"John Oliver is clearly a clever and humorous entertainer, however, the subject matter covered in his WWE segment is no laughing matter," the organization said in the statement to The Hollywood Reporter. "Prior to airing, WWE responded to his producers refuting every point in his one-sided presentation. John Oliver simply ignored the facts. The health and wellness of our performers is the single most important aspect of our business, and we have a comprehensive, longstanding Talent Wellness program. We invite John Oliver to attend WrestleMania this Sunday to learn more about our company."


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Other urls found in this thread:


They're going to have longtime WWE superfan and his mentor Jon Liebowitz give him a spanking

The state of this company

>We totally refuted all his points, you guys. Trust us!
Show your work.

Dont go Oliver they ding-dong diddly kill you

>refuting every point
Hmm thats where I started to laugh

New York's playing with fire here, all it takes is for one Oliver intern to google "Nancy Argentino"....

>john oliver

They seem upset.

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WWE writing staff could use some of that


I bet he's funnier than you

Yeah sure

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Or Rita Chatterton

>I bet he’s funnier than you

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If anyone can recognize wit and talent, it is modern WWE.

What did he say? I'm not watching a video.

He basically called them out on the “independent contracted” bullshit

>comprehensive, longstanding Talent Wellness program
Someone should've said that they don't test part timers

Just bashed Vince for not giving a shit about their older wrestlers who fall on hard times, said about the whole independent contractors bullshit and how WWE can fire wrestlers for being injured if the injury is over 6 weeks and few other sly fine prints in wrestlers contracts

>John Oliver is clearly a clever and humorous entertainer

>The health and wellness of our performers is the single most important aspect of our business

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mmmmm you done it now. slandering the wwe gets you 100 pure strikes

As someone that doesn't own WWE stock why should I be mad about this?

The most bullshit clause is obviously the one stating that any injury or death incurred by negligence on WWE’s part is not their fault.
I thought no corporatation cuck or E-Drone could ever defend it but you should see some of the idiots on other posts

Unions are a death kneel for any company. No shock a dumb lib is pushing for one in the WWE. The wrestlers would have to pay union fees and would ask for more money, so you’d pay more for WWE tickets, merch, and even the Network!

WWE views employee safety as a top priority, and a union would just prevent them from giving employees the one on one bargaining power they need.

is this you user, or are you copy pasting someone else?

Does anyone watch CURRENT YEAR man anymore?

t. brainwashed bootlicking NEET who wants to die at 40 so his boss can profit off his back

unironically this. fuck commies

>WWE views employee safety as a top priority
>Let's bring Tomasso Ciampa, who we know is carrying a big injury and just wants to finish the Gargano story before going into surgery, to RAM. I mean what are the chances of him turning his neck into sawdust if he works back to back tv matches!!!

Unions are good in concept but always end up screwing up the workers and becoming more like a mafia

They just got billions of fucking dollars you honestly think this fuckers are really gonna lose anything?

imagine the memes

John Oliver actually was wrong about punk shitting himself, it wasn't because of head injuries it was because of a staph infection wwe doctors misdiagnosed for over three months that punk could have died from.

vince dont you have anything better to do?

He might as well 'call out' entire industries and States

john oliver is a faggot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It was neither. What actually caused the shitting was the Z-paks. Antibiotics do that if you abuse them.

Yeah take that spiked corporate cock you cuck.

>John Oliver simply ignored the facts
So...what are the facts?

I'm not a politicuck so I don't care

ideki who john oliver is but he seems somehow more evil than vince

brave fencesitter

that makes you a cuck

Based Centristchad


>Prior to airing, WWE responded to his producers refuting every point in his one-sided presentation.
If they were serious about this response, they would've posted all the points refuted online. But clearly they just want Oliver to go to Mania in order to get more publicity.

lmao this nigga be like 'yes masta enjoy ur relaxation at ur huge pool masta shall i bring you another margharita masta shall i massage ur shaft afterwards masta'

>being this big a faggot
you dont have to pick a side but being ignorant isnt something to brag about

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Lol you’re a dumb lib comparing capitalism to slivery, not worth my time or effort here.

Face it - Vince is a job creator, he built WWE. Socialism, and that’s what unions represent, will kill it. WWE is making record profits right now and can hire the best wrestlers in the world because of that, they couldn’t if unions were involved.

>Satan posts a jew kicking a goy in the ding-dong diddly


People that attacked the business used to get slapped.

Man you are living in the 50s.

>cuck embarrasses your company
>let's invite him for free to our biggest event of the year

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If only they would put him in an interview with Strowman to get choked out like Hogan did to Richard Belzer

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Not even US law is retarded enough to allow this, right? You can't just say "we're not responsible for our negligence" on a contract

My dad was forced to join a union and pretend to be a leftie so he wouldn't lose his job, not because he was doing poor work or a boss wanted him gone, but because he was disliked by a union cunt that is too close to the top guys.
Fuck unions.

I like how the only modern WWE stuff that made it into the video was Strowman + Big Show breaking the ring and Roman being booed for 8 minutes.

Oh no no no the four eyed faggot with a talk show is going to shoot make wwe create a union for their wrestlers

Hi Steph

Was this a shoot?

WWE even offers rehab to wrestlers that have been fired. I don't understand Oliver's butthurt.


Court precedent says: Yes, you can. Eat a dick.

No. Belzer got a mansion out of it.

Why do Americans glorify unions so much ? They're fucking cancer.



There's nothing wrong with private sector unions.

There's also nothing wrong with not having one

did you enjoy your weekend?

I punch commies

Lol they're so fucking mad


I hate communists but there's positive aspects of unions. go ahead and keep licking that corporate boot though

>"a place for dreamers"
>shows minorities

unions are for faggots
you lick government taint

Did I missing a meeting or something?

Why are there Like! now?
what are the numbers next to Anonymous?
What are the back checks and blue checks for?

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Unions had nothing to do with the government

This guy's gonna get benoit'd

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it's april fools, like the whole teams thing last year

And you're wrong. The government protects worker's ability to strike
Lick that crusty taint you little commie faggot

Everyone here does realize this hit piece only happened because it came out that Linda McMahon was going to be working Trumps 2020 campaign, right? I mean, none of you are actually naive enough to take anything that disingenuous bespectacled fuckwit says seriously, are you?

The cringey fag literally hasnt said one wrong thing except for the pedo joke with Roman

Hi paul!

Was the segment whre Vince says he doesnt give a fuck about his wrestlers in an interview a work or not? If not then boy is he a carny cringey cunt

>Hurr durr their choice to kill themselves in the ring nevermind that they dont book the matches and the segments its their fault!

it's not hard to say no, you quivering faggot.
someone should explain that to your cunt whore mother as well.

It is kind of funny that the superior host has appeared on WWE stuff while Oliver shittalks them from his shitty chair.

You do realize I don't give a flying fuck about any of that right?

>Say no
>Become a jobber


>ONE (1) month of the WWE Network (valued at 9.99) has been deposited into your Stand Up For WWE account

wtf i love current year man now

>I literally had to break my neck or my pretend character would lose matches!
Dumb cuck

Beware WWE, it has strange and eerie powers.

Imagine saying No to Vince Mcmahon. Imagine Asuka telling him she won't drop the title. Imaging Ciampa telling him he won't work Raw and Smackdown. Imagine Andrade telling him he won't work the pre-show. I magin Baron Corbing telling him he won't be the scapegoat of his shitshow ratings.

Is this the best face turn of the century? I hate Oliver but this is the most entertaining thing to happen to WWE in a while.

>Being happy with being a clown in front of millions(soon less) for the whole year

I'm not a big fan of John "Current Year" Oliver but he or his writing team was right about WWE. That being said if you are a wrestling fan it's nothing new but it's being given a bigger exposure it needs.

>millions(soon less)

It's...time ... to lay the TARPS


Rolled 88 (1d100)

On a scale of 1 to 100 this is how hard Vince is seething right now

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>88 of 100
Holy shit he's going mad

Based retard

>Roman sucks chants are now going to be replaced with give healthcare chants
Wtf I might watch wrestlemania now

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No, people talk about politics at the water cooler with you until they see steam coming out of your obese ears and politely excuse themselves from the conversation.

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Why doesn't John Oliver ever Point Out important shit like israel's crimes?

Do the jobbers make like 30k a year or something such that they can't afford insurance? I assume this is the case right? The top tier of course makes hundreds of thousands so they can afford it through a marketplace.

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>The McMahons try to appeal to the "SJW" crowd
>"Balor Club Is for Everyone"
>women main-event Wrestlemania, get their own Royal Rumble, all-female show, etc.
>"SJWs" smell blood and start going after WWE even harder

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is he recovered yet from his injuries?

Have you seen his nose?

wtf I love Janela now


Yeah he's returning this weekend.

Cena v. John Oliver at WM35?

I agree. But if your industry is headed by carny faggots, fuck 'em.


>tfw you can't tell if people are legitimately e-drones or if they're just trying work others
I hope I'm being worked bros

Fuck you, bootlicking faggot. People have the right to get together for collective bargaining. If you don't support private sector unions you're a fucking pinko scumbag.

>unironically going to RAM, cringe t-shirts and Bayley headbands, and a meme service that still runs on flash
Good, suck the E-drones dry

The nerve they have putting both Asuka and Naomi in that video. This company is a fucking joke.

ya seethe😂

Isnt it weird how even when there was a large amount of competition between promotions like during the Attitude era, wrestlers never tried to bargain for healthcare in their contracts?

>"...who face adversity and rise above..."
>shows Charlotte

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Based Jamie going burying Vinnie's cumrag and drumpfie at the same time

It's only going to get worse if Linda gets promoted to secretary of commerce or whatever the fuck.

poor cedric's dick

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Lol Vince is exactly like Trump. This company man.

Bitch move even acknowledging Oliver. I don’t watch much WWE anymore but giving attention to that preening faggot makes me lose what little respect I might have had for them left.

Oliver is a nobody and his show only exists because he panders to a very loud (but small) twitter crowd. He needs attention from big targets and WWE is playing right into his hand.

Did anyone else burst out laughing when Vince smacks the papers in reporters hand and SJW crowd gasped

How does WWE get away with having the worst possible PR in the world? Jesus Christ dude, send a fake "while we do XYZ, we continue to strive to..." message. These fuckers literally say fuck you faggot you are wrong. Does Vince also do the PR for the company?

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Would have been 100 times more based if Vince just called John Oliver a cuckold and told him to suck his old man dick.

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What? It was a shoot, Belzer sued the shit out of the WWF/Hogan

Vince is teflon. Look at all the stuff he has survived that if a politician did them theyd be out of office or if the CEO of some major banking firm did them they'd be forced to resign and take their golden parachute.

Everytime. Every gotdamn time.
You give SJWs an inch, they want an acre. Tell 'em to fuck off, always.

Dont be a draft git that was only announced a couple days ago, these segments have to be planned and written weeks ago.
Also, why do you think he, or anyone else, cares that Linda is working on the campaign, one of a hundard other millionaires.


John Oliver is a dumb cuck who talks about shit he knows nothing about.

Fuck SJWs.

His writers have researched it I guess

im #standingupforwwe here

And yet he didn't say anything that isn't true.

Vince is taking a page out of the Saudi's book

Oliver's gonna get Khashoggied

You're saying Oliver works for the CIA?

Doesn’t matter. They were up .5% today. Gay ass brits do not impact corporate gains

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Yes you fucking moron. The wwe network is all he has, and he isn't making 50 bucks off of a pay per view watch anymore.

You're unironically right.
Demanding all this shit when the wwe is barley making money from the WWE network is ridiculous. If this was the days of 50 dollar pay per view buys and an annual guarentee of over 200 thousand buys (Wrestlemania) then it would be reasonable.
John is a retard and anything he says about economics should never be taken seriously by anyone.
He is right about the WWE treating their wrestlers like shit though.

You have no idea what that term means at all.

>John Oliver simply ignored the facts.

What a surprise.

>John Oliver is clearly a clever and humorous

Attached: images.jpg (160x160, 4K)

Amazon Delivery Driver
>non union
>18$ an hour
>shit benefits

UPS Driver
>40$ an hour
>awesome benefits

If you're a poorfag unions are in your best interest. Richfags don't like them cause they cost the richfags money. Pretty simple shit

>wwe presented ZERO facts

fucking learn to read e-drone retard

People just assume carnies do shady shit

And yet people are still working for Amazon

Amazon has delivery drivers? Every time I've ordered from Amazon, it's arrived via USPS. And I've ordered hundreds of things from Amazon.

UPS pays their employees like 20 and hour you fucking simp.
>Awesome benefits

Another seething soiboi. Stop worshipping a limey who lies to you for ratings.

The four major sports all have unions, all of which WWE doesn’t hesitate to compare themselves to.


>Not Sports Entertainment

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ding-dong diddly

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Heads: ya seething
Tails: ya still seethingCoin Flip: Heads

Have sex

That guy is a fucking annoying piece of shit but he is right about this.🐒

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But theatre actors are independent contractors too tho being a wrestler is the same thing

Yup. Ya definitely seething.

Not if they're on TV or any other type of broadcast.

Two wrongs don't make a right simp.

I'd have to go out on a limb and guess that if theater actors were getting crippled or killed at the rate that wrestlers do, there would be public outcry for more worker protections for them, too. This wouldn't be as much of a problem if people could just go elsewhere and work, but Vince has done such a good job at putting his competition out of business that there aren't a lot of good options.

>John Oliver is clearly a clever and humourous entertainer
Vince wrote this.

>John Oliver found hanging from weight-lifting machine, entire family drugged and murdered, April 8th, 2019

Truest shit

He is senile.

They also have a union, the whole reason wwe studios exists is so they can get wrestlers sag insurance

$20/hour in my part of America would make you the richest man in the city.

Seek sunlight

Maybe in fucking Chicongo

oh god i would completely lose my shit if slimy limey got the john stossel treatment

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That can't be real. I'm fucking dying.

Lol John Stewart is so cute and little

Seek blood pressure medication.🐸

He's actually just Charlie Chaplin

It's real youtube.com/watch?v=sQWHqyh5bI4 here's Vince telling you to #StandUpForWWE

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I seriously don't know what's the funniest Vince moment for me is now. Either that entire video or the way he said Aretha Franklin's name in Wrestlemania III.

It's literally proto fake news.

Not sure how I ended up here but it's weird seeing people agree with and praise a cuck like John Oliver.

Is there any fan that actually unironically fanboys WWE? I mean most of the fans actually hate Vince with a passion even when they keep watching.

worked, ya e-cuck

No one hates Vince the person

Why are WWE owners and E drones seething?

Unions are what made America great during the 50s so the middle class could actually have stuff and enjoy life. Don't hate unions, hate the game playa.

wrong! this only came out because AEW owns the media! We taking over son!

Theatre actor here, you don't know shit. Unless you're in an amateur dramatics troupe doing Shakespeare In The Park for free or some shit literally everybody you meet is union. It's just accepted as part of the biz.

You know that phrase "Even a broken clock is right twice a day"? Even a libcuck can BTFO someone once in a blue moon too. His 'comedy' might be cringe as fuck but anyone that makes WWE seethe is good in my book.

Or Katie Vick

Absolute damage control. For once in his life John is right about that. Jake the Snake part of the segment was pretty sad.


No one hates Vince the character. He is fucking based.

Vince the person is senile and stupid to dangerous levels.

I can't even imagine being a work E-drone.

You're a complete and utter moron.

>and we have a comprehensive, longstanding Talent Wellness program
I can't stop laughing.

It took two midgets to implement but it's there.

>all of which WWE doesn’t hesitate to compare themselves to
incels, what will we do with them

the only reason wwe doesn't have unions is because they haven't had to. That is a move you maybe do if your talent have other options. WWE has been monopoly, and that may only change if this AEW experiment takes off and makes unions status quo, but that remains to be seen.

This will be forgotten in a week, because WWE is not mainstream and there are more mainstream things to be outraged about by then.


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>middle manager at Walmart can't stop licking his owner's boots

People who do are just entitled babies. Vince is my entrepreneurial hero.

Shut the fuck faggot and kill yourself

It's "there" for corporate visibility only, everybody knows it's a crock of shit in reality. Remember them scrambling to put out a "A-actually the policy doesn't apply to part-timers" statement after Brock pissed hot in UFC?

It is somewhat helping. They are testing mainly for coke and shit like that, so their performers don't performer drugged to their gills.
They look the other way about steroids (the speed with which Jinder got muscly...), unless you are too obvious about it. And wrestlers know ahead of time when tests are coming, so they can be clean when doing the tests.

>inviting him to mania

Your fortune: Outlook good

It's silly because as Mike Rowe said, the employee's safety should be his number one priority.

You know you're working a dangerous job, one mistake could end everything and despite all efforts, nothing the company does can change that, you just have to, by yourself, take care of yourself.

You really need to learn more about the history of unions in America.

That is what user has been told by entertainment media he consumed. And that is also the only how he ever learnt unions work.

Imagine being a cuck like this guy

>Unions are a death kneel for any company.
Yeah, that's why Hollywood died and doesn't make any money anymore

Basically this
Just because John Oliver is an insufferable cunt doesn't make WWE's "independent contractor but also with an exclusive non-compete clause" bullshit stop being bullshit.

>40$ an hour for UPS Driver

and where the fuck did you pull this bullshit from?

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How fucking cucked does he thinks e-drones are?
Holy shit time to prep the bull

Absolutely. Its a good way to bake in corruption, and increase costs

Unions are always corrupt, but almost always less corrupt than the corprotate bootlicking or government handout alternative.

You don't sound smart.

he does. either way your point is irrelevant and stupid

when will Oliver Twit the British namby debut?

sure it is, they don't have to sign the mark contract

Fucking 9 year old

>John Oliver is clearly a clever and humorous entertainer

And you sound like a faggot. Unions are amazing as a concept, but eventually just devolve into "group of people get to the top, protect and benefit each other then dictate what you can and can't do, or ELSE".

John Oliver can just say "Chris Benoit" and Vince will shut up. Because there is nothing Vince can say, because Chris IS his fault and he will bury that fact forever

Are you serious? So many people hate Vince the person. From fans to promoters to wrestlers to some of his actual employees. I bet even Paul is starting to get sick of his old ass.

>I bet even Paul is starting to get sick of his old ass.
I can tell you for certain he does because of how Vince fucked up pretty much every NXT call up ever.

The company isn't worth standing up for anymore. Bring back the shameless sluts and ultra violence motherfuckers.


>It's bad to demand a bigger share of profits that you helped make.
All the other big sports constantly hold their overlords to account in wanting a greater and rightly so. But you're probably one of those idiots who blames the strikers for ruining your entertainemnt whenever they cancel a season.

>I know this one guy who got fucked by a bad union, hence all unions now and forever are bad. Corporations are saints though and we shouldn't mess with them.
Great logic there kid.

Yeah cuz most unions are super cool and amazing and totally not mini-politburos for petty blue collar faggots to exert some power in their meaningless lives

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Sounds like someone is jealous they're not in a union

Part-time fags shilling the fuck out of unions.

Linda McMahon works for trump. Olivers just a leftist shill

This commie faggot failed along with the rest of the media to take down Trump so he's going after his friends.

How's that any relevant to the topic?

politicuck cringe

God, Belzer is such a faggot

Are WWE employees paid well anyway? Maybe they are, enough to be ok with the independent contractor crap

Usually you only see them if you order something with Prime shipping and you live near an Amazon warehouse that has the item in question.

>Hollywood died and doesn't make any money anymore
Hollywood is on life support (ie capeshit movies) and the future does not look good.

If you see a wrestler on TV he's doing just fine

ding-dong diddly

Actually I love the off-season idea. Make WrestleMania as grand final episode and take break for about 3 months and then return for SummerSlam buildup.

By the way, I just get info that John Oliver will be invited to Saudi Embassy.

They get paid better than any other place wrestling, which is why Vince can treat them like that and face very little backlash. But other than the top guys, you are going to have trouble living your whole life just on what you are earning there, when you consider how short their careers are and how there's a risk of career ending injury every time they are in a match. And injuries that build up over time can be more serious since they can't risk resting since it pulls them off TV, and there's no guarantee that when they return that there will be any spot for them. More competition would help so there are places for wrestlers to go other than WWE, but they have gone out of their way to try to snatch up talent and put competition out of business. That's good for the WWE since they have to go to WWE if they want to watch wrestling, but bad for the talent and bad for fans since competition would bring a more entertaining product.