What have i become my sweetest fren

What have i become my sweetest fren

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>muh revenue
>ignore profits

TV ratings have gone downhill in general because of streaming.

It's not fucking complex, unless you're so retarded you have no grasp of reality.

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still more than who japan


>ratings up until 2016 when the brand split happens
>nothing since
what a useless graph

>Doesn't believe literal facts when presented with it

Based retard

>TV ratings as a relevant metric
Hey grandpa, tell us about the time you saw Jim Londos wrestle The Evil Negro at the Townville Cattle Hall again.


ya ask?

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Also WWE has got like a billion social media followers and one of the biggest Youtube channels, but I guess TV ratings are the only thing that matters...


Mate let me just stop you.
WWE is loosing ratings quicker than rest of the cable.
So yes, you are correct, but it is not just streaming. It is so many more things that can keep people ocupied. There are many more options of entertainment. Also we are living in golden age of TV series. There are much better story driven shows out there.
Compare what WWE was against after WCW died and compare what is out there today.


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>some of those weeks in 2002-2004 where Smackdown drew higher ratings

Based Gaytch killing the product with his reign of terror

Attendance and merchandise sales are at an all time low.

Explain that, drone.

>based retard faggot is an e-drone

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>Also we are living in golden age of TV series

Yes, those series are on Netflix & HBO, STREAMING SERVICES. Every TV show that was on in the 90's are at an all time low. That's what happends.

>Also we are living in golden age of TV series.
nah, we passed that hump already.

Even before rise of Netflix, Breaking Bad,hailed as one of the best things ever produced was on cable TV. Same for more TV series that predated it or followed it.
Netflix capitalized on the rise of TV series as serious entertainment, not the other way around.
Keep telling yourself that. I read the same sentiment 4 years ago. And it hasn't ended.

we will witness the downfall of WWE at this Wrestlemania, it'll be glorious

It was raved about when it was on air but in retrospect breaking bad doesn’t even compare to sopranos, deadwood and the wire. We are in the tail end of the golden age of tv if at all.