What do you guys think about WrestleMania 21?

What do you guys think about WrestleMania 21?

Attached: wrestlemania-21-poster.jpg (960x540, 66K)

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I had a dvd as a kid with edge vs foley on it and it is still one of my favorite matches



Eddie Vs Rey opener is up there with Bret Vs Owen as greatest wm opening match. Such an underrated match

Top to Bottom one of the best WMs ever.

Orton v Taker
Angle v HBK
1st MITB
Rey v Eddie

All amazing. Why this isn't considered the GOAT is something I can't understand.

Main events sucked. Orton vs Taker was nothing. Angle vs HBK is overrated. MITB is just a forgettable clusterfuck.

Probably the last time I felt Wrestlemania had a "big-time feel" to it. Nowadays it's just another PPV except creative tries a teensy bit harder at the buildup.

21 definitely did not have a big time feel.

Solid mania

Kurt vs Shawn is better than any of the overrated Shawn vs Taker matches

All 5 of the Shawn vs Taker matches is better than any Shawn vs Kurt match

Only HIAC 1 comes close to Kurt vs Shawn WM21

25 and 26 are light years better, but I'll agree to disagree.

21 was a great success building up the next wave of top guys.
Batista finishes Triple H's reign of terror
Cena finishes JBL's reign of terror
Edge is primed to become the world champion
Orton is having his best matches as the Legend Killer

The problem is then the next 5 manias did nothing but rotate them endlessly

25 and 26
>big move
>kick out
>lay around for a minute
>soak in cheers
aka the most boring formula which wwe uses for all its big matches

Batista's Streak match was better than both of Shawn's.


>First 5 mins
>Lilian Garcia botches America the Beautiful hard as footage of Take big leaguing the troops is rolled

Attached: 1550455608616.jpg (310x310, 12K)

Those film scene ads were fucking good.


At the time I wasn't all that hyped for it but looking at what happened post 21, good lord I'd take this over the last several years


If it was a regular 3 hour ppv with Angle/Michaels as the main event it would've gone down as one of the best shows ever. Everything after that match is a disappointment imo

I honestly remember pretty much nothing about WM 18 to WM 31

Wasn't that 22?


You're right that was 22.

Meh 6/10

Yea 21,22, and 25 all look the same in my memory

I don't remember it. After 20 they all sort of blend into one.