Name a single Wrestlemania match you're looking forward to and why

Name a single Wrestlemania match you're looking forward to and why.

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I don't ding-dong diddly watch WWE so I don't ding-dong diddly care.

i dont watch wrestling for the matches ya simp

Ronda vs Becky vs Charlotte

Roman vs Drew will be kino

only Bryan v Kofi

Carter making his grand return and demolishing Wolfcuc


Nigger ya seethe, Bex is taking over fucking die nigger

Pits galore

she doesn't draw ratings she isn't taking over anything you liberal transsexual

Shane vs Miz because falls count anywhere should always be fun. Hopefully they brawl backstage like WM X7 hardcore match but I doubt.

I literally only want to see 3 things:
How Angle performs in his match
If they have the balls to have Kofi lose
If they have the balls to have Charlotte somehow win (I realize the likely intent of having Becky win so all Four Horsewomen walk out with a belt, but I never put anything past Vince)

miz and shane have never had a good match in their entire lives

Shut up Meltzer mark

But there are no stakes involved.

ya seethin lil guy?

Orton/AJ. It has the potential to be awesome.

It's literally going to be the same as every other Shane match. He has the same 3 or 4 spots he does every match and that's it.

Two good wrestlers, Roman’s where he should be and he’s not fighting a geriatric.

And I’ll enjoy it anyway. Ya seethe?

This. Even Miz's promos have sucked lately. Boo hoo, Shane hurt me in front of my father who never told me he loved me.

i don't watch wwmeme, so i don't care

and i probably never will again because it's just not made for me

All Orton and AJ Mania matches have been a massive disappointment for years.
Vince will make sure it's not good to make sure the other matches seem better in contrast.
There won't be a 3.5 star match, and the closest to a 4 will be the waman match.


I'm looking forward to the main event because its about time women main event the biggest ppv of the year

Yes there is. McIntyre is finally going over.

based roman has this one in the bag

I'll only be happy if Beko and Charles both get career ending injuries.

He's gonna get buried, and we're going back to Roman vs Brock. Have you been under a rock for 5 years?

Batista Vs. HHH
I want to see the rematch because I remember as a wee lad I didn't get the chance to order the WrestleMania 21 and that was the only match I wanted to watch so I now get the chance to watch what will probably be Batista's last match.

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tbqfh the only thing that would save this show is fans taking over and chanting asuka thoughout the mainevent

>Being excite about 50 year olds slowly hit eachother in the back with rubber chairs

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Nah. Orton almost always puts out good matches at Mania. With the exception of the Bray match, his others have been great.

AJ's match was garbage last year but I blame Naka for that. He's been shit since he got called up despite what the J-Drones claim. Aj's match against Jericho was great. If they could have gotten more time, it could have been much better. Plus it spot on the card really hurt it.


If I wanna see the best workrate I watch some puro like New Japan.

If I wanna see women wrestle I watch joshi.

etc. I could go on and on...

This is what real wrestling fans do because they know there's better stuff to watch than WWE. The EDRONE doesn't know and doesn't want to watch anything else even if in the know.

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Atleast their match will have psychology.

lel do you think this will get any time? they're lucky vince didn't cut it. it's gonna get 7 minutes tops.

>oh but in WK11, t-they actually did a flippy move that would hav-

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that's 1 match out of 20 that will have psychology, how many more will? 2 or 4?

I can name a few, but if you want just one, here.

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Being slow as shit isn't psychology dumbasses

>gay porn star and hillary potter fan vs baddest man on the planet

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This is the first time I'm not looking forward to a Brock matchup

There is no match I'm looking forward to. I only have mild interest for a few :

> Buddy Murphy vs Tony Nese
Don't care about Nese but the CW always gave the best matches of every ppv in years. So this could be cool.
> Shane vs Miz
Could be cool if they keep it short. I like Miz.
> Styles vs Orton
Has the potential to be the GOAT but Orton is a lazy fuck and Styles is on a bad run for a few months now.

Angle's last match could be fun if it's less than two minutes and if it is against Cena. But this won't happen.
I'm a sucker for battle royal but I hate what they are doing with Braun for a few months now and the two SNL guys are bowed to ruin it further.

I'll see how this goes with these ones and depending if they are good or not, I'll probably watch a stream online.

Pretty much the only thing I'm looking forward to is finding out who Cena's opponent is.

Hopefully it's my boy Lars

Unironically Miz vs Shane. It’s the patrician feud

>meme match

Non since im a fucking chad


can't wait to see that nigger kofi get BTFO!😃

cringe dude racism isn't allowed in this board :/

get fucked faggot😃

I’m looking to see the wrestlemania stage and meme entrances
The matches I will only hear and glimpse at while shitposting here

I'm looking forward to Carter vs Wolfcuck.



Shane Vs. Angle. Shane vs. Test. Shane Vs. AJ Styles.

Card climbing. WM winner's purse. Gudge match. Respect. So much is at stake. Think before you post.

Kofimania runnin' wild

Why? They did a shit job of providing/explaining a motive for what Shane did.

"I'm tired of doing things for people."

Beko v charles v mma reject
all shitposting aside if bex wins it'll be really great ending to story which started last summerslam.Also I just want this story to end.

kofi v bryan angle is well booked

other than that seems like pretty ok ppv
nothing special

This deserves more likes

>Two good wrestlers

I didn't know Brock did gay porn.

The most sensible post I have ever seen

miz v shane sorta
has the best storyline and i think it will be the most entertaining match