Post your favorite wrestler here and if other anons like them it get's a like. GO! GO! GO!

Post your favorite wrestler here and if other anons like them it get's a like. GO! GO! GO!
Wrestler with the most likes becomes the King of Yea Forums.

Attached: JBL.jpg (224x350, 20K)

Attached: SDyo.jpg (312x450, 34K)

Attached: Disco_Inferno.png (320x728, 157K)

Attached: Kevin-Nash-Image-1 (1).jpg (768x822, 56K)

Grow a chin Yea Forums.

Attached: 1513558797124.jpg (239x300, 12K)

Attached: Kairi_Sane.jpg (900x1200, 265K)

Gain weight, ya s󠀀oyboy simp.

Attached: q.jpg (642x722, 397K)

ding-dong diddly

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This is a Test😃

Attached: image.jpg (220x354, 13K)

Attached: 016_RAW_04162001_0030--eba439d3ab0d2a973aea0bb653c13b16.jpg (1600x1600, 367K)

You have to go back son


Attached: 1544941364739.png (960x960, 1.08M)

Come on lads.

Attached: 1542409783448.jpg (900x506, 49K)

Don't be fickle.

Attached: 48_SD_11132018cm_1504--8393df41dd85534a333c0bd50f4cbb9d.jpg (1600x1600, 407K)

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/ourboy/ getting shoot choked out for our viewing pleasure.

Attached: IMG_20190227_132428.jpg (1729x1242, 83K)

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ding-dong diddly worked

Attached: MV5BMDY4ZDZjZWQtOTdlZC00NzJiLWEyMDItMjg2OThmYjEwNWNlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDUzOTQ5MjY@._V1_UY317_CR18,0,21 (214x317, 13K)

Hall of Famer coming through

Attached: 001_2051126501.jpg (925x1246, 380K)


Attached: Saint Allen Jones.jpg (564x564, 58K)

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too many based wrestlers in this thread, i don't have enough likes to give

Attached: Oats.jpg (1439x2494, 886K)

Forever and always BMJ

Attached: cena nation.jpg (275x183, 9K)


Attached: roman-reigns-900x506.jpg (900x506, 60K)

Attached: HHH_WorldTitle_003.jpg (311x384, 24K)

Based Broski ding-dong diddly win this.

Attached: Champion_Broski15.jpg (600x400, 30K)


Attached: 56655.png (809x547, 250K)

2015/16 Naito before the 2017+ western fans ruined him

Attached: 500full-tetsuya-naito.jpg (500x734, 52K)

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM don't want to mess with them.

Attached: 1533307141770.jpg (800x600, 86K)


Jhon Cena, the bane of Rakesh Kumar Orton

Attached: 21849388_1659895907408307_258627189_n.jpg (511x480, 46K)

Faggot Fridays everyday.

fug forgot pic

Attached: jimmy.jpg (400x400, 41K)

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Attached: 12543235462.png (421x315, 225K)

>H-Hey kid, *cough* spare a like?

Attached: 1551933095456.jpg (550x510, 105K)

Attached: asukayum1.jpg (890x1188, 202K)

surely /our girl/ Sonya will get tons of like right?

Attached: 11f8571cb619699fe13bacc4f0f43015.jpg (1200x1200, 86K)

Have to admit that I was user I didn’t know about likes until recently I’m ding-dong diddly sorry

My Sonya is better.

Attached: ECW_06182018kb__0318--28fdfcb012f8c4dd9cc408c68ba574d6.jpg (1920x1080, 607K)

Get ready for The Man to win it all.

Attached: lel at ram.png (640x360, 398K)

Fuckin vegans, am I right?

Attached: Did somebody say BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.png (410x381, 303K)


If you don't like the funker you need to ding-dong diddly go back

Attached: Terry_Funk_-_Terrence_Funk_29.jpg (640x427, 391K)

Shawn Like-haels🐱

Attached: michaelspose.jpg (462x500, 76K)

*works the edrones and fucks joshis*

Attached: kenny-omega-getty-3.jpg (800x450, 215K)

Attached: niggataker.jpg (480x360, 21K)

I miss faggot fridays.

no i don't

yes you do

Ya belong in the cruiserweight division with a score like that ya simp

Attached: CENAKEK.jpg (480x318, 16K)

Based and Likepilled❤️


Attached: Hulk-Hogan-Swim-Flex-hulk-hogan-gifs.gif (272x204, 1.52M)

Attached: index.jpg (201x251, 5K)


Attached: 1348534w458.png (894x500, 842K)

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Based funky weapon needs your help

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Attached: onita-vs-mr-pogo.webm (482x360, 1.45M)

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based Sonya bros