ITT: BASED Yea Forums moments, only 100% BASED moments allowed

ITT: BASED Yea Forums moments, only 100% BASED moments allowed.

Attached: IMG_6034.jpg (848x737, 232K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Thought this was underrated

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you just got worked

Attached: bischoff ted.jpg (500x500, 32K)

Attached: take mark.png (2244x2000, 762K)

Fuck jannies

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Attached: ASPchad fingers a horse.jpg (1548x2016, 702K)

Attached: Screenshot_20181110-135421.jpg (1059x1794, 880K)

Kek that was me on the left working Yea Forums in to a shoot and I got ding-dong diddly banned for it

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Attached: deaddie quads btfo.jpg (1336x1024, 286K)

Yeah, but Marty Jannetty has a term named after him. Plus he slept with his daughter, so who's really winning?

Attached: Screenshot_20181118-110121_Chrome.jpg (1439x1794, 859K)


my score

Your heart is begging you to take a walk outside


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Attached: Screenshot_20171028-105010.jpg (1409x1320, 654K)

now that's what I call BASED. thanks user.

Attached: ge.jpg (293x335, 56K)

seething likelet😂

Memes aside pedomod on this board is such a fucking insufferable irritating sexless little spoiled sport faggot. Anything that's remotely funny or quality banter gets removed yet tired old rape posting and boring memes that are also a lot of the time off topic are left untouched.

Fuck you mod btw if you read this. You no good piece of shit, you take all fun and humor away from this board so suck a dick you ugly pasty fatass no good jabroni simp cunt.

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Anything Kevin Nash at this moment

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Attached: Aishitemasu.png (1293x849, 727K)

based pedoCHAD workin this jabroni mark

GO ACE ;_;


Attached: peyumola.png (950x580, 135K)

/wooo/ here, literally no other board gives a fuck about you faggots

Somepost that one thread where an user said "WWE is wrestling" and got embarassed by everyone.

Attached: 1550349766814.png (1634x1137, 1.76M)

every one of my posts is fucking iconic

Attached: gSuSeEkDY2fSIN2d_EP8BEeQF1bptu_zbdIQbW9ae8c.jpg (1080x720, 85K)

This. Yea Forums can't stop talking about Reddit, /woo/ and /pol/ yet they don't for one second even think about this place

Attached: 1516081332748.png (699x486, 61K)

Yet here you are

Rolled 90 (1d100)

Not sure about this one. Let's roll to see how based it is.


>elimination chamber

Attached: 779DA769-64AF-454C-A5D7-FBB8616916EB.jpg (1024x576, 77K)

Hold on there friend, this is NOT based! Disliked!💢

Attached: 1504977084952.gif (200x150, 1.5M)

Nothing will ever come close to this.

Attached: punishment.png (1344x214, 47K)

Based user going into buisness for himself. Pedomod BTFO

Thats my screenshot lol


Attached: 1526943423384.jpg (445x384, 100K)

It's catch, not cash
Stupid hick

Ya seethe? Fume a lil' bit? Perhaps shittin' n' cummin'?

ding-dong diddly embarrassing desu

hes not wrong
AEW isn't competing with Vince but HHH

every gamethread

Attached: dronetties.png (1275x1062, 282K)

Literally /who/? Sorry, I only recognize boards that draw dimes.

Someone post the one with Based Hana performing in front of real people.

Your fortune: Good Luck

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Attached: MHJ~043AYHU)K6UH_]~4{XV.png (983x166, 92K)


Based promochad burying pedomong

We secretly rule the site ya simp.

Attached: asp overreaching influence.png (440x480, 560K)

Attached: ratings.png (485x340, 293K)

I remember that Inuyasha vs Naruto thing everytime I see a NJPW thread and I still laughing a lot

Attached: Screenshot_20190318-194332_Chrome.jpg (1080x2220, 749K)

Why are you here?

whatever geek♨️

>this is what smackcucks actually believe

Attached: 1525132890613.jpg (630x614, 39K)

I read this in Austin's voice.

Yea Forums's disdain and derision over the mods and jannys only rivals that of Yea Forums during it's peak. I hope lyricchad lives a happy fulfillinf life.

Can i get that pic of peypey?

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Attached: RIGHT.jpg (811x633, 65K)

Based because it's the only one of those kinds of posts that actually influenced board culture. Sawdust is part of Yea Forums lingo now
made me kek
good comeback but tarp jokes are overdone
Based, also had impact on board culture like sawdust did since njpw got called anime since then
Based, shame so many people do shitty replications of it, waters it down a lot


go back then false flaggers

Current Yea Forums would like a word with you

Strange thing is they butt their nose in a lot less often than their counterparts on other boards. It's easy to tell a lot of Yea Forumsies are tourists from SC that use this as their safespace to say things they'd get 'downvoted' for on their home site and have never been on other boards

fuck off zombie

anyone screencap the high school musical lyric chad post?

>/wooo/ here, literally no other board gives a fuck about you faggots
>from whochan🏴

Yo i remember that shit. That was some samefag nonsense to the fullest. At least let shit happen naturally. You aren’t a comedian

Attached: 1550044660381.png (1903x603, 114K)

>/wooo/ here


>one autist who replies to himself 20 times and empties his folder

KYS my man

Attached: 9h87mbfgwbo21.jpg (622x430, 52K)

>posts someone who bitched out right when he was on the cusp of drawing the biggest dimes of all time

The K-Trigger's always a classic

I was there.

As the creator of several beloved images in that thread I appreciate you including this.

Attached: 9593.jpg (1439x310, 272K)

Anyone going to post the legendary "The Post that saved Yea Forums" Steiner pic?

Attached: waterfox_2018-02-18_11-37-20.png (1348x231, 70K)

Begging ya to seek employmen and sunlight

Attached: asp autism anon.jpg (1370x1470, 517K)

>emptying your folder with only 20 replies
lurk more newfag

Attached: 5000000.jpg (1316x242, 75K)

The End of Wolfcuck

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holy shit based scorechad

Does anyone still have the screencap of carter posting his chin with the time stamp or did everyone that posted back then run away from here screaming

You got banned for posting that? That's hilarious.

This was me

lmfao based



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