The moment WWE died

>the moment WWE died

Attached: ohnono.jpg (1920x1080, 1.49M)

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Literally the ONE good thing she did in her wrestling career and I'm being dead serious.

Nah, that was based. This is when WWE died for good.

Attached: Ronda-Rousey-Becky-Lynch-WWE-Evolution.jpg (1200x675, 163K)

What's Paul thinking at this moment?

Every time WWE does this shit, the hook from this song plays in my head and it makes me laugh

>"W-why couldn't I have a son? Just one would have been enough... "

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Randy is a walking meme machine with his great facial expression work rate.

Randy's face kills me every time

>the moment the WWF died

Attached: crash.jpg (637x358, 44K)

hey pops, im going over you at mania by the way.

Attached: hhhsA+playerson.jpg (500x500, 27K)

Charles has A++ pitgame

I bet Nia was sandbagging them



This moment was fucking great!

Attached: RKO.webm (728x411, 1.97M)

>gets a proper heel entrance by beating up a well-liked face
>draws real heat from the marks and causes a big pop when she gets thrown out
>works the misogynist smarks
>works the feminist smarks
I'm thinking she's BASED

Attached: NiaJax_pro--7c5052971657442378dbd6b459e67f67.png (1200x849, 898K)

ding-dong diddly prove it, haha.

Is there a more symbolic picture for the state of WWE now?

steroid brexit

Attached: veryhardbrexit.jpg (214x317, 17K)

The woman in the front row jumping up and down makes this.

Honestly, wwe should just listen to their fans. Everyone, literally everyone loved this moment. Proving no one cares about a woman getting beat up by a man in a scripted fight. Cause it just has to entertain us and the woman is shown to fight back. But noooo, "hur dur man hitting woman bad xddd"

Just be thankful threatening Ambrose with having to job to Nia at WrestleMania scared him enough to re-sign a mark contract with wwe.
