This is MAFFEW. The creator of Botchamania

yea SO WHAT he ruins OSW
yea SO WHAT he gets fucked in his ASS

Say something nice about him

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He's going to go homeless thanks to based article 13.

I can't bro I have. Never liked him

is he related to benoit?

he works Yea Forums into a seethe and that's a based in my book

[sneed meme]

I thought open faggots weren't allowed to be this ugly?

Looks like David Benoit

I answered this in your last thread :/

hi maffew, pls stop spamming simpsons in your videos.
keep up the great work

He's a good editor and I'm glad he added to wrestling culture. That's the only positive thing I can say so I'll leave it at that

He’s unfunny, his voice annoys me, his mong spelling of Matthew annoys me, he’s a Reddit favorite. I hope he gets anal cancer.

One of those guys that over-extends. Yes, the botchamania videos were nice; no, he's not entertaining enough to actually talk about wrestling, and I don't care about him in the slightest. Interest in the product doesn't translate to interest in the creator.

Seen him in a Wetherspoons in Newcastle last year. Legitimately the smallest man I've ever seen in person. He's like 5'3

This. Can't say I blame him for becoming an "online personality" when there's money to be made but I just want some occasional Botchamania and could give a fuck otherwise.

based and logicpilled

What is the point of this thread?

Can someone re-edit Botchamania and replace all the Simpsons shit with something actually funny, like pic related?

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Do think he shouts out Botchamania sayings when hes getting railed

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Is he shoot gay?

Never seen a more obvious case of AIDs

/wooo/ loves this guy and gives him their dimes.
He's a based grifter

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looks like he has hiv already lol
fags deserve it *clap clap clap clap clap*

Honestly, he's pretty good in OSW

>he ruins OSW

can't ruin what is already broken

>do ECW, WCW, TNA, and Attitude Era runs
>spend a year on New Gen meme era because that is the only era OOC gives a fuck about

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>ruins OSW

no Matt McMuscles did that

>he ruins OSW
OSW is for reddit fags and cringelord

>makes Botchamania
>turns it from being funny into 15 minutes of BritWres chants and 20 minutes of unfunny endings

Atleast he dresses normal now. When he first started getting popular and going to wrestling events back in ‘09, he wore chokers, fishnet arm stockings and panties over black Jnco jeans out in public like an absolute queer

Pics or didn't happen