Will they let us post on Yea Forums in the re-education camps?

Will they let us post on Yea Forums in the re-education camps?

Attached: 1554109016081.jpg (1146x1635, 272K)


can they get people in other countries or is this just NZ fags?

FBI i just want you to know i denounce this user

BASED user keeping pedomod and the FBI on their toes

Attached: fbi gonna kill you.jpg (1250x529, 134K)

So this is what lesbian rape looks like

oh fug!

No not the soon posters


Its everywhere lad we are absolutely ding-dong diddly fucked. I made music edits to mosque shooting oh noooo oh nooo oh no no


>I made music edits to mosque shooting

Attached: 1553078641033.png (1000x721, 451K)

Based rational user working the alt right incels

Attached: hwo4et7xwouy.jpg (1078x1366, 995K)

If I hear one more nigga saying #alllivesmatter (all lives matter)
Gat to your back, bitch
All lives splatter
No love lost in the land of the free

t. samefag tranny incel

Attached: tranny incels.png (500x594, 406K)

What even is this?

leftist cucks in tears

Attached: soy.jpg (618x635, 43K)

bitch ass

Unironically looks like images /pol/ would make to satirize the lefts chronic inability to meme.


We're on 4channel not Yea Forums ya damn simpola💯

Based and Truthpilled

Fuck you

Attached: 1552833962768.jpg (640x593, 88K)


ya seething little cringe boy?

Hey pedomod as long as this thread stays up I am gonna post this

Attached: sandniggers BTFO in NZ.webm (648x360, 2.9M)


Persecuted for what exactly?
Is the video copyrighted?

The final shitpost

Attached: 80e.png (1466x998, 435K)


Careful, a bunch of New Zealanders are gonna get summer of 92'ed by a bunch of islanders if they see that.

Happy now, Trumpcucks? Your hero has abandoned you. Enjoy jail.
