Will they let us post on Yea Forums in the re-education camps?
Will they let us post on Yea Forums in the re-education camps?
can they get people in other countries or is this just NZ fags?
FBI i just want you to know i denounce this user
BASED user keeping pedomod and the FBI on their toes
So this is what lesbian rape looks like
oh fug!
No not the soon posters
Its everywhere lad we are absolutely ding-dong diddly fucked. I made music edits to mosque shooting oh noooo oh nooo oh no no
>I made music edits to mosque shooting
Based rational user working the alt right incels
If I hear one more nigga saying #alllivesmatter (all lives matter)
Gat to your back, bitch
All lives splatter
No love lost in the land of the free
t. samefag tranny incel
What even is this?
leftist cucks in tears
bitch ass
Unironically looks like images /pol/ would make to satirize the lefts chronic inability to meme.
We're on 4channel not Yea Forums ya damn simpola💯
Based and Truthpilled
Fuck you
ya seething little cringe boy?
Hey pedomod as long as this thread stays up I am gonna post this
Persecuted for what exactly?
Is the video copyrighted?
The final shitpost
Careful, a bunch of New Zealanders are gonna get summer of 92'ed by a bunch of islanders if they see that.
Happy now, Trumpcucks? Your hero has abandoned you. Enjoy jail.