>spend 5 years driving away your entire built in core audience
>transform company
>burn all bridges
>80% women's wrestling
>can't fill hockey arenas
>reduce entire fan base to less than 2 million sjws, cucks, basedboys, and feminists
>one limey comes along and delivers the killing blow with a single broadcast

Press S to spit on desiccated corpse.

Attached: Olly.jpg (1224x612, 113K)


Based filter going over this Simp Outlawfag. Go back to watching Kenny Omega lose to a TNA announcer in front of 20 people, geek.


rip wwe

ya cope?

You're underestimating the E cultism, this is nothing. E-Drones would never abandon WWE even if every single SJW celeb in the nation shits all over WWE.

Attached: 1432243688009.jpg (1837x941, 123K)

Oliver is like a god to WWE's nu-fans. Wrestlemania will be a ghost town.

>E-Drones would never abandon WWE
Yeah, because e-drones are sheets of tarpaulin that WWE owns.



It’s sadder than that actually. E-Drones are shitting all over WWE on Twitter right now but they will keep watching. No matter how WWE is shit or how many the liberals shit on it they will never cease their support for them.

hate-watching is a valid form of criticism and protest, pinhead

Attached: cm punk resist.png (1920x1080, 700K)

They deserve every fucking bit of this.

Attached: Altruism.jpg (750x1334, 86K)

but financial support and viewership for things you protest against isn't ya simp❌

2/10 weak bait

S. WWE can eat shit.

Attached: 1457079197726.png (492x642, 245K)

It's current year, cum on guys

I prefer to be cumed on🌈


They deserve it

what a fucking cuck company. After the fucking mania im never subscribing again due to them being total cucks to libs shit. Im only watching the archived stuff anyway, but no more a single dime from again.


>Oliver was invited to attend WWE event
McMahon is gonna stretch this guy

He is going to Kashogi his ass

This is what happene when you bend for Soiboys, Feminist, Libtards, all and other kinds of SJW Twitter Trash. And now thats WWEs majority fan base.

You give them an inch and they run a mile. They destroy everything because whatever it is they get their hands on its never good enough to fit their ever shifting by mentally ill paradigm.

>Oliver eviscerates WWE
>Vince: please come be seen at our show
The absolute state of this company

Based. Fuck WWE.😃

They always pull this shit. Do you not remember Glenn Beck?

Anyone got a summary of what happened? Fuck i missed

I honestly wouldn't stop watching if every celebrity liberal shat on it cause celebrities are fucking jokes. I don't watch wwe much anymore, just mainly around wrestlemania season, but honestly. I wouldn't listen to a cuck saying "HUR DUR VINCE KISSDD WUMEN

>vince invites him
>have him be "part of the show"
>its all fun and games haha :P
>backstage he secretly told the talent to stiff the fuck out of him
would be based desu

>>reduce entire fan base to less than 2 million sjws, cucks, basedboys, and feminists
Yep. And this could be said of literally every show on television, including Oliver's. Sad!