who filled arenas and didn't give a shit about smark opinions. So on one hand that guy's right, but on the other hand it just reinforces how badly the Cena era lost the casual fanbase.
Casual filter: Cena or Ultimate warrior
I would argue that actually makes Cena look better since ratings went from declining to an absolute freefall once he left. Clearly no one else was drawing at all; if he had a solid undercard to stand on he would have probably been a ratings success.
I'm talking about the recent years. When The Rock and Stone Cold come back they get a pop, guaranteed, everyone loves them.
Cena comes back, and he gets this
He had no personality. His story lines were muh stuggle to overcome
The Rock was nothing without Austin. This goofy bastard is so overrated it’s pathetic. Cena’s fueds were acceptable and often BASED no matter the opponent.
>Big Dave
>i know there are lots more that were quite good but you get the point
Who did Rocky have “good” fueds with?
>Foley (he really fucked this guy up)
>so nobody else then.
Cenas not GOAT but he’s damn respectable. Rock got over because the biggest draw in the history of the business got and subsequently put him over, and because he scrambled the brains of a beloved grizzled veteran.
>A few obvious legends>Cena>lots of other guys>>>>>Rock
This has to be Hunter. Only he would say the Rock wasn't a draw but his hand picked PG era guy was
>never refused to do a job
>who is the nexus
granted they are all literal whos now but at the time cena should not have gone over
Even Gargano wouldn't have kicked out of a DDT on the concrete and he kicked out of Cole stopping time and dropping a Steamroller on him
BASED P. Leveseque working the Yea Forumsies.
I forgot about that one. Even then you can't act like Cena is responsible for long term errors on the part of the WWE. That was them panic booking with no actual planning. Cena was the only guy who was anything close to a draw that they had left and jobbing him out to guys who wouldn't have been able to actually take his place would have been a worse decision than him going over.
Let's see how people react to Cena in ten years or so when he really has retired and his appearance is actually special like in the rock's or austin's case today. He has already won some smarks over
He won smarks over because he wasn't being used to bury the Wyatts or Rusev anymore and actually had good matches with AJ that didn't end with AJ losing at three straight PPVs