/Stardom/ General

last thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


will she ever get good?

Age is just a number

she's shown improvement

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Another SLK OP = another sleepless, tear filled night for the autist

>when Pantera is blasting


He really is, I mean, who gets worked by Kitto?

Her thighs ding-dong diddly work me into a shoot


Attached: D2_tUgVX0AA5iOv.jpg orig.jpg (1365x2048, 444K)

How old is the Starlight Adult these days? 19? 20?

hey don't post Mayu, you know who doesn't like her either

Attached: Mayu Burger.png (480x637, 651K)

She working AEW and they fronted her paycheck?

Whoa whoa whoa, that's a little to exquisite to be AEW pay

I keep hearing 17 & 18

You're right, I think there is cheese on the top it looks like

She’s improved a lot in the intensity of her offense. She used to be like the Tom Magee of Stardom where she did a lot of shit but none of it looked realistic. In the past several months, her matches have been really good. Maybe the validation of the Future belt brought out whatever untapped potential was still hiding in her.

Japanese school year starts in April, so if she was already 18 she would have graduated high school this month (nobody mentioned it) and be free to travel to New York (she can't, she's got school).

>SLK again

*stays up all night on Saturday stalking an anonymous twitter in your path*

What if she failed a year because she spent too much time rasslin?

Her parents would not allow that and would have force her to quit, they made her take a year long break from wrestling so she could pass the high school entrance exams.

this is true, I know her parents personally and they are stand-up people

She is very good. Go back to /woo/, shitter.

>These types are posting in /stardom/

Post Stardom pits

What's up JJ?

>seething tranny

>Gets worked by Japanese teenage girls Momo Watanabe and Marika Kobashi on a daily basis

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Thanks, brother.

do you guys think when she comes home Starlight Kid pulls her sweaty mask off after a hard day's wrasslin and hangs it up on a coat stand

embarrassing display, agua. I've never seen somebody eat an L then regurgitate it to eat again like you have with this. I truly feel bad for you and hope that you get the help you desperately need.

This isn't a Momo OP!

Attached: DSYqpoEVAAEWF5-.jpg (1200x800, 109K)

Holy fucking yuckola! I'm fixing to pukeola!

What if Starlight Kid doesn't even have a nose?

Attached: momo.jpg (666x381, 34K)

>Works the marks
>Works the smarks
>Works OPetty
>Works Puro Twitter
>Works reddit
>Works /oedo/ into a salt-encrusted seethe
>Works Io's White Belt record
>Works the Ice Ribbon shill into turning his back on his promotion
>Works her right leg into a kick
>Works the best bout

Attached: DoYoIb-VAAAweqw.jpg (1200x1099, 176K)

you have an unhealthy obsession
I sure hope so
it's rough to watch
also rough to watch

Is that jizz on the lens? Reminds me of the old "Cum on Her Glasses" site back in the day.

based Mandheling

The top three matches of Dream Slam 2019 were very good.
Easily the best Korakuen event Stardom has ever had in my estimation.

Attached: DvmQdRVUUAEMjoZ.jpg (750x410, 53K)

I estimate that you've watched a total of 0 of them so this post is meaningless

she is the most repulsive looking thing I've ever seen in wrestling

In your topsy-turvy world Ami Sato & Hana Kimura vs. Ayame Sasamura & Mei Suruga made tape so you're obviously not in the right mind to make estimations about anything.


the only name I recognize here is Hana Kimura, idk what point you're trying to make.
and responding to yourself only makes you look worse. don't bother shopping a screenshot, this was posted after the minute cooldown from the first post and the IP count hasn't budged.

why even bother?

Who asked the LARPers?

Attached: DtUvgnlV4AAhoGX.jpg (900x1200, 195K)

nobody asked agua anything, but he still spends all day every day shitting up these threads

>don't bother shopping a screenshot, this was posted after the minute cooldown from the first post and the IP count hasn't budged.
Nice projection of how you try to hide it when you respond to yourself

guilty looking post, faggot

He reveals so much about himself through projection. That's some next level autism.

You faggots are faggots. Please post Kagetsu pits.

>it's another "agua gets called out then no you's and talks to himself all day while posting nothing related to stardom" episode
really wish this pussy would go outside for once so we could have an enjoyable thread

agua (I realize the post I'm responding to is probably you pretending not to be you again) literally did exactly this in /oedo/ recently, pay attention jabroni

Attached: sugondese.jpg (600x800, 49K)

>Post about Stardom event
>Some loser attacks me apropos of nothing because he's a salty bitch
Yeah, I'm the one ruining the thread.
Textbook projection.

Attached: DvbrzFGUwAAf21j.jpg (1200x901, 123K)

good point agua you're always innocent and the victim, you've never done anything to warrant the presence you're met with on this board! **please don't stalk my twitter next**

Happy birthday to Kyona!

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I remember this face. It's when Kyona big leagued Xia and refused to shake her hand.

Based Kyona

Is she waiting to turn 18 to finally hit a moonsault from the top rope?

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Momo with cum on her glasses. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, you don't want to mess with her.

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Curious choice of analogy

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>Old thread hits the bump limit at 16:21
>New one is already made at 16:20:35
He does it again! The streak continues! How does he manage to do it the exact second every time no matter what day or time it is? And what drives him to care so much about monopolizing an Yea Forums general?

>Such an insecure bitch that the simple presence of a true contemporary joshi puroresu aficionado works him into a volcanic shoot
How sad!

Attached: Dw4Lw6gU0AI12Vi.jpg (1200x675, 142K)

How many consecutive threads have you made?

IP count hasn't budged with the last three posts, makes you think...


What do you estimate is the approximate percentage chance you will make the next thread? Keep in mind it could hit the bump limit at any time of day or night and on any day.

so why are you still bitching about the OP? you don't watch stardom so why do you post here?


because he's obsessed, has a sad life spending all day on Yea Forums with nothing to show for it

Go ask yourself that question and stop projecting.

What do you estimate is the approximate percentage chance you will make the next thread? Keep in mind it could hit the bump limit at any time of day or night and on any day.

Coming from the person who runs five generals.
Hey, at least you've got access to Sendai Girl's tape library so you can watch all of the matches that never aired. :)

unlike you, I don't spend all day talking to myself on here
0% and a 0% chance I'll bitch and moan about it like you do constantly

I'm honestly surprised these threads aren't getting deleted these days when the first 100-ish posts of every single new thread is attention-whoring drama queens


How many hours a day do you think he spends on Yea Forums obsessively monitoring his 6 generals?

guilty looking post, protectophile :)

I'm shocked agua hasn't been permabanned by this point

Old thread sleeping with the fishes


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The Tom Magee story gives me hope that some day the Ami Sato & Hana Kimura vs. Ayame Sasamura & Mei Suruga tape will be unearthed and we will finally be able to watch it in its full duration.

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I like how Kyona has made every JAN member have a catchphrase to start their promos with
not /stardom/, go away

Is it offensive for an American to do the "jungle jungle" thing the same way she does?

Hana is a Stardom signed wrestler ergo any match involving her is /stardom/.

only if you precede it with "go back to the"

Nope, you're actually retarded. Sendai Girls or whatever promotion it is isn't /stardom/.

guilty looking account

Which one said that, since they are both obese


>Hana is a Stardom signed wrestler ergo any match involving her is /stardom/.
You're the retard as you seem to have trouble processing such simple concepts.

the one with their mouth open, smoothbrain
we don't want him there

going outside is a simple concept, give it a try some time

I know those retards like to fanfic that everyone is a member of Oedo Tai, but that's not really something I'm interested in.

Why are you here if you're an Oedo fan?

to make you seethe

I would never

projecting again, huh

>Proceeds to accuse others of ruining the thread even though he's the one being a salty bitch to everyone
lel. Go bump /miki/.

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What are your preferred pronouns?

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If there’s anyone who can’t seem to go over on Hana, it’s Momo

you are literally the only salty bitch here, and accusing me of being anyone else who bothers you just goes to prove that point.
is that the next profile you're gonna stalk?

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>you are literally the only salty bitch here, and accusing me of being anyone else who bothers you just goes to prove that point.
You are very salty over a shy teenage girl

who would that be? Momo? I don't have any problems with Momo. None of this changes the fact that you're a bitch.

the miki threads have better wrestling discussions than this thread does thanks to your shit
that profile has tv show references, OP has probably watched tv before so that's definitely him

/miki/ is slipping off the catalog, dude.

why are you so obsessed with that thread?

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don't assume their gender please

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What the fuck is wrong with puro twitter?

*Kicks out at 2.9*

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if she does it loudly enough she might be able to wake up the people in the crowd

This isn’t a picture of Hana

duh, this isn't /oedo/

Yep, no one's pretending to watch unaired matches here.

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hiding this pedo cringe

nobody is there either, but someone in here has a very strange fixation with unaired matches.


Like for Mayu😃

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Give this hungry skeleton some🍔

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Imagine the sex.



It's Kyona's birthday.

>Momo OP



Momo is sexy

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Damn this nigga ugly.

Hana-chan is getting a new hair color I think.

Attached: 56285052_1033181830214047_1212107508881371758_n.webm (360x640, 550K)

Already going back to black? I LIKE it.

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I "Like!" what I see!


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What are my chances with Tam?

Your fortune: Average Luck

Rolled 85 (1d100)

As a %

It's been so many years since that was a feature, I forgot how to do it.

Attached: mayu tired.jpg (2048x1365, 483K)


It's an April Fools perk that you gotta unlock.

I'll pass, and just assume I'm gonna meet a dark handsome stranger.

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Why is she so LIKEable.

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damn she really is cross-eyed

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Test your luck...

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

How to save Japan.

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Judging by her recent twitter spam, Mayu seems pretty happy about going to MSG.

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Utami has the best ass. Prove me wrong.

Attached: Utami.png (1280x720, 596K)


Too bad her teeth look like shit.

i wish i were the rope

holy fuck, over 30s joshis were a mistake

Tam x Arisa is the superior ship!

I want to fuck Arrum's mouth in that hijab so bad while she reads fujoshi fanfics about LIJ

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I want them to be a tag team that somehow wins the belts despite constantly using each other as weapons and thus, have to keep defending them.

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Where do you think the storyline is headed? It seems to me that Tam is gonna end up latching onto Arisa instead of Mayu which will in turn will make Mayu jealous

Where do I think it is heading? They'll be separated in the draft or it will just be forgotten about because it's not related to Momo/Utami.

Where I hope it heads is that it keeps going for awhile and actually gets worse to the point it causes conflict in STARS, who stay together, until the Goddess tournament. Starlight Adult decides she wants to team with Hanan for the youth, Mayu chooses her BFF Saki and that leaves Tam to begrudgingly team up with Arisa. They start out poorly and even attack each other in matches, then win some using each other as weapons, then shock everyone by going on a huge win streak and somehow win their bracket. Then hug in celebration at the end and realise they are now BFFs after understanding each other through combat together. I don't see Mayu getting jealous since Saki and Kid are probably her favourites anyway.

Attached: tnah.webm (1280x720, 846K)

>I don't see Mayu getting jealous since Saki and Kid are probably her favourites anyway.

But that's what would make it interesting no? Mayu suddenly getting possessive because someones who strives for her attention doesnt want it anymore

thank god Rossy is the booker

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>now he's pretending to be an Utami fan

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Announce Kagetsu-Beato at NY already!!

Attached: sibRae6pd1wLaGhL.webm (320x690, 699K)

50-50 chance Hazuki, Mayu, Hana, and Kagetsu are the only Stardom wrestlers they will have for the NY show since they are the ones with actual sponsored work visas as opposed to tourist visas.
Unless you think ROH is paying for work visas for Saki Kashima and Natsuko Tora along with 8 other wrestlers who will never appear in ROH.
They're probably debating on whether to try and sneak them all through customs and gamble on tourist visas. I would prepare for disappointment.

I didn’t know til today that the YouTube page was doing those montage videos after big shows. Great content. Nice work!


DG recently pulled wrestlers from WM weekend shows because of visa issues so I wouldn't be surprised if similar is happening with Stardom.
That may explain why the full card hasn't been posted as of yet.

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It doesn't work like that. It's a Stardom show and Stardom is the full time employer of the wrestlers so the visa situation is different.

It doesn't change the fact that only 4 of their wrestlers have work visas and the rest would have to risk it with tourist visas.

Attached: D2brU9lVYAMGgS_.jpg (900x1200, 201K)

They will likely have a group visa

One of the guys calling the show on Fite TV was on Observer radio recently and was talking like Momo and Utami were coming along with others, but didn't specify. The only one's who definitely won't be there are the school kids and Sumire.



Attached: shot0001.jpg (1920x1080, 391K)

Hana isnt in Oedo. Fake fan exposed.

How tall are Hina and Rina.

Hana is /oedo/ though ya ding-dong diddly brainlet, get a ding-dong diddly clue


Attached: DvufmBJVsAEt00W.jpg (720x960, 110K)

hey do what you gotta do to get your thread bumped little guy, but posting unrelated content probably won't solve any actual issues here

I'll miss Shiki's music. She had the GOAT theme.

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Didnt she sign full time? Also shes no longer with them

see again

no one cares about your fanfiction

Attached: D3HfxYlW0AEKRx1.jpg (900x1200, 208K)

you seem to care a lot about this

Does Stardom world not accept debit cards and only credit cards?

i use a debit

Wonder why it's not accepting mine then. Anything I might be missing. Maybe it's something to do with me being an ausfag, but I doubt it.

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Jungle should have won in Nagoya💢

With the card still not fully announced for the New York show, I'm worried they haven't been able to send everyone they wanted due to VISA issues, like Dragon's Gate were unable to send people to wrestlecon.

The longer they wait, the more likely that's the case. I think its a certainty at this point so I've accepted it. at least Mayu will be there and I had low expectations of the show to begin with since there's so many foreigners on it.

Mayu, Hazuki, Kagetsu and Hana have VISAs already. I'm starting to worry only those 4 will be there.

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Weird seeing Mayu taller than Arisa.

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Who is the guy commentating with her?

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I got tickets for this. Should I get a refund due to the lack of full time roster members? I was hoping to see Tam and Jungle.

Attached: D3JwuyZU8AA-_Wh[1].jpg (869x1200, 182K)

No, don't worry you will see them.

Fumi Saito said on the podcast last week that 13 full time Japanese wrestlers are on the New York show, and the gaijins they are using have all worked in Stardomm before. They aren't filling the card with shit.

I’m sure that’s what they wanted to do but as they say, plans change


kys phoneposter

Why are Starlight Teenager's lips so full and k*ssable!

Attached: D00x1j6X4AAvpT3.jpg (632x522, 48K)

Miyagi plugged the show earlier so she's still confirmed.

Attached: DmgLWWwUcAYuXi9.jpg (675x1200, 118K)


full and kissable lips

Some people are so lucky to be kissed by those lips.

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wish /oedo/ would fuck off back to their thread already

stardom's most visual trio

Nice try.

see through

kys OPetty

based queen momo getting my dick hard!

Please for the love of god tell me Utami is gonna be in NY

back off, she's mine

guilty looking post

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Congrats to Momo on 10k twitter followers


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can we start a gofundme so she can get glasses already?

can we start a gofundme so you can get some new material?

I want to make out with Utami

you act like it's a joke, if you don't see her cross-eyes maybe we need to fund some glasses for you too

ok bro

Attached: D2wPlrAUgAA8HIN.jpg (1152x2048, 210K)

how would a gofundme help user with material? do you even know what gofundme is?

Does Mayu have the best bridge in wrestling?

Attached: 1554224429083[1].webm (1920x1080, 2.93M)

definitely one of them

by paying for a writer, no idea how we will fund you a brain though

you just made a bad joke, get over it man


I'm not seething, but I wouldn't say I'm pleased about seeing your bad attempts at humor in this thread

Attached: JANvsGoyaandHana.webm (1280x720, 2.35M)

Sumire and Hana, yes. I'll delay my judgement for Hanan until 4Q 2020.

I hope so. Maybe Rossy can find her a good dentist there before they leave.




Attached: Mayu Done.jpg (1200x800, 184K)

Brilliant match.

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>posting smaller versions of pics from /oedo/
what's your end game?

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I want Goya to sit on my face

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kek based, I'm fine with this

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I like how Arisa's been trying different things.

Attached: Arisa.Hoshiki,Saki.Kashima,Starlight.Kid.&.Tam.Nakano.vs.AZM,Bea.Priestley,Konami.&.Viper.we (1920x1080, 2.21M)

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Tatsuya Takeishi (Stardom staff) tweeted "the Stardom group went off to NY".
So I guess they plan on holding a presser in NY where they announce the full card?..

Attached: D27EgYjU8AAF17Y.jpg (1200x900, 185K)

She's so happy that worked out.

I just hope the recent VISA issues people have with going to America won't ruin it. Stardom clearly wants to bring over most of the full time adults from the silhouettes on the poster, so it's not them being stingy or anything. But the fact they only announced one match so far with Hazuki who already has a VISA with RoH and it's only a few days away sends off a few alarm bells. Miyagi tweeting that she's going helps, but she's technically still a freelancer as far as I know, which is weird.
Dragon's Gate recently had to withdraw an event they were planning on sending talent to in the US as well.

you're just being pessimistic, the situations are not the same

no they'll just tweet the card, stardom isn't popular enough to warrant a press conference in New York lmfao

you doubt Rossy's ego? the companies popularity has nothing to do with them holding a press conference

i get the feeling that rossy is the kind of guy who excels at navigating red tape

based big smiles arisa

Attached: air mayu.webm (1920x1080, 2.1M)

make a Queens Questo OP next time

Attached: moonsault.webm (1920x1080, 1.13M)

you know OPetty will use an image without Momo right?

They can at least smuggle Saki in through a carryon bag so we get 5 wrestlers instead of 4


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Also where did you get it? it is not on twitter account

Another easy win for Momo. Utami should thank her for giving her her best match.

Japanese twitter account.

Yeah, found it as well.
I need Utami to win so bad. SO FUCKING BAD. I didn't wanted to watch live, but I will need to do that.

Attached: D3QDgyTUwAA63xr.jpg (1200x660, 218K)

That si a good match as well.

Could've saved this but whatever fuck yeah.

JANetty getting shafted again

Absolute madman Rossy snuck all his girls through customs on tourist visas without raising any suspicion

This is them saying - this show is very important for us. And people in NYC will get to see it live. I am jealous. Dammit.
Anons who are coming to the show are in for a treat. You lucky dogs.

crybabies can stop wetting themselves about visas now

Wouldn't this make their domestic fanbase angry that they're burning a protected never been done before match overseas? They're prioritizing them over the domestic superfans that attend every show

We will see.

new thread:

our savior finally returned