ITT: Your most hyped matches of all time whether or not they lived up to your expectations
ITT: Your most hyped matches of all time whether or not they lived up to your expectations
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The Women's Main Event of Wrestlemania 35.
Hogan vs Warrior at Mania 6 tbqhwyf
bork vs BBAJ at survivor series 2017
Rock vs. Cena
It did
they had to try it 3 times to get it right
This and the mania after are 2 of the worst pieces of shit you will ever see.
Summerslam was good (not Rumble good though)
Don’t remember shit about the MITB match though.
It did
This was kino to bad there will probably never be a rematch
Literally my first mania and first WWE PPV
Guess I’ll be the weeb here
And yes, it did only because I wanted to see if they could really go for 60+ minutes
>Top 3
HBK vs HHH Summerslam 2002 - Fully lived up
Rock vs Cena WM 28 - Didn't really live up. Don't even re-watch the match anymore.
HBK vs HHH Hell in a Cell - Somewhat lived up
>Summerslam was good (not Rumble good though)
the only difference between them was the winner
the match was disappointing but the feud was the best wwe has had in years. not saying joe should have won but he should be one of the top wrestlers in the company right now seeing as he is solid in the ring, has a great and unique look, and is the best promo in the company
I still seethe about it
Same tbqh
Who wins a match makes a difference
I’ll add this one too while I’m at it
I hate being a Dean mark
Carder vs Carder and Owen vs Bret at the Summerslam
Its was my first 'mania main event
Austin vs triple H 3 stages of hell, and you can be damn sure it lived up to the expectations.
I was so fucking pumped for that show, it was my first ppv watching live.
Those carder vignettes all summer. Owen/Bret in the simplest story ever. Great shit.
This match blows anything in this thread out the water except maybe: The fued was probably the closest thing to perfection I've seen in wrestling in a LONG fucking time. If the match was better than 25, it would be remembered as the greatest match wwe ever produced.
How the fuck did their Greatest Royal Rumble Match manage to be their Best WWE Bout?
Imagine getting hyped for any of these no dimes shitters in the no dimes and draws era of WWE
I don’t care who is or isn’t a draw. I watch wrestling to be entertained not to study WWE’s quarterly profits.
Only "recent match" i gave a shit desu, felt bigger than everything around and still does
Also this fucking promo:
God this shit was good.
This is actually the only bright spot in the last couple years of WWE. The fact they got one last Brock/Taker program in 2015, and it actually felt big, is a miracle.
Sting vs Hogan 1997
Sting vs Taker
Steiner vs HHH
i was pretty stoked for Owens-Jericho after the festival of friendship... and the Ambrose-Jericho asylum match
Brock is legit the greatest thing they have going these days.
oh and Shane-Taker HIAC for control of RAW
Their SummerSlam match was great though
Unironically based
Goldberg/Brock 2
It was fucking great
I would have honestly forgiven every terrible thing about Cena had they not done a rematch and just let Rock hold that win over him
The first match and its buildup was great....then they fucked it up the next year
Mega hype for this
Unironically though Cena Vs Rock at WM I was excited for but it sucked. Didn't care about the rematch and that was really bad
You posted it and it did.
It didn't.
These two always disappoint.
Have to agree. They don't have chemistry.
>benoit mark
>wins the title in a triple threat at WM
yeah, it lived up.
dis was so nice
Oh fuck yeah it did
Sorry Cody but while you’re talking about Dimes Vince is talking about dollars. Billions of dollars. Billions of dollars.