Let's be honest, none of the wrestlers even understand what a union is...

Let's be honest, none of the wrestlers even understand what a union is. Most of them have never gone to school or held a real job

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that might have been true 20 years ago, but most wrestlers nowadays are college graduates and pretty clean cut dudes who have a lot of world experience.

Imagine her braps

yeah they're mostly morons

unionizing would destroy the wrestling business


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I miss high school.

Stayed home sick today, huh?

I want to be behind her when she braps

Only time I can fuck your mom is when you're in daycare.

I wish I still went to high school, life ends as soon as you leave it. It's been a terrible few years

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why would i get a job when i can just live on welfare lmao stupid faggot

As if most public high school actually have classes for important shit like money management or career building unless as an elective people are only forced to take when the more pointless ones are full and they don't leave early for work study

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>a real job

Look at this wagie mired in a job he hates for 10 bucks per hour seething.

>unionizing would destroy the wrestling business
Why do you think so?

>being a disgusting hormonal piece of shit with superfluous priorities is this nigga's life's highlight

get out more you pathetic retard

had a great high school btw but it's nothing compared to what followed

holy fuck just fuck 18 year olds you faggot

not that poster, but the wwe could easily have one, as far as other promotions it could possibly bankrupt them

Cope harder oldcels

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This. But i’d take it a step further and go back to elementary and live out a dream childhood I cooked up in my head

>Implying based Epico doesn't have a degree in business
>Implying he couldn't btfo /biz/

Get a load of this faggot who peaked in high school.

based, adult life is horrible

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25+ is the best time of your life if you're not a fucking loser.

You will never have a constant stream of pretty young faces around you 24/7 again

this, unfortunately most here are fucking losers.

Cope harder brainlet, your collagen is already 1/5th gone at 30, only old women will want you then

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Wish I could.

t. 38 y/o.

No one here can even get a woman to talk to them.

I wish you would lose some weight.


Women become desperate for good dick at 30, you can carry on getting 28-32 year olds for decades if you do even the simplest of self care.

There are unions for total and complete brainlets.

UCFW is fucking grocery store baggers

The union concept is simple get a tax on your income get benefits

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Banging 30 yo's is nothing like banging 18 yo's pal, which is why life sucks after high school

Banging 18 year olds makes me feel like a pedo, most still live in their moms home.

hey discord tranny

Not a tranny. I just dont like teen porno since the girls look too young. I'm an AuntJudys chad