CM Rap
CM Rap
Black lesnar
CM Crunk was right there ya damn simpola
Damn. LaGM looks like that?
PLEASE tell me how/where these were made, I need to know.
He looks like Lebron James if he had the same disease as Lex Luger
Extremely rare memes
He looks like an ugandan aids patient
Don’t you mean MC Rap?
All you had to say was ugandan
Sorry lad, if you didn't get on it back then you never will
CM Rap is funnier
I'm glad you're relegated to asp posting and don't do anything that affects other human beings.
Ya seething?
No, happy that my life isn't as pathetic as I thought since I found you exist. Thanks bud
Jesus christ all these flavours yet ya choose to be salty like a ding-dong diddly pretzel
why do they look like chimps?
Pretzels are delicious unfunnyfag
Just like ya tears
This mad his humorless ass got called out he replies to saged comments
Who hurt you user. Its ok im ding-dong diddly here.
CM Crunk wasn't funny. You're the unfunny seething faggot, user
STILL replying to saged comments.
D-do you have a crush on me anonsan?
You would have noticed the poster count changing if that other user didn't so evidently work you into a frothing at the mouth seethe
It should have been CM Crunk
CM Rap is funnier because it's stupid, just like CM Punk
It's ok to not have a sense of humor dude, don't let it get to you.
Are you a bot
For me, it's CM Crunk
Ok this is good logic.
MC Punk is better than CM Rap
CM Crunk is better than CM Rap
PCP Unk is better than CM Rap
(c)I\/I PnK is better than CM Rap
CM Stoned is better than CM Punk Rock
outsider here, looks like ya got worked and lost sorry
samefag btfo by
it's easy to tell since he always used the same style of typing
CM Rap is funnier, the joke is in changing the genre of music but keeping the Chick Magnet part. If it is MC Rap it doesn't really make sense in relation to CM Punk.
When the joke is unfunny to begin with, it doesn't matter. Leave comedy to people with depression and anxiety, aspergers isnt the right mental illness for it.
>not MC punk
Missed opportunity desu.
Stop crying
You're the tard that keeps responding to my sage posts. I feel like you're starting to get a crush on me though, the faggots are in the stardom thread
why the fuck do you keep saying "sage posts" like the biggest autist on earth? also enjoy your ban lol
>not Choc Lesnar
CM Thug
Autism: The Thread
dark skin niggas be like
>is getting beaten up but all his friends jump in so he wins
MC Crunk
based programmers working chimpanseethes into shoots
Guys, how about this? His name, is MC Crunk. Huh? Get it!?
guys been out of WWE for 5 years and bitches on Yea Forums are still obsessed with him
Hi phil
Hi Chick Magnet Punk
>implying he posts here
>implying he even thinks about you
Huh wat u mean
CM Crunk still isn't funny & the fag that made it has been worked into a seething tunnel-vision shoot thinking other anons are the same person
>breaking the rule you're complaing about others not following
I know I can ban evade tough...notice how I got dem posts deleted lol
Whitaker lookin real jacked baby
utterly based
Ryblack is just Bob Sapp.
>this poster count