>at store checkout
>no line for cashier or self checkout
>cashier: "Hey I can help you here!"
>Just shake my head and go to self checkout.
>She looked angry
Times you turned heel irl
>cant talk to women
yikes op
Talked to yo mamma last nite bbygurl
>keep telling girl I would fuck her brains out with my hugebfock
>finally comes over to fuck
>last about a minute with my small cock
>kick her out
>she still texts me
>leave on read
>ask mom for mcdonalds
>she says no
>run back upstairs to my room, making sure to stomp my feet on every stair
>slam door
>scream into pillow
>mfw she brings me two mcchickens and large fry 10 minutes later
Tried to steal a bag of somebodys Taco Bell since i was starving but hey caught me then beat me up in parking lot
I tell everyone i voted for Hillary Clinton when i really voted for Trump
>at starbucks waiting for my drink
>get tired of waiting so just take the next ventti drink out and leave
>talk with cute 9/10 girl on tinder
>really hit it off
>Go on 2 dates
>Can tell she likes me a lot and feel attraction is mutual
>Even told her I love wrestling
>Third date time
>Arrange to go indoor rock climbing
>Day comes and I no show then ghost her
>Wanted to watch SummerSlam that night instead
I didnt give pizza man a tip somebody lock me up
based user doing the job and putting em over
I was dating two girls at once in college and then they found out about each other.
Felt bad, but oh well
Got 4 different girls pregnant and left them within a year. Now homeless.
>no drink
Dumb bitch
I nashed my coworker even though I knew she was married.
What does that mean
Yikes who fucks coworkers
>Be 12
>Sister steals my chocolate bar
>Kill her hamster
Absolutely based Echad. So this is why wrestle chads have never had sex, it all makes sense now.
>accidentally made dog retarded
>be kid at pet store
>see cute puppy
>"Mommy can i touch the puppy"
>worker hands me it, puts me in viewing room with door so cant steal it
>drop dog on its head
>it starts screaming in pain
>worker runs back to room
>"what happened?"
>"i dont know it just started cry"
It means he got anally raped in the hot summer of '92, even tho his coworker was married.
Put it in her butt
>~19 years old, went to eat some Chinese food with a buddy of mine
>pay with card
>leave a small tip (like 39¢ or something) so my account will have nice round transactions
>was just going to leave the actual tip with cash
>FOB Chinese waitress starts yelling at me after seeing the receipt
>says if I was going to leave such a small tip I should have gotten the food to go
>swagger back to table, re-pocket my cash and change the card receipt tip to zero while she watched
I usually tip really well too.
>big bro doesn't let me play with his Playstation 2
>can only play when he's on football practice
>decide that that's not good enough
>I take the PS2 and throw it into the toilet
>take it out and leave it back where it was hoping that it will dry out when my bro returns
>next thing I know he was mad as fuck because his PS2 died
>by next week he had bought another one with my moms help
I knew at that point that I was the Jannetty of my family.
>Tipping at all
Americuck corporate bootlicker
>Massive snow storm while at work, 12 inches+
>Gotta dig out the van from specially marked spot for snow emergencies
>Mark spot with cones
>Go on route
>Come back and find next door company's van in spot
>Steal all the tire caps and poured a bottle of water in the gas tank
>Couple days later hear about neighbor company's van getting smashed from stalling on highway
I've worked in restaurants and foodservice and know how the industry works and how much it can suck. If you get good service and don't tip then you're a nigger.
I did this once when I was late for work. The barista tried to shout to me to stop on the way out so I just pretended I couldn't hear him and carried on walking.
You couldn't tell from the trip and the post that he's am obvious thirdworlder?
Probably hasn't ever set foot in a restaurant let alone ever had the money for one.
>Be stoned 10th grade me
>my friend and I just finished saw the movie.
>Pizza guy comes we give the exact amount.
>Your tip is in the bathtub
>He looks confused
>Friend closes the door and says game over
took her to a burger restaurant
>At job at car wash
>pass out and get taken to hospital
>told I have lung cancer
>start cooking crystal meth
>strangle dude in basement
>poison a child
>blow up a nursing home
Check this out
Cashiers at grocery stores and pharmacies always have to make stupid comments about what you're buying. I use to be a cashier at a fast food place. I'd be friendly, but I'd never make make stupid offhand comments. I just want to get my line moving.
>December freshman year
>-20C that night
>Only person in my suite allowed to sign in guests after some huge brawl that happened over Halloween when I went home for a weekend
>Told to wait in lobby and let suitemate's friend in and sign him in for the night
>Bored in lobby 4 girls who live down the hall (2 5s a 6 and a 6.5) come stomping in with bags from LCBO and sobeys and say theyre gonna make JELLO shots and watch Gossip Girl
>Guy arrives apparently like a half hour later and spends 2 hours at the door freezing his ass off trying to reach me either w the intercom or through suitemates
>Just goes home after, says he's gonna kick my ass next time he sees me
jokes on u dumbass u cant even enter the building go back to ur community college across town.
>He thinks teenage girls who only took the job for some disposable income until they graduate actually care that some portly incel didn't come to their lane
Take a shower
Yeah right. Any proof.
> hanging out with bros
> we always cut promos when drunk, but this time they went off script and shoot buried me and my girlfriend at the time
> I challenge them to a pillow fight
> drunk, so they accept
> go in business for myself and give them all illegal head chair shots
> one gets mad so I show him 10 of my purest strikes
> they hold me back because the fight turned into a shoot
> broken nose for one of them, fucked up my wrist
> DontTryThisAtHome.gif
they do, because at least they arent bored and dont have to look busy.
Went to the peter piper buffet and took 2 whole peppwroni pizzas to my table
Your weight starts with 4?
I got promoted to supervisor at a grocery store and immediately immediately started abusing my powers
Mmmm don't wanna mess with this user
Big surprise the shit skin from the 3rd world doesn't know how to act like a human being
I hope you were beat as a child.
t. literal wageslave
piss out out the third floor window into the street
Umm no but i was molested coiple times
Picked them up for a power bomb and realized they’re too weak to lift and just dropped the poor Fuck on their head. He probably then proceeded to tear his own quad trying to run away.
>was a kid
>multiple lanes, only one open with black lady
>three people ahead of us, each not interested in her lane so they waited
>mom is up next
>I can help you here!
>mfw mom told her no thanks
Based heel booker man
Heres your dimes, you earned em
Classic heel behavior. You probably were employee of the month and well liked before this too.
I don’t want em touching my food either
>be shy and quiet around women, never got laid through my first two years of HS
>qt takes interest in me and initiates conversation first
>we talk and she basically forces me into a date
>legitimately think she’s kidding and we were going as friends
>pretty much hit it off and I get laid
>couple weeks later have enough confidence to talk to other women
>cheat on her soon after
Yeah I know, I think I’m still suffering for it, I had one more relationship after that and it was 2 years ago, may as well be a Virgin again
>brain dead faggots can't understand that people shouldn't be paying the wage of employees for their employer
>waaaaah my job is hard so give me hand outs from the money you worked hard to earn yourself
Entitled and retarded, dangerous combo.
>Same thing
>Owner calls me out on it
>Tells me this is a worked business and to stop being stiff with my co-workers
>Call him a ragsheet and throw the company newsletter into a fire
>Walk out and join another company
>Company is currently doing better than my old one.😃
shlomoed and chosenpilled
Can you name me a time you’ve ever engaged in coitus? Besides getting Nash’d against your will?
>get stuck in a room with OP's mom
>I rape her
Literally 2 days ago
Conjugal visits don’t count ya simp lmao
>been out drinking with gf
>get back to mine
>start play fighting
>pick up a cushion
>I don’t realise it had a zip cover liner
>hit gf with the purest of strikes
>zip knocks one of her teeth out
>she’s freaking out
>I’m lmao
>she goes to the bathroom
>comes back into the room
>I’m fast asleep hugging the cushion with what my gf described as the most content looking smile she had ever seen
>I’m still with her to this today, and when we argue I still threaten to bring out Mr. Cushion
He’s the bad apple that keeps trying to turn me full heel
>Take gf to driving range
>She doesn't know the etiquette for knowing when to walk behind the tees
>Backswing btfos her face
Her family thought I beat her when we returned and it ruined our relationship
>be me
>drunk and in a alley
>see some sexy little thing exit the bar
>decide to talk to this pretty little thing
>start spitting game
>tries to walk away
>tears their quads
>still drunk and horny af
>mfw i raped Kevin Nash in 92
Based af desu
>playing volleyball with best friend
>he throws a water balloon that explodes on my brand new boombox
>he apologizes
>I open hand slap him on the ear
>he grabs his head and storms off, crying
>I run after him and apologize
>we return together, laughing about the whole thing
>turned heel and back to face faster than Big Show
Dude, if you ever wanna turn face, you should kill some Nazis
>>playing volleyball with best friend
Are you guys gay by any chance
Niggaaaaa.. i mean you may just be tarded enough to be based
I wouldn't fuck you up as a child. But I promise ud catch a shot to the kidneys before I walked you back to your mom
Then i get on my knees and start sucking ya dick and when you just bout to cum i bite it off
Strate up n down deserved it
Don't tell us one of your stories about being molested, no one cares.
>Attend new year's party with ex
>No idea who anyone there is
>Work myself into getting drunk
>Kiss two men in front of her as a prank
Bases how did u kno
Haha good prank bro
I ain't mad at this. Make your money bub
Definition of a fucking Chad
i raped some jobber in 1992💔
Fucking based
It was a shoot, brother.
>getting worked in to a shoot by a worked shoot
Based Jamal
Why did they leave you without supervision?
>I ain't mad at this. Make your money bub
Fast food workers are rarely paid by the head bro
Good joke user
> long long long story
> ex lover is an erotic photographer in las vegas
> friends with tranny pornstars, her company shoots some of them
> im in town
> was supposed to hang out because i'm pathetic
> she stays at work late
> im stuck in vegas with "nothing" to do (I mean, it's vegas)
> get a call from her
> asks if i can go meet one of her tranny girls
> i do
> tranny asks if we can pick up other tranny friend
> first girl is sarina valentina btw
> go to where second friend is
> it's the AVN awards
> i am sitting in a casino in a starbucks with sarina valentina talking shit about all the pornstars we see
> second tranny comes out, didn't win
> it's madison montag btw
> have two transgender pornstars with me
> walking through hall
> drunk guy see's madison montag
> omg i love you you're so beautiful
> madison is polite at first
> oh god you're so hot i jack off to you all the time
> um okay guy
>i start talking to guy, hey bud you've had a lot to drink
> yeah i know but i don't think tonight's your night
> here's a bar you should check out i hear its good
> guy grabs her arm
> i push guy away from the two of them
> i tell guy i will break his jaw in front of everyone if he comes near us
> guy calls me a jerk and walks away
> we get home
> madison goes to sleep
> me and sarina watch Tank Girl on a tablet
> I fuck her
> we get mcdonalds
> that's my story
you buttfucking a gay guy while on vacation is hardly a heel turn
Well, it's all I got.
Cringe and neverhappenedpilled
Absolutely based
It 100% happened. I swear on Kevin Nash's damaged asshole.
>being gay
>not a heel
It's literally 2019 nigga🐸
And you're literally a homo
I'm not the one who told the story, brainlet. I just don't hate faggots.🐸
If you don't you might as well be one