ITT: wrestling redpills

The only reason WWE started pushing women is because Steph and Cunter have three daughters and no son.

Attached: paul-heyman-stephanie-mcmahon-wwe_3775602.jpg (768x432, 68K)

they pushed the women for philanthropy (marketing) points

Attached: philanthropist.jpg (750x1334, 63K)

Wrestling has stagnated as a medium and will never be as hot as the Hulkamania or Attitude era even if they brought back everything that made those years great.

That was just an added bonus.

This. It's unironically great long term business pushing women.
Also 100% true

>Trips fails at delivering kids too

WWE is tied to culture as much as any other piece of media and there's a big wymyn push right now

>Angle only has daughters
Something about roids only makes girl sperms

The misandry bubble Will Burst Next Year.
So all their pr shit Will have been for naught.

well they do shrink your balls

doesnt he have one son that calls double j dad?

Women have always been a part of wrestling you zoomer shitter

>It's unironically great long term business pushing women.
how do you figure? no one watches women's wrestling. how is it good business if you lose your audience in the process?

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More testosterone means you will have daughters

Pushing women isn't misandry in the same way pushing men isn't misogynistic

Hey Paul

wrestling is fake

gee I wish Steph would grab my balls and smack em like they're covered in flies

That's a literal fact. Having daughters means you grow your family. Its biological.

I forget this is a brainlet board sometimes

God I hope they have a boy soon so we stop with the Divas shit.

Get off the internet Paul

Think long term user, they're investing in the future of their company image and PR. It gives WWE the opportunity to say "Oh look at us pushing women's wrestling". Don't let Yea Forums memes work you into thinking they're in trouble and everything they do is for immediate effect.

WWE can pander to casuals all they want but wrestling is a niche product that casuals have 0 interest in. It's a stagnant audience and nothing will really change that.

whats her name? i always get her confused with nessa devil

>I'm an idiot, please rape my face

ya got worked

I agree somewhat but at the same time think it could be a whole lot better if they didn't have to worry so much about PC faggotry and such these days. Which really may have been your point so I'll stop typing now.