"As I reported on Fightful Select this afternoon...

"As I reported on Fightful Select this afternoon, HBO's Last Week Tonight is set to talk about WWE's independent contractor status. To what extent, I don't know. I've been led to believe that will be on tonight's show."

e-drones, get ready for the end of the WWE. AEW is taking over.

Attached: JohnOliverTA.jpg (582x437, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>BIX: WWE is the topic of the main story/deep dive that normally encompasses 2/3rds or more of the episode.

3 hours and 25 minutes until e-drones die.

Literally only blue haired feminists and actual communists watch his awful show

gain height, little fella

This isnt your discord chat, tranny


>John Oliver
I wish there was a tumblr for you to go back to.

Do trannies watch so much shit tv because they have to be sitting on their fat asses dilating all day and night?

Attached: tranny dilation schedule.jpg (1269x1927, 1.4M)

5 bucks says the overall segment isn't even about it. It will be briefly spoken about and then it will lead into something else.

Weird there's this much salt over some lib wanting wrestlers to have a stronger bargaining chip for insurance and benefits like other wagecucks

Is he still salty about Arabia?


Seek sunlight.

Nope, this will mean absolute shitters like The Revival will be even harder to fire than before


>Defending the company
Conseracuck spotted. Enjoy your wife getting blacked behind your back

WWE wrestlers don't want a union. The main roster people get paid tremendously well

Stable employment in wrestling hurts the fans badly, guys should be replaced every couple of years, not like The Miz doing the same shtick for 12 years

They discussed their Saudi shows on two separate episodes, one of which had a four minute segment about them which ended with this promo: youtu.be/7rcKOWMLBmM

I think if WWE is targeted for this subject then a lot of the finger pointing is going to be in their direction.

We're still watching DX and Taker and Kane. Your argument is invalid

If it's regarding how 95% of the talent have to pay for their own rooms and travel expenses, that'd be pretty based desu

Because DX, Taker and Kane brought in millions of dollars for the company and helped the stock price soar.

Only for special appearances, idiot, and those guys were actual stars - it's just midcard shitters that need to be replaced

Being an efag is one sad existence

>b-b-b-but the jobbers deserve more money!
peak cuck mentality

Defending a company is one step above raising a daughter in the cuck totem pole

>Hurr durr all companies are evil
Go back to Cuck island John

>he's not a WWE shareholder

Shilling for your master isn't going to bring you any more happiness cuck

>muh corporations bad
>*crowd cheers*
>muh McMahonf and Drumpf
>*crowd booes*
>I mean, its current year+4 already!
There, I just saved you an hour

>arguing for wrestler unions
Yikes. Never gonna happen. It's an industry fueled purely by ego.

Imagine working for a company that requires you to travel and you don't get any reimbursement on the travel expenses?

And then there's faggots like you that defend these business practices because you think someday you'll start your own business you've always been meaning to and don't want to deal with another hurdle.

kys dumb mark, wrestling is an extraordinarily well paying profession even if youre a shitter

travel expenses are a pittance compared to what these guys can make. a literal shitter can make so much money nowadays selling t-shirts and junk
all a union would do is make the entire business shitty because nobody would have any motivation anymore

Fag knows he'll never amount to a mid level mid manager cuck. Have fun kissing your bosses cock tomorrow morning

>Imagine working for a company that requires you to travel and you don't get any reimbursement on the travel expenses?
You don't have to work for that company.

this. nobody is holding a gun to these peoples heads. they should be grateful that exposure is so easy to attain in wrestling. a handful of bingo hall matches and people are hyping you up on social media if you're any good. there's nothing like that anywhere else in showbiz.

>kys dumb mark, wrestling is an extraordinarily well paying profession even if youre a shitter
you sound extraordinarily poor

Attached: shit for brains.png (900x729, 129K)

ok dude, im sure you hold a well paying position with shitposting on asp late at night

so why don't these starving artist wrestlers just give up the dream and get a desk job with full benefits

>"Guys, did you know that professional wrestlers in WWE are independent contractors? No health insurance! WWE almost had a union once, but Hulk Hogan told the boss about it and he stopped it! I know, right! This Hulk Hogan!"
*cues clip of Hogan saying nigger*
>"Wow, I'm starting to think this Hulk Hogan guy is a real jerk!"
*cues picture of Hogan and Trump and Vince and Trump*
>"God dammit everyone! Fucking Bolan Drumpf!"

Attached: john.jpg (1000x563, 396K)

>nigger thinks timezones don't exist
Now you sound extraordinarily poor and extraordinarily underaged

WWE wrestlers don't "work for a company". They are contractors.

These rich people are employed by a richer person who isn't paying for their hotel rooms. Heres why that's a problem. Brilliant journalism Jon, you've done it again.



That sure was cringe.

Did you know that actors are also contractors, and they typically have to buy their insurance as well? Only about 15% of SAG (the actors' union) members qualify for insurance, and the requirements include that you have to be at least 40 years old, have been a SAG union member for at least 10 years prior, and have made at least $13,000/year from acting gigs for 10 consecutive years?

Should WWE institute a similar wrestlers' union rules, or should they just demand that SAG accept WWE wrestlers for what they are: television actors? Then John Oliver can literally pay Hulk Hogan's medical bills for him!

based user with the hard data
>n-n-no, all NXT signees should have full medical and dental!

Everyone should have it, but it shouldn't be on the employer to give it to them

agreed, and if they don't like it, find another profession and stop trying to shit up our carnival soap opera

Insurance is a scam. You're paying money for something you're not using. The insurance company then turns a profit, until you get sick, then they only have a portion of your money to use for you, or they raise the rates on everyone. It's a tax on the healthy and young, in order to pay for the morons who paid into the system but lived long enough, because....oh yeah, if you die, you don't get the money back, goy!

Insurance ought to be illegal. Instead, the idiotic SJWs demanded that everyone get forced into buying it LOL, jacking the price up even more.

As someone who works in insurance, I am going to agree that this is 100% correct.

unironically true though. i drink, do drugs, and smoke and i haven't had to visit the doctor in over 10 years. once you hit 18 years old your immune system is strong enough to combat most trivial illnesses by itself

Who is he and why does he make Yea Forums seethe?

cuckservatives hate everything

>It's the same old rag about independent contractor shit
Nothing revelatory
>CM Phil

Explain this independent contractor to me

nothing wrong with hate


>Retirement Funds

My sides

Damn, Vince must be seething rn

based and redpilled

>“When you’ve lost the moral highground to the fucking NFL, you are morally subterranean.”

I like John Oliver unironically and I watch his show on youtube every week that he uploads for free with no ads, wow, it is almost like HBO does not care about making money with his show, holy fucking based, thank you HBO President (((Richard Plepler)))

>Vince's wife is helping trump run America into the ground.
>Why would Last Week Tonight would look into WWE??????????

Vince should take this as a massive compliment, coming from that onions sucking faggot Oliver

it was all wwe footage so of course it was


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Seething as much as in that Real Sports interview?
>Do you think you should have taken care of your wrestlers better to prevent future untimely deaths?
>ABLOO BLOO BLOO *slaps papers*

Based Oliver working the /pol/tards into a seethe


t.seething brainwashed tranny

>over-analyze and dissect television programming designed for brainwashing people in the first place
boy what a fucking genius we have here

Attached: 1528649090813.gif (200x179, 1.02M)

>think that hypnosis is real

>grown men need to be held by the hand to make their decisions in life: the show

Didn't this faggot do a piece before the Saudi show too? That didn't do anything

Actually it is real ya simp. Never heard of MKULTRA?

'Hypnotic' does not refer exclusively to ESP phenomena. It can be anything like drugs, music, or TV that puts you in a content/sedative state of mind


I will never in my life take any post seriously that unironically has Trump in Geralt cosplay. What the fuck is wrong with you people? How delusional can you be that a 72 year old man receives LITERAL hero worship to the point that he’s painted as a superhero. You want to talk about brain washing, you dumb fucking retards are already there dipshits.

Trump is a kike puppet cult leader. I'm just trying to spread information on mass media manipulation from both sides

trumpism will get him re-elected and the dream will continue 20 years from now. zoomers are being redpilled left and right

I just cancelled my WWE Network sub after seeing this. I can’t believe the WWE would stoop so low. Save us Cody.

I am still trying to figure out if Trump fans live him for some deep seeded homosexual issues or daddy issues for the need to be overly protected

BTW how shit is mainstream media to freely promote WWE but don't bring up the scam corporate structure

frig off cunt

Attached: tardio.jpg (320x240, 51K)

Much of it is the same reason WWE exist. They're marks for him, and view his antics as a show without thinking of the consequences.


Except that's Julian Assange and not (((Trump))), you twit. Have some respect for a man that actually did good for this world and is being persecuted for it.

My wife's son, and I will no longer be supporting the WWE product

I doubt that story is true, but I do agree with how formulaic the videos get. They're not at all educational, moreso an informative "hey, this exists" on a surface level delivery. And really, is it much different from how Yea Forums and other forums operate? For every well-intentioned post, there's 20 idiots parroting memes they don't really care to understand.

Let's be honest, a lot of "news" nowadays are just "this is what you should be upset/scared about" views bait