Lads trying to bake a cake, at store but forgot my eggs & flour license at home what do i do

Lads trying to bake a cake, at store but forgot my eggs & flour license at home what do i do

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come back when you are over 16

have someone outside buy them for you ya simp

Can you not read he is over 16 but forgot his eggs & flour license. Happened to me the other day too when i was trying to buy butter knife.

steal them, it's not like the bong cops carry guns to stop you

>Britain is 1984
>America is Brave New World
Utopian futurists BTFO

Attached: C3D8FB27B7CE49E0BDFFFD58C0BCC330.jpg (1125x1749, 228K)

Feds are a joke nowadays they won't do shit

>be an american
>get shot

tbf you guys get shot a lot. when your kids get unruly they shoot people while the most we have to worry about is kids egging our windows. when me and my gf go places we don't have to worry about being shot or involved in a crime. so ask yourself who is truly BTFO

>Be Angloid
>Your women are ugly
>You're ugly
>Weather ugly 24/7
>Post wrong go to jail
>Think wrong go to jail
>Pick up utensils wrong go to jail
>Breathing licence expires...oye m8 time to go to eh patty wagon in eh ol sky lads

Attached: 3324.png (433x382, 105K)

Dont muslims have entire neighborhoods taken over so bad even cops wont go in them

You brainlets do know that 1984 and Brave New World are both dystopias right?

>ask yourself who is truly BTFO
The guys who need IDs to buy silverware are the ones who are truly BTFO

Cool story Ahmed

London literally had a higher murder rate than NYC just with ust knives. I'll take freedom over your Islamic shithole

Attached: Brits Cucked by Muslim Mayors.png (417x642, 149K)


Imagine being this much of a retard getting worked by fake infographs off /pol/

It isn't nice to call Michael "Michelle" Obama a demon drag queen.

Also, why does that ugly fuck have a library?

t. seething pedo shitskin

Attached: brit pedo enablers.jpg (938x714, 208K)

t.whitoid incel

Attached: 1548658813881.jpg (640x618, 37K)


lol image replying to some sandnigger pedos with white dudes with jobs like they are anywhere close to as bad. Take this Muhammad

Attached: you.jpg (1008x1008, 23K)

>white dudes with jobs
lol not anymore

Youre right, its not like we have an endless list of white mass shooters or anything or the fact that whites make up 75% of pedophiles here in the US....oh wait

lol why are niggers always wrong?

Attached: black child molestors.png (787x469, 22K)

>Zero source
WEW and whites also account for 69% of all violent crime, 60% of rape, and 90% of all domestic terror attacks -source FBI statistics Table 21. Cope, violent white nigger

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worked at a legal clinic in college and black dudes would fuck their daughters and say "my baby mamma be lying that ain't my kid!"

"yeah but she is 14, sir that's the more serious charge"


Dude blacks are WAY overrepresented in child sexual abuse, a lot of it because they are too fucking stupid to know it's wrong but they are still pedos

Attached: nigger mom.jpg (1627x1686, 308K)

>whites also account for 69% of all violent crime

niggers account for over 50% of murders at only 12% of the population though

stay seething though you fucking pedo

Attached: blackmurder.jpg (769x542, 33K)

You can use your porn licence too fella.

niggers BTFO again

Oh no no no

Attached: 564565.png (809x455, 28K)

Uh oh

LOL what kind of faggot town can't handle lame ass zoomers trying to prank them that they outlaw selling eggs and flour?

>hispanics included with whites
Also there are more than 3x as many whites as there are blacks which means blacks are more likely to be pedos that whites

Attached: YOU MAD.gif (320x240, 35K)

niggers BTFO again

>no source

>no source
Nice headcanon

lmao I'm looking at that like "hmm I'm pretty sure my mayor isn't Muslim"... guy has played himself into a simpout frenzy

what city you live in?

It's a fact hispanics are white in US crime statistics

Attached: guerreromug (1).jpg (600x400, 62K)


well it's happened before (once)

Historic women's presidential evolution


So like nigger ghettos in america?

At least niggas eat pork

>cops don't go to them
>implying they weren't forced in to the ghettos

>reading an entire post before shitting on the OP

I knew EggBoy was a Yea Forumsie!

Attached: basedeggboy.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

Implying they don't just do what every other middle eastern devil worshiper before them has historically done, move to an area, drive out the locals and self-segregate in these ghettos.

>niggers literally hate facts

>drive out locals

shit lads I see a car full of them with their pitchforks out down my street. I think they're Muslims trying to force us all out!

Are you saying you would like to live in a Muslim majority neighborhood

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I don't live in California or New York City

I think you are retarded to think that is what I am saying.

Leftists are the biggest hypocrites on earth when it comes to actually living with Muslims/Hispanics. They are literally like "let poor people deal with the crime"

this desu

I know you are retarded for not understanding what "drive out locals" means and you just proved it.

There are more blacks than whites in prison, retard lol

How are kids egging windows when kids can't buy eggs?

This may come as a shock sir, but most nogs are muslim, at least when they get out of prison. So samey samey.

those are rules anyone can abide by.

>Post pic of some Irish white nigger false flagger
>Thinks he's making a point
Imagine being this retarded

>being this much of a cuck

Muslims and Hispanics commit far lower crime thans blacks and whites here in the US. Whites commit 60% of the crime to blacks 27%, blacks commit more crime by per capita but whites commit the worse crimes.

sure is wrestling in here.

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You don't need anyone of those things if you're not a complete loser. Whoops. forgot which board I'm on. My bad, carry on.

You know that in the states hispanics, jews and arabs are considered white in order to skew the crime statistics

>being this much of a virgin

Six million white people died in the holocaust and Israel is a white nationalist ethnostate