What wrestlers are actually Christians?
Also why haven't you accepted Jesus Christ yet?
What wrestlers are actually Christians?
Also why haven't you accepted Jesus Christ yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
pretty sure charlotte is christian
>2 divorces
>why haven't you accepted Jesus Christ yet?
he did the job to some wood
Divorce is something you're not supposed to do
This guy
that doesn't really mean anything.
Worked so hard you're still seething about it
I wanted to insult him but I'll just pray for him. Must be hard being that ugly
Jesus literally said it does
Can’t right now brother. Too many demons in my head right now
yeah but that doesn't mean somebody isn't a christian. People make mistakes transgressions are apart of the learning process.
She’s going be catholic soon dating a Mexican
Why do so many christians beat their wives and become alcoholics? I thought their shitty novel told them not to do that stuff
>hating the original ECW icon
I mean, her getting divorced more than once is clearly christian and or conservative shit. Other people would just never try again, but believers had more.. well, belief in marriage.
Terry Bollea has brother.HH
What are you even talking about? Jesus even said marrying a divorced woman is adultery.
Kairi Sane
I swear you atheishit niggas get dumber and dumber
I pray to the only real GOD in this world Jesus Christ that Hana Kimura receive the real Gospel soon
>Taking verses without context and literally
I'm not even christian, but shouldnt you guys be more wary of this? Not to mention that Jesus teaches love first.
it was in context he was outlining the rules to get into heaven and he absolutely did not teach love first he taught following his word first above all else.
Based Christan poster.
The Bible says too murder them. You're never supposed to get divorced. It happens though. It's a tough subject because of how much emotions get involved
alexa bliss
Yo yo yo yo
Hold up
Jesus isn't God in a human body. That's modalist stuff
Love you though friend
Shiva would kick Jesus' ass
Adam Cole and Shawn Michaels
HBK is crazy into Christianity though
Christianity is for cucks
Based pajeet
Tanahashi is the embodiment of Jesus Christ on Earth.
When has Adam Cole mention being Christian? I follow his Instagram and Twitter. The only personal stuff he posts are pictures of Britt Baker and video game related
The young cucks are conservative christian cocksuckers, straight edge too
How can they be conservative Christians and still hang around trannies and gays?
They're the rare christian that actually follows the novel they read and accepts others
Church is too cucked now. If they do get married it probably wont even be in a church
She is my jihadi waifu
Mexicans arent real christians. they are pseudo christians who worship pagan idols made of confetti
based young chads walkin the walk
Only the ones with brown shitskin. Most white Mexicans I know are pretty catholic and believe in Jesus.
Based towelhead
>has tattoos
that's not what I ding-dong diddly expected cross to be
Divorce is acceptable if the spouse committed adultery.♠️
I've long wondered if Dragon Kid is since he has some move names relating to Christianity: Jesus Walks, Christo, Hallelujah, Messiah, and one of his finishers called Bible. It could just be a reference to Mexican culture since that's part of a lot of Dragon Gate guys' gimmicks.❌
More than likely a Catholic
You are already dead
Ecclesiastes 8:8 - "There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death: and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it."
>mfw I read all of these in his promo-voice
Because life is complicated enough without having to follow arbitrary nonsensical rules set by goat-fuckers living in caves thousands of years ago.
Io and Kairi pretty sure, couple of instagram pics have them wearing crosses
>Also why haven't you accepted Jesus Christ yet?
his gimmick is flimsy, and I don't live for kayfabe.
Japanese are derps you have explain it to them as basic as basic can be like if they were retarded cause there government has raped their minds
Wow what a slag
From my weaboo readings of Japanese culture, it is actually very common for Japanese women that know very little about Christianity to wear cross necklaces purely as fashion.⚽
lol fuck crosses Japanese women will often wear fucking swastikas as fashion, none of it means shit to them, it's just silly fashion stuff.
Based, is the first video the full version if not where can i watch the whole thing?
Miss Namikawa is above such pitiful deities like Jeebus. Hail monster zero
This guy, for sure.
>When you're such a pussy you think people who don't believe in a fairy world in the clouds post death are going deep into the core of the earth (what core, isn't it flat you faggots?) for eternity
Religion is a mental illness
Why are you so angry fren? That is absolutely not what we believe at all. Scientism is a religion as well
Atheists always seethe for no reason. Insecure when somebody questions their Jesuit science doctrines perhaps?
damn i thought kairi truly was an adorable chrisian jap waifu
she can get blacked now for all i care
It is possible that she's a Christian but it's very very unlikely.
Seething n shit like that xD
all the Chads like Roman are Christians. All the betacucks like Dolph Ziggler and Seth Tarpins are atheists
religion is a work
Confirmed and it makes the JIDF seethe rofl
is this real?
AJ Styles and Roman Reigns are two practicing Christians. Most wrestlers are probably of the non practicing kind.
> He follow semitics religions
because its an early form of government for idiots who follow along like stupid fucks while some guy on screen goes "NOWS JESUS WANTS YA TO GIVE ME 100 DOLLARS OR MORE"
bunch of fucking retards shitting all over tech and advancements in science or we would already be exploring the stars and doing whatever the fuck we wanted in VR.
fuck mainstream religion shit. I believe in higher power thats fine but these fucking religious fucks need to go catch a train, with their face.
>(((old testament)))
That is literally satan talking to the pharisees ya dingus
Sasha is devout christian.
Nazi stuff isn't that big of a deal in japan, Asuka was dressing up as one and no one gave a shit
I'm genuinely curious here, if I accept God as my saviour can I keep doing copious amounts of narcotics and still be accepted in return?
Ask yourself the question, what would Jesus do?
Do note that when Jesus saved an adulterous woman from being stoned to death he told her to "go and sin no more"
>You can never go to Hell
This better not be some "once saved always saved" nonsense. You've got to walk the walk until the end.
Russo is as well, he even did a shoot interview with HBK a few years ago and spent the last half an hour just talking about their faith.
How are trannies and gays supposed to hear about Jesus if nobody associates with them?
Praying for you.
Anyone got any videos from Vince Russo's short-lived Christian wrestling fed?
Card for one of their shows.
None of them. Including AJ. If you're saying Charlotte isn't because of divorce, then that means you're excluding anyone for any sin. But no one is sin free. But especially AJ who works on the Sabbath at least once a month and more than once usually.
Michaels only is because he burned all his bridges and just pretends so he can repair his image.
closest to a Christ figure in wrestling
Roman only pretends cause he's living on borrowed time
Unfortunately not, brother.
>But especially AJ who works on the Sabbath at least once a month and more than once usually.
Man was not made for the Sabbath.