*cums in Carmella and her sister in your path*

*cums in Carmella and her sister in your path*

Attached: 90C8E1A7-6F47-495A-8C87-B79AA3CBFD69.jpg (1116x1766, 1.36M)

I wish I was born a cute girl

So does Leah Van Dale

So does Charlotte

Kek that's like five minutes away from me. I'll have to be on the lookout for her. I'm an athletic crypto Chad so I'm sure she'll be down to smash.

Is it normal if I had a hard on thinking that they fuck after that?

So Corey was just a ONS ?

I wish I was born an Alpha Chad.

Attached: 1550989510418.jpg (1221x776, 186K)

Based Indian Chads.



Corey is a limp noodle next to these sexy mexy chads

Ugh look at the douchiness those two exude. Why do women like guys like this so much? Single digit IQ troglodytes who probably will beat them when they get drunk? Why are women so dumb?

It’s okay, user. Just spend some time with your hand.

they are obviously indian. the only browns that can be chads are indians

Weak bait. Incels don't use the term "douchiness" If you want to use their shit, use terms like

They're in Florida, do the math pajeet

>brown skin
>chad looks
>white girls for dates
yep checks out. they are punjabs alright

Lol both of these dudes are unironically gay. Check their IGs

Will never understand the appeal of brown guys to white women. I'm pale but have dark hair and eyes, unfortunately. I've been told by multiple women with light hair and eyes that they love dark features. Turns my stomach.

The dude in the white shirt is like a fat el ídolo

We're taking all your women, gringo.
*shoots pistols in the air*

White men are boring and generic and all look the same.

who took the picture

a white man.

How do you think Big Ass feels about this?

They dont look Italian, look like a pair of poos to me

he's shaking about it

Light features on men are very effeminate. Blonder hair and blue eyes on a guy makes them look weak and beta.

Cumming in a woman and her sister and having a family with sister wives is the ultimate redpill

True brown men with brown eyes hair and skin look way different holmes

Brunch is for simps.

Her face just keeps getting worse Jesus christ, this is reaching sunken cost fallacy levels of awfulness

Think I spot Cody seething in the back.

Brutal init. Her sister is fit and she used to be. But now she's heinous.