Deathmatch wrestling > flippy shit
Deathmatch wrestling > flippy shit
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I'd rather watch a shitty Cirque du Soleil than shitty halfbreeds taking turns doing a light tube spot, stopping to catch their breath because they're so fat, then do another spot, repeat.
i bet your favorite wrestler is johnny r.eddit ya simp
Ab Koba is a cute
based soy consuming user
I like both so I don't care
where to watch bjw?
Being a deathmatch wrestler will let you have your pick of joshi and JD pussy while flippyshit will give you middle-aged pujos so objectively deathmatch wrestlers are Chad as fuck.
what has been the best dm of the year so far?
>imagine watching midgets doing gymnastics instead of watching some ecw/japan funk kino
begging ya to have sex
Beggin ya to get over this phase. I, too, thought death matches were cool back in like...2008. When there were guys who would actually do shit like Necro, Insane Lane, Toby Klein, crazy monkey, Brain Damage, abdullah kobashi, whacks, vortekz, etc etc.
The modern deathmatch slobs aint shit and are bigger marks than the 12 people that watch them live once a month.
Jun Kasai vs. Alex Colon hands down. That match was amazing.
Isnt the shit in florescent tubes like those toxic?
Imagine not liking Onita vs. Funk some actually amazing story telling between those two.
>Onita vs. Funk
based funk chad
What's not to like about that match?
>good spots
>good selling
>dramatic finish
>amazing filming
>the right guy got over
Have the modern, western Deathmatch workers learned how to work yet?
I like both :)
Honestly yeah, the spots have been toned down a bit but there is actual psychology nowadays. This is the golden era of Deathmatches
>This is the golden era of Deathmatches
fucking this, BJPW and based Freedoms have been delivering the best dms of all time the last 5 years
I really dug Shlak vs Marcus Crane from the GCW LA show
This but unironically. Deathmatch shit is peak wrestling cringe