What will be the best match of mania weekend?

what will be the best match of mania weekend?

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Probably Walter Vs Pete Dunne unironically

Anyone else here who would have voted for Triple H? I've never respected Jericho as a main-eventer.

I would have too

Go back to the cuckshed Paul

Jericho is unironically entertaining as fuck. Never had fun watching a HHH match.

I'm most excited for Gargano vs Cole

Post ya height

>adam cole singles match
holy yikeola

Angle, because release from suffering value.
Also Hunter never had fantasy and never will, he never did something new or interesting, whether it was his look, wrestling moves, microphone skills or business wise, always a trend follower, I don't know why anyone would pick him over Jericho, of all people, or many other wrestlers, for that matter.

I can't take Jericho seriously as a top dog. He's what the average midcarder should be, but none of them are so he stands out in comparison.

>Ibushi vs. Naito
>Cole vs. Gargano
>Okada vs. White
>WALTER vs. Dunne
>Kofi vs. Bryan

Change my mind

Me version some thot in a fist to cum mattress match. I always win.


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I understand being contrarian because its Yea Forums and i dont necessarily disagree with your jericho assessment but how is HHH not the absolute definition of upper midcarder?

The only thing about gaytch that screams main eventer is his look (at least 15 years ago). He above average at everything else. He can have a good match with a better wrestler but can't really carry a bad wrestler to a good match and his promos are always the same

Only six wrestlers had a good match with Khali. HHH is one of the six.


>chop spam vs bend finger spam

Not the womyns triple threat but most of wreddit and wrestling twitter will say it was.

>Ospreay v Bandido
>Dragon Lee v Cavernario
>Takeda v Jimmy Lloyd
>Ishiimori v Bandido v Dragon Lee
>Naito v Ibushi
>La Park v Masato Tanaka
>Darby Allin v Black Tarus

those are the ones i'm looking forward too. crazy how different the landscape is from a year ago.

Disco thinks it'll be AJ vs. Randy
I can see them politicking for more time, but unless they come up with something really cool I can't see it

takeda vs lloyd will be a bloodbath