Have you ever dreamed about cutting a good promo in front of a crowd of thousands of cheering fans? I have...

Have you ever dreamed about cutting a good promo in front of a crowd of thousands of cheering fans? I have, and it's beautiful

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Can't say I have. I have, however, dreamed about Stone Cold asking me to give it to him.

I don't live in the real world.
I sit in my bedroom depressed constantly daydreaming of being more than I am.
It does involve some wrestling in there.

Literally me

No, but I've dreamed about you cutting your promo and bombing on stage.

>majority of 4chans userbase.jpeg
why dont we strive for the better things in life bros?

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ive dreamed of doing movez

I've dreamed about cutting an amazing heel promo. People were booing and throwing bottles and wrappers at me when I was walking to the back. It was pretty based.

I get interrupted just as I'm about to speak.

if you don't do this in the mirror while shaving you're a ding-dong diddly faggot

Hi Elias

When you realize shitting on strangers gives you the same emotional high as actually achieving things it's easier to just go for the quick high


This. If I were to be anything in wrestling, it would be a mega heel. I've definitely had those dreams of cutting a vicious heel promo.

I'm going to try and become a heel manager, if I ever do I promise I'll find someway to work either ding dong-diddly or summer of 92 in somewhere.

Now i'm in tears

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Haha that sucks for you bro.

I'd actually feel sorry for you failures if you weren't all just all around awful people.

Me too. It's so sad. I always look forward to the time before I sleep so I can imagine me in some awesome scene. Girls are usually the focal point. What's crazy is that part of me believes the universe is some sort of simulation that if I try hard enough I will master the simulation and be able to make all those daydreams my reality