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Cringe. I only drink Monster


Dwanye hiding his deformed daughter

Based boomer


Those are the litty (piss) jars he collected when Baywatch was in theatres.

based rock roiding and alcoholing his liver into a simpering seethe

Only oral steroids are really liver toxic.

>implying Rock doesn't get his blood tested constantly
lol imagine being poor and afraid to drink and do drugs

>white knighting for a millionaire while getting worked

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>says the poorfag worked by a person enjoying life

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I drink much anymore, but I wanna get litty with the Rock

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Tbh, I bet Rock is in constant physical pain from abusing his body all these years.

Wow, I bet no one expected this post. You really llike to think outside the box, don't you? You're never one to just hop on a bandwagon or support a forced meme. I totally respect you.

desu Tequila tastes like shit. Why didn't he into real alcohol?

Better than his usual, DUDE, PANCAKES LOL "cheat day" posts.

Tequila taste smoooooth

Cheap tequila tastes like shit, but the nice stuff is as good as any other spirit

He only wrestled for 5 years

don't be underaged you cuck.

What's with the labels? Did he make his own tequila or something?


>worked into lying about enjoying your miserable life

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Awww. user doesn't respect me ;[

>exposing that you are a depressed faggot with a shit life

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based overreacting


Rocky should be a role model and he decides to pose with alcohol, teens who follow him will think that drinking is cool. Fuck him. CMPUNK was a better role model, had cooler tattos and promoted a healthy lifestyle

but drinking is cool

>Those veiny roid arms
Yes I'm jelly but yes they look disgusting as well.

>still projecting still replying still worked

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