Worst wrestling merchandise
Worst wrestling merchandise
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A Brock Lesnar anything ever.
I had the hardys ones as a kid and they were based. The regular hardys figures had obese legs and these had regular pants.
Fuck it, I'm posting the greatest unappreciated shit they made
Based hardcorechad. The only good wrestling is brawling and hardcore
ive always loved that soda machine.
this big bossman figure
oops forgot pic
I had both of these.
probably still in my parent's attic or something.
I used to have this. I loved pushing their heads into the toilet and making the swirling noises with the button
I think I had the whole set of these. Definitely remember a Jericho one with the hair sticking up and one with Bubba and Lita together.
Suck a dick faggot.
10 themes that would play corresponding to the figure you have by way of the metal part on their boot? Fucking amazing for a 20 dollar piece of plastic
You were probably one of those kids that was too poor for any Titan Tron Live figures and had to suck that BCA dick.
kek i appreciate this user
>no Maximum Sweat figures yet
Honestly morning/euro asp is the true jabroni time frame
My dumbass bought a fucking 10 dollar sock from a live event
The buried alive set was actually worth buying
100% carnied
>He didn't get two for the low low price of $25.99
I still have mine.
Arm fucking broke though.
>it was just a repainted version of The Patriot
The cape was nice though.
Broom broom!
The side scrolling mess where Stephanie is kidnapped.
>implying you wouldn't want a Vader on a stick
>1 tag team belt
I got this exact set with about 20 figures for one christmas. Booked my own territory and drew ALL the fuckin tendies.
Stone Cold killed Taker at Summer Sizzle for the title, but the deadman returned piloting a fucking helicopter to the ring and winning his title back at Thanksgiving Terror 2.
I bet those lived in quite a few trailers
mmmmm don't wanna mess with a chopper
I had this figure. It was fucking terrible and it looked too different to all my other WWF figures so I never played with it in the matches I did. This on the other hand was the shit.
based and redpilled
i have the chris benoit version of those figures
Can anyone explain why they Dragon Ball Z'ed his hair?
They're part of a series of figures where they're supposed to be "in action". This HHH comes in a set with Jericho and the "action" is him doing the pedigree, hence the hair going up.
if the figure does not have bone crunching action then it's automatically shit tier merch
first thing the hair reminded me of
I still have that in my attic
>Hi, I'm here for the job interview.
>Congrats, you got the job. In fact, you got my job. Also, please fuck my wife.
so thats what those metal bits on the feet did. i got this vince from my friend so i had no clue what they were
They made a pretty decent smackdown set too. You could switch titantron cards for different people
>How soon can you start?
>Poor people
>having the heat arena and not the based SD arena with the intro
What a fag
>booking an actual death in a match
BASED. Book RAM/SmackChad
Who else preferred those older rubbery figures over the hard plastic ones? Pic related was the first wrestling merch that I ever bought.
>Stone Cold killed Taker at Summer Sizzle for the title, but the deadman returned piloting a fucking helicopter to the ring and winning his title back at Thanksgiving Terror 2.
Based badass special forces lending a helicopter to the American Badass so he can win back the title and secure the yard.
Wayforward also did WCW Mayhem on GBC with the same artstyle.
Holy fuck, I bought two of these, I'm retarded. They jobbed to my dad's feet like a week later.
These figures looked like shit but the articulation meant you could actually do the moves the better looking figures were too stuff to do and they could take the best bumps.
I also loved the Hardy's real fabric pants you could take off, when they turned heel in my fed I had them wrestling in the trunks.
It was such a good idea, they just didn't even try on the faces.
And they cheaped out on pads
They were better to play with than early TTLs but looked goofy and had horrible likeness. Trunks on a lot of them looked like panties
Dude Lebowski on the right.
I had an Austin figure with that face. Nigga looked like Nosferatu.
>state of smackvirgin's ropes
always second rate huh
>*tame's an lion in you're path*
Anyone else have the R3 Teach series? They made an attempt to replicate the bodies of the wrestlers instead of using the same body molds, some worked well but a lot of them were really weird like Benoit.
>but a lot of them were really weird like Benoit.
Because Benoit had a really weird physique. T-Rex arms and too much muscle on his manlet frame.
holy fucking nostalgia bro i used to have that Benoit. The legs were so slim on the damn thing, and they made him miniscule so he looked tiny compared to other model figures.
I liked the Hardys ones because they looked more like them the fucking TTLs who were huge
Remember when Jakks deliberately tried to rip you off
I beat the fuck out of my cousin with the legs of one of these guys once, we'd always backyard wrestle and Jeff was our "foreign object" and one day I wanted the title belt earlier than agreed and turned the work into a shoot brother
Another weird line here, they were rubbery with a metal frame that didn't stay bent. I had Hurricane and chewed his fingers off.
True. But the Benoit was comically caricatured.
>The state of those bird like ankle areas
Christ, he looks like a malformed retard
So, exactly like Benoit?
Iron sheikh water pistol
I'm sure that was pretty bad, but I owned this pile of shit.
Quite possibly the most unnecessary toys in the history of toys.. Maximum SWEAT.
But by God, I couldn't wait to get that KANE and I had a couple more myself.
The Kane figure's mask was removable before he ever removed it on TV, it was cool at the time.
This was the superior removable mask Kane figure. I still remember how hyped I was that visit to toys r us
I'm about 97% sure I had this
Holy shit I had this as a kid and it had this edited version of vince's theme I haven't been able to find any where.
I heard about that as a kid, but I never saw it so for years I assumed it wasn't real.
If by old rubbery you mean the LJN figures instead of the faggy AE shit and later then yeah. The WWF and WCW hard plastic figures from the early 90s were still better in my personal opinion but it's probably more based on when you were a kid than anything.
Damn, who would have thought they gave us the REAL face of Glenn Jacobs.
I used to rub my penis on the chest of this Marlena figure.
About as a accurate as her "real" tits.
based anonchad giving her the hot glue
I wanted this so bad as a kid
These fucking things were pretty damn cool.
those were based
I got Sudden Threat for my birthday one year. Kane ended up killing Thrasher with a tombstone off the cage, dudes head snapped right off
These we're awesome, Bret fucking came with guns. I think they also had a weird line where you could change one wrestler into another.
>tfw no Rock/Tooth Fairy two pack.
And it was only one figure that came with a sting mask
How come they never made a Russo figure?
I had that one and I always wondered why the hell it came with a Sting mask.
sharing these sweet WCW figurines
They also made the best wrestling ring toy ever known, the Bash at the Beach ring playset. It actually floats in water.
That's based as fuck
I had that exact Kurt Angle one. Head popped off easily. Cheaply made.
>I always wondered why the hell it came with a Sting mask.
Because why not? It was late 90s WCW, after all.
It's for your Sting figure.
Did that come with the deluxe DEAN figure?
>AEW starter kit
What is the point of these
God forbid they try something new
How do I have no recollection of these and what the FUCK is going on with that Kane?
That motherfucker is about to fight the power rangers
>Playset really floats
I dont think these were ever released
It was never released, they came out later without the monster armor/with different acessories but still glow in the dark paint. Kane was also changed to his traditional red/black instead of the original purple/grey.
jesus christ that's based
Any other unreleased figure pictures out there?
Here's the Kane, he's seen some shit.
For some reason there a Ninja Turtle / WWE crossover
A bunch, it's a fun rabbit hole to go through.
Raph Sting is perfect. Maybe the bright spot of Sting's time with WWE.
Those are actually based. Reminds me of the Universal Monsters TMNT figures.
Lol, they actually dropped the money to make a Linda sculpt. Where can I find more?
He was there to witness 1992
They planned on releasing her multiple times. YouTube has a lot on the prototypes and unreleased shit
Just Google "Unreleased wrestling action figure" and go from there.
This was a cancelled three pack
This one was released.
Worked HARD
I find it intresting that a Kane figure is packaged with HHH's shovel
oh my fuck is that the god damn CATAPULT THING
these looks based I'm gonna try to find some
Goldberg looking very Village People there.
In the summer of 92
loved this game