Thoughts on cesaro

He's really good in the ring and I think he's really underrated

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Yea you and everyone else

Great tag team wrestler.
People for some reason say he is underrated.
Everyone can see he is great tag team wrestler. Fuck the underrated word.

what an original opinion, OP.

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He and Kidd could have been one of the GOAT tag teams. His work with Sheamus is pretty good too, but not at that level.

total shitter

he's very highly rated in the ring. i think you mean underpushed

He could have a good run as a solo wrestler too and be a main eventer

Yeah underpushed

He's a moron for staying in WWE for so long.
He could be the hottest thing on the indies and Japan right now.

I don't think so.
His best stuff is tag team shit.

His wife has a job for life at the PC (and he probably will too when he retires). There's no way he's jeopardizing that for a few meme matches in the bingo halls.

He's married to Sara Del Rey?

>He lacks charisma
>He's Swiss
>He doesn't have 'it'

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Wasn't there info they split?

how the fef did he and piggy pull this off?

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He had numerous opportunities and they all sucked. His best work was always as a tag team wrestler

Cesaro has retard strength

Cesaro has super human strength and Owens is a really gifted athlete who somehow barely gets held back by all the fat. They could probably do even more impressive shit than that if they were given a chance.

Maybe, as it's not exactly a secret that Cesaro has fucked half the divas locker room. I'm pretty sure he still wears a wedding ring, though.

>when I’m between these four ropes I’m at home
He killed his singles career botching that one line. Really sad, imo, because he’s absolutely fantastic, one of the best talents they have on the roster

Very European

He should be world champion. Maybe he is not the best on the mic, but i dont give a fuck, my autism makes me hate charismatic Chads like the Rock who are good on promos.

Imagine what Owens could do if he stopped being fat though