Now that the dust hast settled for 70 years, is this the greatest heel faction of all time?

Now that the dust hast settled for 70 years, is this the greatest heel faction of all time?

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They might not be heels to incels but to normal peepole they are yes.

cringe and bluepilled

Incels would go to the camps though ya ding-dong diddly slapdick

cringe and bluepilled, they really didn't gas anyone. The jews gassed themselves and blamed it on hitler, as well as setting up the Poland attack too.

who would win? the entire nazi upper government or brothers of destruction?

Literally should have went over. The Jews can’t book for shit

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what's with the upside down WWE logo?

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>cringe and bluepilled, they really didn't gas anyone. The jews gassed themselves and blamed it on hitler,

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They were cool heels. A lot in common with vintage NWO.

That's Wonder woman's symbol. WWE's is only two Ws and it has a line underneath

t. tranny incel

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>You're either nexus or against us

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>Not the Soviets
>Not the British
>Not the Mongols

They got white hot for a short time but have spent 60 of that 70 years trying to recapture their lost glory days. Sad really.

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>Stalin was just as bad!

Kane shoots fire and Carder shoots lighting. The nazis have help from the ayys

china, usa, russia and germany are the 4 horsemen of evil desu

Let's liquidate some Kulaks since it doesn't mean anything.


You know how I know you have bad teeth?

No, this is.

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>stalin a gud boi he dindu nuffin

>The Italians are literally the comedy jobber of the faction

>literally start 2 world wars
>literal genocide
>not evil

are you retarded?

Based n shit like that xD

how'd this nigga get the 23?

>chinlet glasses-wearer here
shit, worked.

Well now it's obvious you're from the UK.

A few centuries of getting fucked over by the greater powers in Europe lead to those world wars just as much as Kaiser autism and """Lebensraum."""

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The germoids wouldn't get past the local 81


Based truth user burying incels Based. The kulaks had it coming

ding dong diddely cringe and worked

Oh shit

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I don't think he's the one that got worked.

Bunch of faggot cucks

period at the top was too short and they went out like bitches, top tier heat though. Not even a top-10 faction though

This. You some kind of homosexual, OP?♣️

Let's talk Holodomor, rabbi