operas mmmmm
Operas mmmmm
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damn I thought this was nigga taker
God forbid someone try something new
based god forbidposter
mmmmm wouldnt wanna relieve myself at the opera
Mmm phantom of the e
Phantom of the Tarpera
mmm gimme that depressed cowboy look
YIKES he looks like a drag queen
lmao what a geek
the music of the night mmmmm, don't wanna make my song take flight
mmmmmmm pavarotti, wouldn't want to mess with him
I didn't know Undercarder had a Brokeback gimmick
His son's ten times less of a geek and a simp bitch than he is and that's not saying much.
say that to his face........ bitch
and if you step to me-i mean, the american badd ass the undertaker, you best believe he's gonna give you them pure strikes boy along with the BSK running the gauntlet on you. mmmm you've done it now
Easy there, Marc.
Wouldn't want to sprain your forehead.
Pre-Bikertaker was cool with his changing looks
Except for teardrop Taker, that was fucking gay
Phantom of the Opera isn't an opera.
Wrestling isn't wrestling
It wasn't new, they tried getting creative with a face protector he had to wear after Yoko crushed his face by accident
When did you guys realize that Taker was kind of a dweeb?
For me it was the Ministry run when he had that stupid no mustache beard thing
When I was 12
Should have had this entrance theme
necro bumpd
Unironically like the mask.
Should have put Brian Lee under a mask like this and had him join Bearer's weird faction or maybe the ministry or something.