The boys are back in town

The boys are back in town

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the S0YS are back in town

>If only you knew....

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The Cringe Boys.

How is a grown man shorter than Bryan Alvarez

new janny is an uppity faggot. g.raffe will show him his place

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basedboy weirdos, dave only gives good ratings because the young cucks acknowledge him

Bryan’s voice doesn’t match his ding-dong diddly face

Bryan, Dave & Filthy all in the same building.



Dave needs to pull out the based starter jacket

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>such a miserly jew he didn't give that thing to the Salvation Army in 1995

>not knowu starter jackets made a comeback


>59 years old
>25 year old Star Jacket
>those jeans

How does he do it?


bruh look at his nose... dude look at his pockmarked face. bruh look at those ears oh no no no. look at the top of his head!
look at those clothes hahahahahaha

Big dick energy


Look at your gaping wound


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boilin bois


>Sex with people who shall be left unnamed
Young boys

Bryan "I have to bury my colleagues because I'm an insecure manlet" Alvarez

wrestlemania is coming up, time for the lads to suckle at the teat of vince vinny mac mcmahon.
>wwe is so bad...mmmmf...oh god gimme that reneune....main event was terrible....sucksucksuck

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Misawa was so ashamed he had to keep on his mask. Meltzer was so impressed he gave him the most 5 star matches ever.

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their very existance works this brainlet board alone. thank you based meltz

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These men are payed to watch and talk about wrestling all while making people seethe over that fact. Much love to em.

does Dave rate his sex after his finishes?

>So uhhh, ya know it started off pretty hot but uhhh mid way it definitely slowed down a bit but uhhh the crowd was still really into it, the uhh finish definitely happened pretty out of nowhere but it was uhhh I’d say 4.25 stars

It amazes me how he can look so old and so young at the same time

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>I-I-I had sex
t. didn't have much sex


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Stuntin on these hoes

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Hello thegger.

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