This really is one of the best matches there have ever been. Lesnar, bloody face & all, selling the stun & shock perfectly receiving those Superman Punches by Reigns is one of my favorite things EVER - Brock's selling in it is just otherworldly, and the blood added a lot to it. Everything else in the match is amazing too - Brock's beatdown is terrific, one of his best ones, Reigns sells his ass off & I love the smiles & smacktalking he gives to Lesnar throughout, as he is getting the shit smacked out of him. Lesnar's storytelling with his facial expressions is absolutely tremendous - at first he is liking that Reigns isn't going down easily, but as he kicks out of the 2nd F5? That's when Brock goes "alright, I've had enough of this shit" - then the gloves are off (AWESOME moment) & he smacks Reigns some more, and shortly after gives him a third F5. Reigns kicks out, then Brock takes him outside w/ plans on punishing him more, but Reigns shoves him to the post, which leads to that Superman Punch sequence that I mentioned, and it's just ahhhh so good. In the past viewings of the match, I've always thought that Rollins' cash-in takes something away from it, and who knows, this could've been even better without it, but it definitely is one of the best gimmick endings to a 1-on-1 match ever. Up there w/ the first HIAC. *****
This really is one of the best matches there have ever been. Lesnar, bloody face & all...
shut the fuck up asshole you 404'd my thread before I could self bump
TLDR but yeah, one of my legit in my top 5 of all time. I was so invested in this and it was so refreshing just to see to guys beat the piss out of eachother and both hardwaying like they did. I rate this and only 2 other matches 5 stars
I feel ya OP. T’was good.
Nice cagematch review ya nerd
that match was kinda a shoot
buy a blogola
I disagree
Average match that E Drones creamed over because it was the first match in awhile to break away from the traditional WWE mould.
It made no sense within the context of the storyline. The story going into this match was that Roman and Brock were equals.
The story of the match itself was that Brock was too much for Roman to handle, and Roman came off as an underdog.
I think all that flossing has addled your brains, dipshit zoomers.
One of the most memorable RR wins leading to one of the greatest WM main events.
But you should boo him because dbry got cucked.
Obviously. You have two GOATs in the match, it's going to be a GOAT match.
Agreed op. It was an instant classic
Go to bed gramba. Ya grumpy coz ya hip hurt.
Well I know one of Brocks knees legit connected. Apparently Reigns said in an interview that he still felt the pain months after that match.
The second match is better.
That part with bloody reigns roaring is fantastic.
Quit forcing this copy pasta.
After some aging, I'm convinced Roman is the guy.
All Roman Mania matches have been mediocre at best
Kys grandpa.
Let me guess, "Muh attitude era" boomer? Or perhaps "YOU CHOPPA ME, I CHOPPA U, MISAWA SAN GO SNAPPY SNAPPY" weeb?
The match is literally fucking excellent. I dare you or any other faggot to @ me and I'll pick your argument apart.
Only flipfags, moves marks and testosterone deficient betas hate this match. Don't be one of them.
Yup, fantastic match. First match since Benoit died that had that intensity
>Stop not liking things I like
t. one of them
dont you have midget styles match to be watching ya zoomer manlet?
>Wrestling is a subjective experience
kys fucking reddit
>why do people like things I don't like?
It's a good match with a hot finish and I dunno why people oversell the hell out of it besides maybe expectations being at rock bottom. Every match they've had since this one has really stunk up the joint.
Is this another thread made by the same autistic kid who keeps making and bumping his Yea Forumsmania threads hundreds of times per day, alone?
Fucking autism is strong here.
as for the match, it was pretty entertaining I guess.
Be honest with me Yea Forums...............
Memes and Yea Forums contrarian anti smark opinions aside.... did you enjoy this match because you hated the Roman Reigns push at the time, so you were invested and were in it because you were interested to see what the outcome was?
I admit I was one of the obese smarks who was pissed he won the Rumble, so I wanted him to fail.
I can't say right now that I was 100% wrong. This match was incredible and Roman Reigns is the fucking don.
I thought it was incredible and I was shocked to see so many geeks say "Seth saved it." One of the best WM main events easily
Worked rent free and seething
Only cuckolds and faggots hated the Roman Reigns push you dumb fuck, get off Yea Forums
kill yourself zoomer because you are a faggot
It was much better when I rewatched it but at the time I was marking out for Seth
I hate reigns now because he's loved by reddit. But back then he was based and would work numales simps like nobody else. Shame that had to end.
>I hate reigns now because he's loved by Reddit these days
You are truly are pathetic btw
Learn English
And go back
Sorry, I was in too much of a hurry to tell you how big of a faggot you are.
>go back
Oh and nice spacing dude, been looking at who to hate next have we?
Steve austin vs goldust on raw which consisted of only punches and lou thez presses was better than this pile of shit match.
Austin's fiery comebacks and selling plus peak Dustin Rhodes are fucking great ya simp. This match is the closest to that style you're gonna get these days, hence why it's excellent