I havent gotten 1 like yet bros

i havent gotten 1 like yet bros

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post and I'll give ya one little feller

i somehow have 3

me neither


pls give me my 1st like

thank u fren

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I don't think OPs are allowed to get likes. Only replies. That's sucks, have a (Like) anyway.

I got just a few this entire time.
I don't wanna be a jobber, bros.

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same bros
are we the jobbers?

same here fren

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Ya see, OP, people like you don't get to be liked.

liked pal

Try drawing a dime ya nerd.

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It's actually an alphabet agency trap, solving the captcha links you to your other posts, and each like you give reveals all the sordid little details of your life you'd prefer to remain hidden.
Also, bro.

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go to /pol/ their handing 'em out like candy but apparently score dosen't transfer between boards

*big leagues you*

Have you ding-dong diddly hit the weights?
Have you ding-dong diddly taken a shower?
Have you ding-dong diddly gain a clue?
Have you ding-dong diddly gain height?
Have you ding-dong diddly have sex?

Literally kill yourself you faggot nobody likes you

I'm gonna get all of my likes in the gamethread for ram and it's gonna be ding-dong diddly based


Kevin nash got raped

whats my score

REEEEE I was about to go to sleep, now I have to stay up for hours to try and get likes while the system is still hyped up