

Attached: maharaja.jpg (1200x1200, 107K)


Jinder looked so good with the belt

No, its BASED

He wore nice suits and had a bad ass entrance. If only he could have feuded with better people.

The best 'world 'title run in recent years.
Vince needs to put the strap back on him ASAP desu.

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His reign was the best in the past five years. He needs another run bros

When do the photos of him pooing on the belt leak?

>Smackino died when Jinder got the belt

this, idk why they put him on the back burner. Same with Rusev


Bunch of contrarians or street shitters in this thread. Jinder was the point where WWE truly went off the fucking cliff. Fucker couldn’t get carried to half decent feuds by AJ Styles and Randy Orton and his finisher was getting two jobber lackeys to interfere. He drew so little dimes that the biggest fucking marks in India didn’t give a shit about him so they took the belt and had him give HHH a blowjob in the ring at a house show.


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Jinder's wrestling is tedious and basically only works for a heel character, but India largely believes kayfabe and is only interested in rooting for faces. This was part of the problem for Jinder's run, as he'd cut face promos in Punjabi and then run out and do clear heel things. After the novelty of an Indian champion wore off, Jinder got thrown to the wayside by Indian fans. This is aside from the fact that WWE's execution of the chickenshit heel character is incredibly annoying because they have too many canon wrestling matches between story events. A fan watching this shit eventually gets turned off by the clear idiocy of the challenging faces because they all fail to realize that the documented cheater will cheat every time.

A very mediocre performer but his look and reign was great and the Poo Pups were the best flunkies in recent history. I wish he was more of a solid midcarder on RAW.

Jinder has been booked horrible since losing the belt. I hope he and the Bollywood Boys sign with AEW

When he was in the US Title picture and won at Mania it was fine. As soon as he got shipped to RAM it was over. A tale as old as time.

The problem with him is he's too shit to be in the main event, but if you bump him down the card you immediately take away all of the credibility about everything you were doing with em. The best they could do with him was keep him as like a US champ for a year.

Exactly. Imagine if Sheamus had been dropped down to jobbing on Main Event after his first reign. Not everyone can stay in the main event, but you can't save face when you push someone too hard and then they return to the status quo six months later. Its admitting failure.

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If I didnt know anything about wrestling but flipped over and saw this I'd start throwing dimes at my TV. Looks way more legitimate than modern numales like Colby.

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Unholy crazy

>we lost 2016 Smackkino for this
Why bros, India is not even a good market because they are all poor

>I love a crowd!

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I miss those days.

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this look is undeniably dimes


Jinder as champ was pure kino