*gets added to the mania main event*
*gets added to the mania main event*
Flabsuka fags do a good enough job making themselves look stupid without you falseflagging
The only thing she'll be doing during the main event is hanging out around catering.
What if it the main event is like that triple threat match between Benoit/Jericho/Angle at Wrestlemania 2000, where the first fall is one title and the second fall is the other title?
Go back to sleep, weeb. There's more chance of CM Phil main eventing Mania than this loser.
That would be retarded.
I love how much Asuka makes boomers seethe lol
guest time keeper😃
FUck off
This is what'll happen. I bet they'll add Asuka even just to have someone take the pin for the SD title. Of course Ronda will tap for the RAM title.
Ronda isn't taping unless her run is ending at mania, which I doubt
I'm a boomer and I adore Asuka👌
Becky has no credible power finishing move, just submissions. And part of the story has been around making your opponent tap. The writing is on the wall.
So she'll make Charlotte tap instead.
That's my hope and theory.
No one wants to see Charlotte taping. That happens everyday. People want to see Ronda tapping. And if Charlotte taps out, the horsememe photo op will lose momentum. It has to be Ronda tapping.
There is no chance of Fatsuka getting on TV this week, never mind being added to a fucking main event
Oh shit, I had forgot about the horsememe photo. You're right, Ronda is tapping for sure.
Who takes the pin for the SD title then? Becky? Are you retarded?
Asuka she so pretty i will tell her give me the sushi and she will think i am talking of the food and when she come to me i will throw her to ground and pull her legs apart and lick her precious and beutiful pussy and drink her pee i will say do pee on me asuka taste so good
Go to bed
Yes. Gets heat on Charles.
Also completely diminishes Becky's victory later simpo.
Yes. If a match has more than one pinfall the face always takes the first one. It's wrestling psychology 101.
Not really. What it does do is make the Smack women's title look like a joke, but I doubt Vince cares.
Becky just wins both titles💔
But then what title will be Charlotte holding on the iconic picture?
Tell that to Kurt Angle
>Sunday, April 7th
>after 6 torturing hours of pure sports entertainment, the main event is ready to begin
>Joan Jett's reanimated corpse comes on stage to sing
>Ronda, Bex and Charles take a combined half-hour to come down that fucking slope
>they finally begin to "wrestle"
>Bex botches
>Ronda pulls up her shorts
>and Charles desperately tries to moonsault
>people are already leaving
>pic related comes in
>Asuka is in full clown makeup and nazi getup
>along with Kairi and Io they fucking decimate the other women, forming a new heel stable
>Asuka is named Great Leader with the Sky Pirates in her personal army
>Xia Li eventually joins
How hard would ya' mark?
Very hard
You forgot this part:
>most of the crowd is trying to beat the traffic during the main event
>How hard would ya' mark?
pretty hard because it would mean I was dead and having good experiences in the ether beyond
I would mark, but sadly there's no way Kairi will ever be a credible heel.
Kairi needs to be a cute and rascally heel
She can ding-dong diddly do it
That still looks adorable. Full anime Moe.
Bumping for Flabfag shame
>not a single peep for her tonight and Charlotte not even getting much heat
Lmao literally nobody cares. She's already forgotten. Remember when weebs thought crowds would be hijacking shows for their waifu?
I intially read that as "racist" and figured "maybe."