Is he a draw?

Is he a draw?

Attached: smiley.png (168x176, 3K)

he's a jobber to party

holy based🙁

>lowest value perk
>a draw


don't worry user you'll get there one day...

Your fortune: Average Luck

literally who🍞

I'm working my way up senpai, finally made it outta the indys👣

good job user, soon you'll be a midcard star🐸

Attached: ocpepe.png (597x600, 59K)


I'm not doing too well in life lads🙁

Based birthday hat drawing the house.

I want smiley to shit on my chest and kill me with a hammer


so Paul keeps telling me, I just earned a hotdog in my first NXT debut!♣️

Rolled 3 (1d6)

if i get a 5 im buying the wwe network



based and sadpilled🙁

I'm gonna jerk off to those feet

Solid undercard worker who deserves a shot at the big time.😃

never drew a dime