Jericho Rates his Mania Matches

Mania matches Jericho is proud of
>19 vs. Michaels
>20 vs. Christian
>21 MITB

Mania Matches Jericho thinks sucked
>16 vs. Angle & Benoit
>17 vs. Regal
>18 vs. HHH
>25 vs. Legends
>26 vs. Edge
>28 vs. CM Punk
>29 vs. Fandango
>32 vs. Styles
>33 vs. Owens

Only 3 good matches in 12 Mania appearances? Is there a worse big match performer than Chris Jericho?

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he only thinks his match with Regal sucked because Meltzer thought so. that match was fine
He's right though, Jericho has never been a great big match performer. He's more of a week in and week out guy which is fine too

Jericho vs Steamboat was good

nice little dig at hhh there

This. Steamboat was great in that match.

Tbf I think Jericho's pretty hard on himself there. I wouldn't say a lot of those matches were great but they certainly didn't suck. Him Vs Styles, Punk, Edge, Regal, Angle/Benoit were decent enough I think

>stadium shows are hard because the sound goes up
I always hear this but I mean, Austin vs. Rock and Undertaker vs. HBK looked and sounded like an earthquake. I just think Jericho has been stuck with some pretty bad opponents over the years

Nah Jericho is just awful mostly cause he wears 4 inch lifts and it slows everything he does down and makes it sloppy. If he owned being 5'7 he would be a much better performer

>Jericho only has good matches when he's being carried by people better than him
surprised? I'm not

The Punk and Edge matches stunk. The Edge match in particular was shit and prob Jericho's worst Mania match. Not sure how much of that is Jericho's fault, or the fact that Edge was completely out of shape and was blown up 5 minutes in.

Even Austin has said similar on his podcast.

he's just saying that because his match with Hall at X-8 was so bad. There's some truth to it but the truly great workers can make it work and make the crowd orgasm

I can't even remember the Edge match. I remember the Punk one because it was so underwhelming and you could hear a pin drop. That was probably the match where Vince decided that Punk didn't belong anywhere near the main event, even if the Taker match was good the next year or whenever it was

Edge had just returned from being out for like a year and was a couple months from retiring. Jericho was kind of creatively lost as well...

Punk and Jericho had to follow the red hot HHH/Taker HIAC IIRC, but yeah.

tbf Edge had 2 months to get his cardio up and get into shape to wrestle 15 minutes.
Edge at full health is mediocre at best. Edge being out of shape? Forget about it the match was doomed.

>vs Angle & Benoit
That match was good, idk why he thinks otherwhise

>vs Regal
I loved that feud, but I'm not sure about the match

>vs HHH
Jericho wasn't the right opponent for Triple H at the time desu. He wasn't ready to main event Mania in a one on one match.

>vs Legends
Steamboat was surprisingly entertaining during that match

>vs CM Punk
The feud and match were good. What the fuck is his problem?

>vs Styles
>vs Owens
Both disappointing

Dolph Ziggler vs. Edge at Royal Rumble 11 was tremendous, and Edge was on his last legs there. I really just think Jericho is overrated in the ring

Jericho is salty about the Mania 25 match because
>It was supposed to be a co-main, but Rourke backed out at the last second and Jericho still talks about the disappointment
>Steamboat out shined Jericho and made him an afterthought

Jericho/Punk was a great match. Dunno what the fuck you guys are talking about.

>Edge had a match that was decent when he was being carried by a younger wrestler who was bouncing around and bumping for him and doing all of the work

IMO Edge & Jericho are 2 of the most overrated guys ring-wise of their generation. Jericho esp because he seems to get cred for being a technical wrestler for some reason, but when it caem time to work actual technical wrestlers like Regal he was in trouble.

It was quieter than a Catholic funeral in that stadium for that match

Edge was at his best in hardcore matches. He was still great at carrying feuds on the mic, so I give him a pass.

Edge's regular matches were fine. He worked them correctly. He let the moves resonate and never did more than was necessary. Smarks hate his matches because there weren't enough flippy doos