Vince is a tyrant.

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>Lose some weight pal

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>lose weight
It's almost like Vince is an Yea Forumsie

based Vince exposing the FAT community

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He's right though

If you're gonna be fat ya gotta look like Show or Andre or Henry, the shoot World's Strongest Man--not like some fucking mark from the second row.

>Owens did flippy/flashy stuff in his match against Jericho at WM
>Vince didnt like it because Owens was a heel, so Vince was pissy at Owens and said some stuff including that
Saved ya a click.
BTW 6 months after Vince let Owens shoot headbutt him

>BTW 6 months after Vince let Owens shoot headbutt him

Wasn't even on camera. They just did it in the parking lot of a J.C Penny.

Heels don't get pops, Owens got pops for flashy flips.
Vince tried to make KO a good classic heel instead of heels who get cheered but his moves didn't reflect that.

>something that happened years ago and was noted back then is still news today
Wrestling "journalists" everyone

if this didnt motivate the fat lazy fuck to lose weight and look better nothing will

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>Jericho is the source

Geez, so the guy who is a mark for himself and anyone he thinks is loyal to his country, the guy who keeps feeding Meltzer, the guy who is on the same payroll as the person who consistently bitches about WWE and praises AEW as the downfall of WWE said something negative about a worker in WWE?

Hmm, I think Jericho might just be... being Jericho

Why can't heels be entertaining in the ring? The thing that should make crowds dislike them is them being assholes that you want to get beat up. Hating them as people but begrudgingly respecting their in-ring talent shouldn't be a negative.

Not liking any single match with a heel because they're boring as fuck in the ring like Miz or Bliss isn't a formula for success.

yea but this is WWE where no one is expected to put on good matches anyway

that's gotta suck since Kevin is such a E-drone that Vice is hero.
pretty funny

desu he just needs to have a more intimidating built, he could still be fat like Samoa Joe, Bray, Heavy Machinery and War Raiders who look more builtfat.

Vince is his hero.*

It could be but management has been telling him to lose weight since ROH. The dude clearly has problems with stress eating or glandular dysfunction. Cornette even had to write him off TV and continue paying out his contract to get him to go lose weight and he couldn't even handle that.

If I looked that way, just me looking at myself in the mirror, I would lose weight. I can't imagine going out on television and being okay with yourself looking that way.

>getting worked by a vintage Vinnie Mac pep talk
Did you think AJ Styles punching Vince after he slapped him was a shoot too?


Imagine if he’d said that to Nia Jax, who deserves to be told to lose weight as well.

Hopefully Kevin listens or he'll wind up like Chris Hero. He didn't want to go to the gym because he didn't want to be judged or some shit. And he didn't listen so he got fired.

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