
Let me introduce you to...
The characters...
In the show...
One says yes...
One says no..

Attached: Dean_chad_vs_wolf_chad_TALE_OF_THE_TAPE.jpg (1200x1363, 314K)


Have sex

seek sunlight

Gain height

Shut it vertically inferior ding-dong diddly doofus

Ya seething Sharter?


Wat u mean?

Ya boil fat boy?


Carter's definitely going Sunday brother.
Ding-Dong DiddlyDean Chad had been signed one again to help Yea Forums recover from Wolfcuc's piss poor reign of terror.
Wolfnog was an experiment that failed and business is down traffic wise here. Dean Chad's taking the strap to draw the casuals

Hi Carter

>tfw Yelissa returns from the dead and runs in to turn on Carter
will it be kino?


There has been like 40 threads in the last 3 days
all made by the same autistic faggot,
all bumped 200 times by the same autistic faggot

Nobody gives a fuck about Any of this.
Stop making threads.
Stop bumping them a hundred times.
No one cares you award winner for biggest faggot on the internet.

this is a WolfCHAD board get over it manlet

Attached: Obama deal with it.gif (400x274, 295K)

>guaranteed replies
also worked

Seething joshi pedo

Stop seethin ya ding-dong diddly shirt liftin puddle jumpin nerd. Ya Yea ForumsMania pay day is the biggest ya ever getting, and ya starting in the jobber rumble as filler ya goof

Attached: 1554300674527.jpg (600x582, 94K)


i hope they both suffer career ending potentially life threatening injury's

Have sex

Stop spamming this fucking meme Carter you insufferable prick. Fuck off

Hi Carter you fat spic talking to ya self

Have sex


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