Based or cringe?

based or cringe?

Attached: D3SeZeXUYAAURg_.jpg (635x475, 86K)

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Who's supposed to be the audience for this cringefest?

I say based if chadblade wears it

what does betty boop has to do with njpw or wrestling in general?

Attached: 1547458601501.jpg (720x960, 52K)

Bullet babes.

Teenage hot topic girls that actually think bullet club is still cool.

Nothing much, I think NJPW have some sort of promotion with them. It's just whatever, nice shirt for female fans I guess.

Honest question: How much do you think that BC shirts sales have fallen since The Elite left?

Attached: Y2J.jpg (1024x704, 234K)

It stopped being cool when Cody ruined it. Probably fell off since then.

Attached: nocody.jpg (640x640, 38K)

Cody was one of their top merch sellers.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

cody it's 4 am, what in the hell on earth are you doing making chocolate pudding?

Cody is a shitter but the American Nightmare was the best t-shirt that BC has ever put out.

surprisingly not alot. This isn't;t including the people who get the Bullet club shirts at a NJPW show

Attached: top shirt sale.png (1834x790, 947K)
They seem to be doing fine according to PWT.

Its for the women and kids at their shows. Women make up a pretty large portion of the NJPW audience, you have to cater to them with things like this and fujo bait gimmicks like R3k, Hiromu, Jay, Ibushi.

Atleast all of them are based, with the exception of rat face Yoh.

absolutely fucking based

Have sex.

Based because I'd fuck Betty Boop, shortstacks rule.
Women are literally most of their audience. This is what it looks like when a company actually has a clue.

Women arent most but they make up a solid 35-40% of the audience.

Yep, that fits him.

The top has always been marty. He just has better designs. He was the number 1 seller on pro wrestling T's last you

last year*

Betty Boop was a bonafied dime drawer, ya simp

10/10 would wear in public

Yep. Two years in a row for Marty.

They're most of the people at live shows at least, going by that .webm that circles all the chicks in the crowd.

wtf i hate switchblade now

I think they actually released a report in december outlining the age range %s and what % of women/men there were.

cringe as fuck



So did he have to like pay whoever owns Betty Boop to do this, and also, what’s the purpose?

No im guessing it's just a cross over and they split the money

Boo poopy doop

japan loves her and hello kitty