BASED WWE working the normies and aussies into a ding-dong diddly shoot

BASED WWE working the normies and aussies into a ding-dong diddly shoot

Attached: kek.png (790x824, 710K)

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I hate this fucking cuntry

Attached: 55EF24CA-3C6B-4CE9-8FAE-61EF7A56BE5A.jpg (512x564, 41K)

>released from prison

Attached: 1526944314977.png (256x215, 64K)

I was going to say it's april fools article but australia is already on the 2nd of april lmao

the state of shackle draggers

is Australia brain dead?

They're playing along

Australia is a keyfabe country lads

It's a work. News Corp gets paid by WWE to send someone from Australia to review the event so they promoted it with semi-kayfabed stories. I follow the dude who went last year on twitter. He probably wrote the article.
I love Ronda now!

Based Sax Addict Ronda

Based Ronda working the Murdoch empire into a work.


> prison

based jail chad

The intern who wrote this article must not know the difference between prison and jail.

Literally pajeet tier

might be different in Aus land

Their news is all owned y one person and that person took a paycheck from Vince and Co to report on WWE.

It's Australia, the whole country is jail.


>face court

Kayfabe is alive again baby!!!

Attached: jimcorsmw.jpg (480x360, 12K)

This popped me too

I always thought they were interchangeable. What's the difference?

generally jail is pre trial and for sentences under a year. Prisom is for felons doing a year or more

you go to jail before you get your trial in court. you go to prison if found guilty